Military Technology

Chapter 2005 A project that brings both fame and fortune

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao showed a smile on his face.

"Yes, we can set up a special support fund for small and medium-sized production enterprises to provide relevant support to these enterprises.

Regarding this aspect, you can talk to the relevant departments. They also have relevant support and subsidy policies for these small and medium-sized enterprises. In this way, it can further stimulate the enthusiasm of these small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused briefly, and then continued: "The biggest obstacle to the development of small and medium-sized production enterprises is the lack of funds, lack of resources, and lack of markets.

The most important of these is funding, which has become an obstacle to their development.

Compared with large manufacturing enterprises, these small and medium-sized enterprises face more serious difficulties. They are thinner and unable to compete with larger players in every aspect.

There is no way to compete in the market, no way to compete for labor, and no way to compete for resources.

Facing the cold winter, large manufacturing companies have a strong foundation and can gradually survive it through various methods, but these small and medium-sized enterprises have a hard time surviving it.

In fact, most of the closed and bankrupt production factories on the southeast coast are small and medium-sized production factories of this type. This is the focus of our attention. "

But as you said, they have no money. Even if one of our super smart manufacturing factories is a first-generation technology, it will cost at least tens of millions or hundreds of millions, and more ordinary ones will cost hundreds of millions. These small and medium-sized factories are facing difficulties, and it may be difficult to come up with this part of the funds. ah. Zhang Jun expressed his worries.

Wu Hao nodded slightly when he heard this and said: "You are right, their biggest problem now is lack of money.

So we have to start from this aspect and see how we can help them.

For most medium-sized manufacturing companies, there should be no problem in building a new first-generation super smart manufacturing factory. Therefore, for these enterprises, we still promote the second-generation super smart factory technology, but the main focus is still on the marketing of the first-generation super smart factory.

Although these companies have money, few of them spend so much money at once to upgrade second-generation super smart manufacturing factories in one step. For them, this is too risky. Therefore, their goal should still be the first generation of super intelligent manufacturing factories.

As for small manufacturing companies, they also focus on promoting a generation of super smart factory technology. However, none of these small manufacturing companies may be able to spend so much money at once.

Therefore, we can focus on upgrading and transformation projects, and carry out intelligent, unmanned and automated transformation and upgrading of their original manufacturing equipment. This is relatively cheaper and more acceptable to these small manufacturing companies.

In addition, we can also split and sell each production equipment in the assembly line in our first-generation super smart manufacturing factory. "

Sell ​​in pieces? Zhang Jun said with confusion on his face when he heard this.

Yes, Wu Hao nodded: "If we ask them to spend so much money to buy the entire super smart manufacturing factory at once, they will definitely not be able to afford it. In this case, then we can definitely split the super smart manufacturing factory into several parts, let them purchase and install them in batches and upgrade them step by step.

In this way, wouldn't they be able to afford it? "


But, yes, is this okay? Zhang Jun opened his mouth. Wu Hao's idea was indeed beyond his imagination.

Why not? We just need to do a good job in connecting our production equipment with the factory's original production equipment. This aspect is very simple. Wu Hao said with a smile.

All right. Zhang Jun nodded when he heard this, but he obviously hadn't digested this yet.

Wu Hao glanced at him, and then continued: "Secondly, we need to cooperate with relevant departments, local governments, and banks to see if we can help these companies apply for supportive loans from banks, which can also increase their Buying motivation.

To put it bluntly, these measures are just to expand the market and increase orders. How to do it specifically depends on your actual situation. "

I see. After Zhang Jun heard what he said, he nodded in agreement.

Wu Hao glanced at Zhang Jun and said with a smile: "Don't underestimate this market. This is a market worth hundreds of billions. If it is done well, the profit will be much more than that of Fukang's large manufacturing factory.

Secondly, this is also our social responsibility, and we still have to bear what we should bear. If we do this well, we will not only be able to expand our influence in the industry and strive for a greater voice, but also be recognized by the country and society, which is very important.

The reason why we run a business is not only for money, but also for fame.

With this project, we can gain both fame and profit. It can be said that we gain both fame and fortune. This opportunity is rare. "

"I know, I will definitely pay attention to this aspect. I will organize relevant meetings and arrange relevant work when I get back." Zhang Jun nodded in agreement.

Wu Hao smiled when he saw this, then picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea, then handed it to Zhang Jun and said, "Drink tea!"

"Forget it, I can't get used to this tea, but the drink is more palatable." Zhang Jun said as he stood up and walked to the refrigerator, took out a can of functional drink, opened it, walked to the window and looked at the scenery outside. : "According to what you just said, I am a little worried about our production capacity.

Now these manufacturing companies are eager to rush for orders. Our production capacity is limited. Even if the factory operates 24 hours a day, it will definitely not be able to meet the needs of the other party. Moreover, many components of these production equipment are also provided by other manufacturing companies. Whether their production capacity can keep up is also a question.

In addition, we only have a few engineering and technical teams that are running around almost all year round, basically one project after another, without any chance to breathe. Even so, I still can't cope with it.

Now that so many orders have been added, it is already difficult for just such a few engineering and technical teams to cope with it. "

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao shook his head slightly and said: "You don't have to worry about production capacity. I have asked Dongzi (Zou Xiaodong) to go to various suppliers. Judging from the feedback he sent back, there should be a problem. Not big.

As for us, I plan to activate the third-generation super smart manufacturing factory in our northern factory area, so the production capacity should be sufficient. "

"But isn't this super smart manufacturing factory used to produce our consumer-grade digital products?" Zhang Jun asked hurriedly, and then worried: "Including the two second-generation super smart manufacturing factories that we agreed to sell photosynthetically, We don’t have many super manufacturing plants under our umbrella.”

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