Military Technology

Chapter 2027 A woman is born to be a “painter”

Wu Hao opened his eyes. It was already bright and the sun was shining through the gaps in the curtains outside.

Beside him, Lin Wei was sleeping sweetly on his side, holding him with one hand, revealing her white and delicate skin. The quilt was covering her body diagonally, and most of her long legs were already exposed.

Glancing at Lin Wei, who still had a rosy face next to him, Wu Hao gently moved away the slender jade hand on his body, and then stood up gently. However, this still woke up Lin Wei. She leaned closer to the quilt and said vaguely: "Why don't you sleep more."

Wu Hao bent down, gave Lin Wei a peck on the face, and then said softly: "You go on sleeping, I'll go get someone to prepare breakfast, and I'll call you."

Well, Lin Wei hummed, and then fell asleep.

Wu Hao got up and walked into the bathroom. He took a comfortable shower and put on clean clothes. Then he came to the living room and called the hotel's personal butler. Wu Hao then came to the terrace, and then looked at the vast sea in front of him, and couldn't help but stretch.

At this moment, it was almost noon. The indulgence last night made the two of them fall into a deep sleep from exhaustion, and they slept till now without realizing it. It has been a long time since they have been so indulgent. When life has become a habit, passion will disappear with the development of habits and become commonplace and taken for granted.

This requires external stimulation. Sometimes a trip or an emotional dinner can radiate this passion, allowing two people in love to find the feeling they once had.

Yes, last night, they found that feeling.

Although Wu Hao's waist was slightly sore at this moment, he was in good spirits.

On the beach in front of the hotel below, there are already many dressed tourists, playing together in twos and threes, or swimming in the tide.

Hearing the voice from behind, Wu Hao turned his head, and Lin Wei walked out in a white hotel bathrobe, revealing her white feet and red toenails, which made her even more attractive.

Why don't you sleep a little longer. Wu Hao smiled.

I can't sleep without you. Lin Wei hugged Wu Hao from behind, put her head on his back and said softly and coquettishly. At this moment, Lin Wei no longer looked like the cold and domineering female CEO she usually was. Instead, she became more feminine and more like a lovable girl.

Wu Hao patted her with his back, then hugged her to his side, then looked at the tourists playing below and said with a smile: "Do you want to go down?"

Lin Wei looked at the various tourists on the beach below. Although she was a little moved, she still shook her head: "Forget it, there are too many people, it is inconvenient for us to go."

Wu Hao nodded when he heard this. Indeed, with their reputation, they would be easily recognized if they went down. Once recognized, it will probably be difficult to escape. To make matters worse, the Internet was soon filled with news about them. Then he thought about it and said, "Would you like to find a private beach?"

Lin Wei shook her head when she heard what he said: "It's too late. Let's do it next time. The community where our two houses are located also has a private beach. Let's wait until the next time we come to stay."

Hearing what Lin Wei said, Wu Hao couldn't force himself, so he immediately changed the subject and said, "Where are we going to play today?"

Let's take a stroll. We have to get to the launch site in the afternoon. We can't go back too late. Lin Wei sighed. It can be heard that her tone is full of regret and pity.

Wu Hao hugged Lin Wei tightly, and then said softly: "I'm sorry, I will definitely make time to spend time with you in the future."

What can I say, you can play anytime, work is important. Lin Wei comforted him, then took his hand and said, "Let's go, breakfast is ready."

Lin Wei took Wu Hao's hand and came to the restaurant, where several chefs and waiters were placing breakfast on the table.

The breakfast provided by the hotel is very rich, with both Chinese and Western food, including preserved egg, lean meat and seafood porridge, coconut rice, refreshing and other Chinese food, as well as Western food such as bacon, bread, salad and sausage.

Wu Hao and Lin Wei chose the Chinese breakfast with local characteristics in perfect agreement. It must be said that it was very flavorful. Whether it is refreshing tonic, preserved egg, lean meat and seafood porridge, or coconut rice, they all received high praise from them.

Finally, Wu Hao and Lin Wei took a photo with these chefs and waiters as if they were relatives. In fact, if they can meet such a small request, they will try their best to meet it. This is nothing to lose for them, and it can satisfy the other party's wish, so why not do it. Besides, when people ask you to take a photo, they are acknowledging that they like you, so why do you have the heart to refuse?

After breakfast, Lin Wei started to put on makeup. Women's makeup is a very troublesome thing. They can apply dozens of different cosmetics to their faces and choose the one they are satisfied with among dozens of lipsticks and foundations.

Sometimes, Wu Haodu sighed, it seems that makeup is really a talent that women are born with, and they don't need to be taught. Maybe this woman is born to be a painter, but this canvas is more special.

After spending more than half an hour dressing up, Lin Wei finally popped out a red dress from several large boxes she carried with her. Compared to the burgundy long dress last night, the color of this short dress is a little more orange-red. In Lin Wei's words, this is the most popular coral orange nowadays.

It is said that this was originally a color designed by mobile phone manufacturers, but was later adopted by many fashion designers and used on high-end customized clothing everywhere.

Lin Wei's clothes are all privately customized brands. Many of them are from fashion weeks and redesigned and customized by designers according to Lin Wei's relevant requirements. Each piece is unique.

In Lin Wei's words, as the head of a media company that leads the trend of generations, her own influence also represents the image of the entire company to a certain extent, so she must pay special attention to it.

This statement makes a lot of sense and is a bit righteous. Those who didn't know, thought she really sacrificed something for the company and career.

But only Wu Hao knew that this was just a little hobby of Lin Wei, or a common hobby of women, which was to wear nice clothes. Therefore, she likes to pay attention to various fashion weeks, especially some major fashion week conferences. She pays special attention to them.

Every time Wu Hao complained, Lin Wei retorted, why is the men's football team so bad, but you still enjoy watching it when there is Bicai? Only you men are allowed to have hobbies, but us women are not allowed to have hobbies.

Wu Hao was speechless and smiled bitterly. Who can understand the sadness of being a football fan? As long as the men's football team is up to par, as fans, they will not be laughed at everywhere.

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