Military Technology

Chapter 2002: Big deal

As the time for the first manned launch of Walker 4 has been determined, news about this has attracted everyone's attention. You know, this is the first civilian manned spacecraft launch in China, which is of great significance.

So it's being watched closely from top to bottom. There was even speculation about who would be responsible for the first flight of the spacecraft.

Compared with the seriousness of official launch missions, the topic of civilian spacecraft is relatively relaxed, and everyone's discussion is naturally more heated.

It is precisely because the attention is so high that this ruthlessness has brought a lot of pressure to them. For this reason, Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming led a team to the South China Sea early in the morning to do it themselves.

Although the previous three launch missions were successful, they were unmanned launches and were very different from this one. This is a manned launch, so there is no room for mistakes. So the entire Haoyu Aerospace seemed so nervous from top to bottom.

Wu Hao naturally understood this, but there was nothing he could do about it. This was a threshold, just like students who were about to enter the college entrance examination. They had to face it. Nervousness and fear were inevitable. Just cross it.

If he comforts them too much, it will increase the pressure on their shoulders. Rather than doing this, he might as well not comfort her, or even show up more, or ask questions. In this way, it can also make them feel a little more relaxed, and it can also be a kind of affirmation and support for their work.

Of course, as the first manned launch mission, we must pay attention to what should be paid attention to. For example, Wu Hao will go to watch the entire launch mission in person, and will also attend the astronauts' departure ceremony, etc.

There is still more than a week before the launch, so Wu Hao is in no hurry to go. Going too early would also put pressure on the preparation team, so he waited until the end. Don’t say anything when you go, just watch.

After a busy morning, Wu Hao finally finished processing the pile of documents on the table. Although the company advocates paperless office, it has basically achieved paperless office. However, there are some documents that still require paper documents, including some important contracts and agreements, and other accounts that need to be backed up and archived, many of which require his review and signature.

After calling Shen Ning to come in and move the documents, Wu Hao breathed a sigh of relief, stood up, picked up the water glass, and walked to the huge floor-to-ceiling window in the rest area, looking into the distance and overlooking the scenery of the entire park.

Just after looking around for a while, I heard the door ring and saw Zhang Jun walking in from outside. In fact, Wu Hao knew it was this guy without turning around. Apart from him, Zou Xiaodong, Yang Fan, and Lin Wei, who would come in directly without going through the secretariat.

At this time, Lin Wei would definitely not be able to come over at Micro Media. Zou Xiaodong and his team are busy working on the project and should not be back yet. As for Yang Fan, he should be hiding in the laboratory at the moment and will not come out easily.

Then don't think about it, it must be Zhang Jun.

Seeing Wu Hao standing in front of the window, Zhang Jun walked to the refrigerator with a smile on his face, took out a bottle of water, and then walked to the rest area and sat down.

Looking at the smile on this guy's face, Wu Hao asked with a smile: "Why are you so happy that you ate bee shit?"

Get out of here, you're the one eating shit. Zhang Jun cursed, and then said excitedly to him: "We and Photosynthesis have won the second-generation super smart manufacturing factory project."

real? Wu Hao was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "What is the final price?"

315 million, which is about 200 million less than we expected. Zhang Jun felt a little bit of pain as he spoke, but a joyful smile still hung on his face.

Hearing this price, the smile on Wu Hao's face became even brighter. He immediately nodded and said, "Although this price is 200 million less than what we expected, it is 1.5 billion higher than the bottom line we imagined." , I originally thought that the other party would lower the price to an integer of 3 billion, but I didn’t expect that you actually managed to get 1.5 billion more, which is amazing.”

Haha, after hearing Wu Hao's praise, Zhang Jun smiled and waved his hand and said: "Actually, we haven't put in much effort here, mainly because our technology is so popular. Major foundry companies, including some Internet companies, Companies are coming here, so Photosynthesis is more eager to sign a contract with us."

Wu Hao nodded when he heard this. Indeed, a large number of companies have recently come to the door and want to discuss cooperation with them. Photosynthesis is one of these companies. Of course, compared to other companies, Photosynthesis should be considered a relatively large OEM company. Although it is still inferior to the leaders in this industry, it is still at the forefront of the OEM industry.

The reason why Photosynthesis is so eager to finalize cooperation with them this time is mainly because it feels an unprecedented sense of crisis. On the one hand, it is indeed related to the labor shortage in recent years and the resulting rising labor costs. On the other hand, it is the pressure from peers. For example, Beverly, the leader in the network transmission OEM industry, has sent a large business cooperation team to Anxi to conduct relevant business cooperation negotiations with Wu Hao and others. In addition, the boss Wu Hao mentioned before and other small and medium-sized OEM companies are chasing after them, which also puts them under tremendous pressure.

It is precisely for these many reasons that Photosynthesis is so anxious to finalize the contract this time.

Thinking of this, Wu Hao asked Zhang Jun: "Do they have any conditions?"

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun also put away his smile and nodded: "They did put forward conditions, hoping that we can give priority to helping them build four second-generation super smart manufacturing factories, and give priority to their eight foundries. Technological upgrading and transformation will enable it to reach the technical level of a generation of super smart manufacturing factories.”

Wu Hao shook his head slightly when he heard this: "There are too many orders now, and our staff is limited. I'm afraid we can't take care of so many projects at the same time. Didn't you tell them?"

I told you, but the other party only asked for this, otherwise they would not be willing to sign the contract. After Zhang Jun finished his answer, he immediately said to Wu Hao: "That's what I think. Don't we have two second-generation super smart manufacturing factories? Can we supply the equipment in these two factories to photosynthesis first?" These two factories can be freed up to prepare our third-generation super smart factory technology."

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao thought about it. They did have two second-generation super smart manufacturing factories, but these two factories were still running. What would happen to their production if they sold the equipment to the other party.

However, this problem is not too big. Wu Hao thought for a while and then asked Zhang Jun: "This is second-hand equipment, they agree."

Of course I agreed. They even proposed to directly acquire these two factories, but I rejected them. Zhang Jun said with a smile.

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