Military Technology

Chapter 2037 The beauty of adulthood

The meals prepared for Yuan Zifeng this time were also carefully prepared for him. In fact, there are many such flavored meals, and Yuan Zifeng can choose some foods according to his own preferences.

How about the view of space? Wu Hao asked with a smile.

Very magnificent. As he said this, he picked up the lens of a hand-held camera, then climbed up a little, and soon glided to the front of the hanging window. He pointed the lens at the space scenery outside the hanging window and said: "Although we have seen countless space scenes. Photos and videos of the scenery, and I have also heard many senior colleagues tell us that the space scenery is magnificent in many ways. Although I was prepared in my heart, when I actually saw this magnificent sky scenery with my own eyes, looking down at the entire earth from space , and then I felt that no amount of adjectives could describe what I was feeling at this moment.

Space is so beautiful, and the earth is so beautiful. It's hard to imagine that we actually live on such a planet. It is even more difficult to imagine that such a planet can actually give birth to life and civilization. "

Following the lens of the first camera, everyone also saw the space scenery outside the hanging window. At this moment, the spacecraft was about to leave the night hemisphere, so bright sunlight appeared on the arc of the earth in the distance, and below was the blue ocean, with floating stars above. With some clouds, the outline of the continent, including some large mountains and rivers, can also be seen clearly.

Enjoy your exclusive space journey, I'll be waiting for your triumphant return in Anxi. Wu Hao said with a smile.

Thank you, Mr. Wu, I will complete this flight mission with quality and quantity, and will never let down the organization and Mr. Wu for your concern and support for me. Yuan Zifeng returned to the fixed camera and said seriously.

Wu Hao nodded slightly and immediately ended the call between heaven and earth.

Then he turned to Gao Jinguang and said: "Director Gao, thank you for your strong support for our work. You have worked hard during this period. We are going back to Anxi today. When are you free to visit Anxi? I ​​will host and we can have a good gathering. Get together."

Haha, these are what we should do. Gao Jinguang smiled and shook hands with Wu Hao, and then asked him: "Why, don't you want to play in Nanhai for a few more days? You are so anxious to go back."

Haha, I think so, but there is still a lot of work waiting for me over there. In addition, although our spacecraft was successfully launched this time, the spacecraft and people are still on it. If he doesn't come back for a day, my heart will not be able to let go. Even if I had time to stay and play here, I wouldn’t be able to play at ease. When I have the opportunity, I will arrange to do all my work and come to Nanhai to spend some time. Wu Hao said with a smile.

Likewise, Gao Jinguang nodded and said: "Our line of work is the most important, and we also have to prepare for the next launch mission. This year's launch missions are relatively intensive, and we haven't had a break for a long time."

Thanks for your hard work. Wu Hao comforted him, and then said to Zhou Chengfang on the side: "Director Zhou, are you going to Anxi with us, or are you going back to the capital."

Zhou Chengfang shook his head: "I won't go to Anxi. I have to rush back to the capital. There are still a lot of things waiting for me there. Don't worry, I will definitely do what I promised you, but it will take time. .”

Thank you, Director Zhou. Wu Hao thanked him, then looked at Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming beside him and said: "You two, get ready, we will go to Anxi today.

On the Chengwu side, if you stop in Anxi for a while, you will immediately go to the landing site and take charge of the return capsule return landing and recovery search and rescue work there. In addition, you also have a mission, which is to welcome the astronauts’ triumphant return on my behalf. "


clear. Yu Chengwu nodded in response.

Xiang Ming, you are still sitting in the Xinyuehu command and control center. You must do a good job in detecting and controlling the spacecraft to ensure the safety of the spacecraft and astronauts. Wu Hao turned to Zhou Xiangming and ordered.

yes. Zhou Xiangming nodded cleanly.

Obviously, this is also their work plan that they have made in advance. The reason why Wu Hao is repeating it now is to emphasize the work tasks and make the two of them pay attention, which can be regarded as a knock on the two. On the other hand, I also want to tell Gao Jinguang and Zhou Chengfang about their upcoming work arrangements so that they know what they have in mind.

"Pack up and take the charter flight back to Anxi in the afternoon." Wu Hao ordered the two of them.

Although they call this trip a special plane, their Gulfstream 550 can only accommodate twenty or thirty people at most, and can only carry Wu Hao, Lin Wei and some of their entourage. As for Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming, their rocket and spacecraft system team members would definitely not be able to sit down, so Wu Hao and the others prepared a special plane for these people to pick up and drop off.

Of course, not everyone will go on this trip, and some people will be left behind to deal with the aftermath.

For example, the first-stage rocket body after the successful launch last night has been transported to the port. The first-stage rocket body will also be hoisted and transported to their factory in the South China Sea for maintenance and storage, waiting for the next mission.

Yes, Haoyu Aerospace has also established a rocket maintenance and repair factory in the South China Sea, not far from the launch site. The main task of this factory is to repair and maintain the recovered first-stage rocket bodies, fairings and other equipment, and it also serves as a temporary storage center for storing them from Jiangcheng to Anxi, and even Related aerospace equipment products shipped from the Northwest R\u0026D Center.

After all these instructions, Wu Hao, Gao Jinguang, Zhou Chengfang and the others took their leave. They still have their own work to be busy with, and Wu Hao doesn't want to disturb them too much. Of course the same goes for Wu Hao, although he doesn't have any important work.

One of the relatively important tasks is to meet Yuan Zifeng's family, wife and children. In fact, it is just to meet and comfort each other. In fact, the family members were present during the entire launch process. Compared with the anxiety before the launch, they are much better now. Of course, the worry is not over yet, because the person is still in heaven. For the family members, the worry will be completely eliminated when the person comes back safely and smoothly.

Return to Anxi in the afternoon, and their family members will follow them. Later, they will also take a special plane to the launch site with Yu Chengwu to personally welcome Yuan Zifeng back.

This can also be regarded as one of the benefits of commercial space missions, that is, there are not so many so-called prescribed procedures, and it is relatively more user-friendly. Therefore, Wu Hao and the others naturally agreed to the request made by the family members. For them, this was nothing, just adding a few more seats.

But for Yuan Zifeng and his family members, this is definitely an arrangement that can make their hearts warm. After all, it is such a happy and glorious thing to be able to welcome the hero of your own family in triumph.

For Yuan Zifeng, performing such a high-risk role and bearing such tremendous pressure, the first person he wants to see after returning safely is definitely his family.

So why would Wu Hao and the others not do such a good thing that is beautiful but will not have any impact.

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