Military Technology

Chapter 2006 Don’t judge a hero based on his age

"But isn't this super smart manufacturing factory used to produce our consumer-grade digital products?" Zhang Jun asked hurriedly, and then worried: "In addition to the two second-generation super smart manufacturing factories that we agreed to sell photosynthetically, We don’t have many super manufacturing plants under our umbrella.”

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "Currently, our consumer digital products area is stable, so that's what I think, and we will hand over some orders to other companies that use our super smart manufacturing factory technology. OEM companies will produce it, so that we can free up production capacity to produce related equipment products."

Hearing Wu Hao's answer, Zhang Jun nodded slightly: "This is feasible, but now major manufacturers are scrambling for production capacity. Can we grab it, and at this price."

Don’t worry, as long as they still want to cooperate with us and continue to have a good relationship with us, they will not reject us. As for the price, if it’s more expensive, it’s more expensive, and you won’t be able to let the child off the hook.

If you want to make big money, you still have to spend this little money. Wu Hao said with a smile.

Seeing Zhang Jun nod and say nothing, Wu Hao continued: "As for manpower, our manpower in this area is indeed tight at the moment.

I am like this. First, I will transfer a group of people from other scientific research and technology departments to participate in these projects. Don’t have too many people, just keep it to around 300 people.

Let this group of people first follow our existing engineering and technical service teams to conduct relevant learning in batches. Basically, after one project, everyone will be able to get familiar with it.

Then we will disrupt these engineering and technical service teams with these people, and then reorganize ten engineering and technical teams, so that we can meet the needs of these existing orders.

When the order is almost consumed, these people will be sent back to the original department based on the actual situation. "

Three hundred people! Zhang Jun thought for a while and then said: "It's not much, but I'm worried that removing these people will affect the progress of our existing projects, which is not worth the gain.

Otherwise, we can select fewer people, and we can select the rest from the company's intern training personnel, so there won't be any problems.

And since graduation season is coming soon, we can definitely recruit some specialized talents from outside to put them to use first. If they are no longer needed at that time, they can be transferred to other project teams, and this work experience is also a kind of exercise for them. If you don't want to, you can be fired. "

"Okay, just follow what you said." Wu Hao nodded and responded. I have to say that Zhang Jun thought more comprehensively.

That's settled then. Zhang Jun smiled and high-fived.

Wu Hao nodded: "Let's leave it like this for now. After selling those two super smart manufacturing factories, we have to hurry up and build them. We can't delay the launch of our new consumer-grade digital products."

"You still have to supervise this aspect in person. I have a lot of things on my hands right now. I'm exhausted just dealing with the various requests for cooperation that come to my door every day." Zhang Jun walked to Wu Hao again. The guy sitting opposite me said with a tired look on his face.

Thanks for your hard work, leave these things to me. Wu Hao looked at Zhang Jun with a look of help on his face and said, "How about I bring Tong Juan back from Europe to help you for a few days."

Forget it, Zhang Jun shook his head after hearing this: "The burden on her shoulders is no lighter than mine, so I'd better not trouble her. I can handle it myself."

Well, seeing Zhang Jun say this, Wu Hao didn't continue to force himself. He poured himself a cup of tea, then picked up the tea cup and took a sip, and then said: "Tong Juan has been in Europe for a while, and it should not be long before she comes back. It's not that big of a deal there." the meaning of."

Seeing what Wu Hao said, Zhang Jun smiled slightly and said: "That's right, I don't know how long it will take to get rid of that pile of rubbish, and it's not a problem to let her waste it there all the time.

Hasn't your secretary Zhang Xiaolei been following Tong Juan? I heard that she has good abilities. It should be no problem to let her take over Tong Juan's affairs there. "

She is too young. Wu Hao shook his head slightly.

Young, aren't we young? Heroes are not judged based on their age. Those who are capable will be promoted, and those who are incompetent will be demoted. Isn't this the corporate culture we have always adhered to? Why, it won't apply to you. Zhang Jun smiled at him and joked.

Although it was a joke, Wu Hao also understood the meaning of Zhang Jun's words, and then shook his head slightly: "She walked out of my office. Everyone knows that she was trained by me, so her every move is prepared. Attention.

I'm not afraid of her making mistakes, and I'm not worried about her making mistakes that will implicate me or affect my reputation. I don't care about any of this.

What I worry about is that others will think that we are seeking selfishness because she was promoted too quickly, which will affect the fairness of opportunities within the company. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun shook his head: "This is not like you, we can just do our own thing well, why care about what others think.

Besides, I have seen Zhang Xiaolei’s abilities before. Her success today is not all because of you. Don't worry, if you forcefully suppress her because of this matter, it will be unfair to her. "

Wu Hao nodded slightly, then sighed and said: "When Tong Juan comes back, I will listen to her opinion first."

There's definitely nothing wrong with her. Zhang Jun said confidently now.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head, then looked at Zhang Jun and said, "I'm going to the South China Sea in a few days, will you go?"

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun reacted immediately, and then said happily to Wu Hao: "Are you going to participate in our first manned spacecraft launch mission?"

Well, Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "This is the first manned launch of our Walker spacecraft, so I have to show up. In addition, I also have to sit in command, visit and encourage everyone."

It's time to go. Zhang Jun nodded: "There is a big difference between a manned launch and an unmanned launch. This is a hurdle. I believe that Yu Chengwu and the others must be under a lot of pressure now."

Well, that’s why I waited until the day before the launch to avoid affecting their work too early and bringing unnecessary pressure to them. Wu Hao said with a smile.

I want to go too. Zhang Jun nodded with a longing look in his eyes.

If you want to go, just go, no one is stopping you. Wu Hao said with a smile.

Zhang Jun shook his head slightly: "I would like to go, but I have such a large amount of work on hand that I can't leave. Not to mention there are a bunch of people waiting to meet and negotiate with us.

If you're not here, I can't leave too. The company doesn't even have anyone to talk to.

Next time, I'll go there next time, I won't have a chance this time. "

Seeing the regretful expression on Zhang Jun's face, Wu Hao nodded and said: "Then next time, next time you go, I will guard you in the company."

Haha... Zhang Jun smiled when he heard this, then raised the functional drink in his hand and drank it.

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