Military Technology

Chapter 2028 Manned launch, former

In fact, Wu Hao and Lin Wei didn't go anywhere, they just walked around nearby. After all, they had to go back to the launch site in the afternoon.

They did not deliberately look for tourist attractions, but specially selected some places with good reputations among locals and unique charm. As for the so-called tourist attractions that are over-exploited, they don't go there much.

Although they were just on a private trip this time, they received very good reception everywhere they went. Basically, the person in charge of the scenic spot came to greet them and personally accompanied them on the trip.

This kind of special care must be a mixed blessing for them. With these people accompanying them, they are obviously uncomfortable and cannot completely relax. On the plus side, with the company of these people, they can visit some places that are not open to the public, and they can also learn a lot of things that tourists don't know.

So after visiting a few scenic spots, they were unwilling to go and just wandered around casually.

The happy time is always short. Before the two of them had enough fun, the sun had already passed over their heads.

After looking at the time, Wu Hao showed a helpless expression towards Lin Wei. Lin Wei smiled and expressed understanding.

However, the two of them did not go back directly because they were both a little hungry after playing for a day, so they found a local restaurant with unique characteristics and went in. This restaurant doesn't come very often to tourists and is mostly visited by locals. Suddenly so many people came in, which obviously made the boss a little panicked.

However, he soon recognized Wu Hao and Lin Wei after being reminded by others, and then warmly entertained them.

What about coconut chicken, Li bamboo tube rice, Wenchang chicken, Hele crab and so on. The two of them had a meal together, and also tasted the more authentic local Nanhai delicacies. In fact, this very authentic taste of local food may not necessarily cater to tourists. Therefore, in order to cater to the taste needs of tourists, many restaurants have made some improvements. The improved taste may not be worse than the original one. As long as tourists think so, it is just that some locals think it is unauthentic.

This phenomenon actually occurs everywhere. In order to cater to the needs of tourists, many places have improved these local traditional delicacies specifically to entertain tourists. However, this improvement has been criticized and resisted by local people, who believe that it is corrupting tradition. As everyone knows, authentic local food may not necessarily be loved by tourists. If tourists were interested in it, there wouldn’t be so many improved delicacies.

After finishing their meal, Wu Hao and Lin Wei took a photo with the restaurant owner and waiters as usual, then said goodbye and left, returning directly to the launch site.

As for their luggage in the hotel, they had already been returned to the guest house at the launch site by the accompanying staff.

When we returned to the Nanhai launch site, the entire launch site was already on the verge of war. Although there are still about ten hours before the launch, there is already a sense of nervousness permeating the launch site.

Compared to the strict access control and interrogation required for others to enter, Wu Hao and the others did not spend much effort in entering. After verifying their identities, Jingwei personnel immediately gave them permission and entered the launch site unimpeded.

After returning to the guest house and taking a short rest, Wu Hao changed into more formal clothes and prepared to go to the launch command and control center. Lin Wei stayed at the guest house. Couldn't she enter the launch command and control center with Wu Hao? She could only sit in the auditorium with many guests. But it's still early, and they won't go until the launch is about to take place. There will be dedicated staff arrangements at that time, so she doesn't need to worry about it. Gu Hao

Putting on his work ID, Wu Hao led several people into the command and control center.

At this moment, the entire command and control center was filled with a tense atmosphere. Because it was a manned launch, Wu Hao could feel the seriousness, concentration, and unprecedented seriousness on the faces of both the staff at the launch site and Wu Hao's rocket and spacecraft technicians.

Seeing Wu Hao come in, Yu Chengwu, Gao Jinguang and the others immediately stood up and prepared to come towards him to say hello, but Wu Hao stopped him and signaled them to continue working. As for Wu Hao, he came to take a seat at the leadership table.

Because it was a civilian launch mission, the people who presided over the launch this time were Wu Hao and Director Zhou Chengfang, the leader of the astronaut management department, in addition to Gao Jinguang, the person in charge of the launch site.

At this moment, Gao Jinguang was busy with various preparations before the launch. As for Zhou Chengfang, Wu Hao inquired and went to Feitian Pavilion in person to prepare various preparations for the astronauts before the expedition.

In fact, there are still variables in the selection of astronauts until the last minute. Because an astronaut's slightest reaction may disqualify him from flying and give way to a backup astronaut.

Therefore, the more we are at this last moment, the more we must pay attention. So even though he had already experienced twenty or thirty launch missions, Zhou Chengfang still felt uneasy and chose to take charge personally.

So at this moment, Wu Hao was the only one sitting at the leadership table of the launch command and control center, which made him a little bored. There was no one around him to talk to.

Various data information is displayed on the large screen. But what attracts the most attention is naturally the launch tower and rocket figures in the huge video window on one side.

At this moment, the two rotating platforms below have been opened, revealing the first stage body of the rocket. Different from other liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen cryogenic rockets, Wu Hao's launch vehicle uses semi-solid foamed propellant. Although this propellant is also liquid, it will become semi-solid when pressurized and remain Normal temperature state. Therefore, the rocket will not emit any air-conditioning white smoke or anything.

It is also because it uses this semi-solid foamed propellant, so the fuel filling can be carried out in advance, and the fuel filling work has been completed as early as during the day. Unlike other conventional rockets, fueling can only be done a few hours before launch.

There are still eight or nine hours before the launch. The launch was carried out at five o'clock in the morning. It is only eight or nine o'clock in the evening, which is still early. So Wu Hao doesn't plan to stay here forever. In fact, he plans to stay here for a while and then go back to sleep first.

Of course, he couldn't sleep until the launch and then come to watch the launch. Because there will be a departure ceremony for the astronauts two hours before the launch, and as the main person in charge, he will also be present to preside over it.

This is also one of the main tasks of his visit to the Nanhai launch site. As the owner of the spacecraft and rocket, Wu Hao must come and personally see the astronauts off.

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