Military Technology

Chapter 2048 Alien life discovered?

In contrast, the other two recovery news are not so popular, but they still attract attention.

For example, there were no aliens or alien spaceships recovered by Wu Hao, so they were used as keywords in hot searches, and the discussion on this topic was very heated for a while.

Some people even analyzed whether Wu Hao's restored language logic might be a cover-up behavior. For example, we often emphasize both sides when we lie. This overreaction often reflects lying.

Some people think that even if Wu Hao and the others did not discover aliens and alien spaceships, they must have made some other amazing discoveries, such as the opposite sex, such as timeless soldiers, or even some ancient civilization, etc. Everyone has a lot of imagination. .

Among so many speculations, there is a PhD blogger whose guess received the most likes and comments. This doctor speculated that Haoyu Aerospace's 'Wangshu' intelligent lunar surface inspection vehicle may have discovered life on the moon. This doctor gave a lot of analysis in this regard and so on. It's true, and it has actually won the recognition and praise of some netizens.

Immediately, many netizens started a heated debate about whether there is life on the moon. Of course, those who insist that there is no are the very rational people. They have produced various evidence from various angles to prove that there is no life on the moon. For example, there is no oxygen on the moon, it is in a state of microgravity, there is no magnetic field, and there is no atmosphere to isolate cosmic radiation. etc.

The group of people who insist on arguing that our current judgments based on the production conditions of life on extraterrestrial planets are based on our earth's environment and earth creatures are narrow, limited, and unscientific. Why doesn't there exist a creature with completely different characteristics from the creatures on earth? They have adapted to the space environment and can survive without relying on water or oxygen. Just like solar energy, as long as there is light, it can completely carry out its own photosynthesis.

Such discussions are becoming more and more popular, and some experts, professors and media have even come to discuss it in person.

In fact, from another aspect, both persistences have certain rationality. Indeed, at present, we humans do determine whether there is life on alien planets based on the environment required by organisms on earth. So the question arises, isn’t there a kind of life on alien planets that is completely different from the carbon-based life system on earth? The universe is so big, I’m afraid no one can say for sure.

Compared with the noisy network environment, Wu Hao and the others, or the entire Haoyu Technology, are relatively calm. Although everyone is very happy that the company has successfully carried out its first manned launch mission, it is only happy, and it is far from the excitement and enthusiasm shown by netizens.

However, I have to say that the topic of aerospace has been very hotly discussed in the company's internal community these days. In addition, the company's logistics and administrative department also took the opportunity to hang and post many posters, display boards and some related to aerospace themes. Display themes, etc.

The restaurant also prepares some so-called space meals, which are said to be quite popular with everyone.

As for Wu Hao and the others, although they are also paying close attention to the operation of the Walker 4 manned spacecraft in space, normal work is still going on.

No, the morning after Wu Hao returned from the South China Sea, he held five consecutive high-level and departmental work meetings, and at noon he also had a phone call with Tong Juan who was far away in Europe.

Tong Juan's work over there has been arranged and explained, and she will return to China soon. As for things in Europe, Zhang Xiaolei was left in charge. Although Lu Bo had work experience in Europe, it was more suitable for him to stay.

But considering that Lu Bo had just been transferred back from Europe, it would be inappropriate to transfer him again. In addition, Lu Bo is now Tong Juan's assistant, responsible for the specific operations and management of overseas markets. So just letting him stay there to deal with the mess there is overkill.

Therefore, in comparison, Zhang Xiaolei, who has no overseas work experience but is familiar with overseas work processes, is more suitable.

Originally, Wu Hao was worried that Zhang Xiaolei was not qualified for the job, but after an in-depth discussion with Tong Juan and Tong Juan's strong recommendation, Wu Hao agreed to the appointment.

It's just that things are complicated in Europe, and a lot of mess is there. It was obviously inappropriate for Tong Juan to get away immediately, so she needed to finish all the work there before she could come back.

After finishing all this work, I saw that it was already past one in the afternoon, and I was already hungry.

After ordering this, he didn't bother to go down to the restaurant to eat. He was calling Shen Ningren and asked her to order a meal and bring it to him. Zhang Jun walked in with a smile, followed by his secretary and Shen Ning.

Looking at the incubators carried by the people behind him, Wu Hao couldn't help but smile: "Oh, I was about to call to order food, and you brought it."

Knowing that you have been busy all morning and haven't had lunch, I asked someone to prepare a meal for you. They are all your favorite dishes. Zhang Jun said with a smile.

I'm really hungry. With that said, Wu Hao walked to the coffee table in the rest area and sat down, then picked up the lunch box and said to Zhang Jun: "Have you eaten yet?"

Zhang Jun took out two bottles of drinks from the refrigerator very casually, handed one to Wu Hao, then opened one himself, walked to sit down next to Wu Hao, and said with a smile: "I've already eaten, so hurry up and eat. "

Then I won't be polite. With that said, Wu Hao picked up a piece of braised pork and ate it with the rice.

Before getting off work at noon, I went to the Xinyuehu Aerospace Command and Control Center. Zhang Jun looked at Wu Hao and said with a smile.

Wu Hao heard this, glanced at Zhang Jun, and then continued to eat while asking: "Well, what next."

It's very lively there, and a bunch of media are waiting there, waiting for you to show up. Zhang Jun looked at him and joked with a smile.

What are you waiting for me to do? I'm not an astronaut. The protagonist is still in the sky. Wu Hao took a sip of his drink and said with a smile.

Haha, you get much more attention than the protagonist in heaven. Especially now that the outside world is spreading rumors that we canceled the commercial space station because our "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle discovered extraterrestrial life on the moon. So now a group of reporters are waiting to interview us for verification.

Good guy, I was surrounded by a bunch of reporters as soon as I went there. I finally got out with the help of security personnel and staff. Zhang Jun said with some fear. To be honest, he was also taken aback by the reporters' madness.

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao also laughed. He could imagine the scene at that time, and he was glad that he hadn't gone there rashly, otherwise, he would have been stuck there.

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