Military Technology

Chapter 2038 Henpecked

The modified version finished arranging the work at the launch site. Seeing that it was almost time, Wu Hao and Lin Wei took a car to the airport together. Also traveling with them were Zhou Xiangming and several technical experts. They had to rush back to the Xinyuehu Space Command and Control Center, so they joined Wu Hao and the others.

The presence of these people is entirely a wishful thinking of Zhou Xiangming. After all, even if the civil aviation business class is prepared for them, it is not as comfortable as a business jet. So this guy came here licking his face,

For this reason, the few accompanying staff had no choice but to change to a later charter flight.

Although the stop in the South China Sea was short and she had very little real free time, Lin Wei still bought a lot of things of all kinds. Plus some so-called souvenirs sent by some local people in Nanhai,

The entire suitcase on the special plane was almost full.

This woman is like this, or all women are like this,

Like shopping. I bought something I thought was good when I saw it. Sometimes Wu Hao couldn't stand it anymore and would say a few words.

This has nothing to do with money. After all, this shopping expense is nothing to them. What's more, Lin Wei earned all the money herself. What reason does Wu Hao have to blame and stop her?

What he said was mainly waste. After all, many of these things were impulsive purchases by Lin Wei. The things he bought were either left gathering dust or given away in the end. Others were placed at home to take up space, leaving Wu Hao quite helpless.

As for the things sent by local people, it turned out that Wu Hao rejected them and even felt a little disgusted with them. Later, as he gained more experience and could no longer stand the persuasion of many people, Wu Hao gradually accepted it. After all, you still need to have some human feelings and sophistication. You can't be so unkind. Who makes the domestic environment a society of human feelings?

How can you escape if you are in it?

As far as these local people in Nanhai are concerned, the big boss who knows that Wu Haochi has a hot hand is here.

How could they not express their enthusiasm? It's not that they hadn't thought about hosting a banquet for Wu Hao, they just heard that Wu Hao was disgusted with this kind of thing, and they heard that his schedule was quite tight, so these people knew what they were interested in and didn't bother them. Now that Wu Hao is leaving, how could they not say anything.

Therefore, as long as the so-called local products sent by these people are not too excessive, Wu Hao will accept them. Looking back at the holidays, I will also give back a gift of considerable value. On the one hand, this is also a kind of politeness and interpersonal communication. On the other hand, it also expresses to the other party that no one is taking advantage of anyone and does not leave them out of favor.

Sometimes, Wu Hao's return gifts may even be worth more than the gifts. But no one cares about this thing. After all, what everyone is pursuing is not the level in this aspect.

Seeing Wu Hao's helpless expression, Lin Wei said angrily: "I just bought a few things. Is that what you are doing? And it's not your money, it's the money I worked hard for. What's wrong? .

Besides, do you think these things are all bought for me? There are also some bought for you and your family members.

And the family members of your senior executives bought it. "


Lin Wei showed a look of grievance, and her eyes turned red, as if tears would fall soon.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong." Seeing this, Wu Hao quickly begged for mercy. In front of so many people, he didn't want Lin Wei to cause trouble at this time, thus affecting his prestige and reputation.

However, Wu Hao felt cold after seeing other people's strange reactions, secretly saying that if it was over, his image might be damaged again.

It has long been rumored that he is henpecked. If this behavior is spread again, this title will be confirmed.

Of course, for Wu Hao, he is not really afraid of Lin Wei, he is entirely concerned about his own happy life. He didn't want to be kicked out of the bed or spend the night in the guest room or on the sofa in the next few days.

What this woman is best at is this kind of soft knife, killing people without blood. No matter how powerful a man you are, you can't stand her tossing, and in the end you will be willing to bow under her pomegranate skirt.

Seeing Wu Hao admitting defeat and begging for mercy, Lin Wei smiled, then snorted arrogantly, sat down and brushed the transparent folding tablet in her hands.

Wu Hao also sat next to Lin Wei, picked up a transparent folding tablet, and started brushing too. Regarding this launch, there were a lot of news reports from the outside world, and news about this was everywhere, which also made them watch with relish.

After a short while, he saw a beautiful stewardess in uniform walking out slowly. One of them came over and said softly to him and Lin Wei: "Mr. Wu, Mr. Lin, do you need to eat now?"

Wu Hao looked at Lin Wei, who was busy brushing the transparent folding tablet, and then nodded and said, "Come on, what have you prepared today?"

After hearing Wu Hao's words, the flight attendant smiled and handed the menu to Wu Hao, unfolded it, and then introduced it with a smile: "Today we have prepared Chinese and Western food as usual. The Chinese food includes the specialties from the South China Sea, coconut rice, and white-cut dishes. Wenchang chicken, lees vinegar, braised Eastern goat steak, seafood platter.

Western food includes veal steak, pan-fried cod with broccoli, smoked sausage rack with mashed potatoes, salmon with sauce and cucumber, and seasonal vegetable salad.

Looking at the menu and listening to the flight attendant's introduction, Wu Hao smiled and looked at Lin Wei: "What do you want."

Lin Wei glanced at the menu, and then said casually: "Give me some coconut rice, vinegar, pan-fried cod with broccoli, seasonal vegetable salad, and a glass of red wine, that's all."

"Is it enough?" Wu Hao asked with a smile.

"I'm losing weight!" Lin Wei glared at him, and then stared at the transparent folding tablet again.

Wu Hao shook his head helplessly. The woman was still angry with him, so he looked at the stewardess with a smile and said, "Bring me some braised goat steak, coconut rice, plain-cut chicken, fried cod with broccoli, Dregs and vinegar, that’s all.”

What do you want for drinks? The stewardess was anxious for a moment, then asked softly.

Same, a glass of wine. Wu Hao glanced at Lin Wei and then said.

OK, please wait a moment. Saying this, the stewardess nodded and turned to leave.

Watching the stewardess leave, Lin Wei then said: "Overseas reports on your manned launch are not very friendly."

Hearing Lin Wei's words, Wu Hao glanced at the content on the transparent folding tablet in her hand and smiled with a persevering expression: "It's obvious that they sincerely hope that we will get better.

So when they see us achieving good results, they naturally feel uncomfortable, and it's understandable to vent their frustrations. Let them go, it won't have any impact on us anyway. "

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