Military Technology

Chapter 2049 Return to Earth

At the urging of Zhang Jun and others, Wu Hao finished his busy work today, and then went to the restaurant with a few people to have something to eat. Normally, everyone doesn't eat much at night, but today everyone knew that this night would definitely be a sleepless night, so in order to recharge their batteries, everyone ate more than usual. After eating, Wu Hao and the others did not take the unmanned shuttle bus in the park, but walked to the Xinyuehu Aerospace Command and Control Center.

The arrival of Wu Hao and the others naturally attracted a lot of media attention. However, they just said hello to the media, and then found their respective seats and sat down.

Tonight is very important for them, because the Walker 4 manned spacecraft, which has been flying in space for two days, will carry astronaut Yuan Zifeng on its return journey.

On the big screen, Yuan Zifeng was wearing cabin work clothes and was making some preparations before returning, such as packing supplies and storing some sky experiment equipment.

For Yuan Zifeng, or for everyone, this space journey is very precious, so every minute and every second is cherished.

"Have the astronauts had a rest? How is their mental state?" Wu Hao asked, looking at Zhou Xiangming who was in charge of the work and commanding.

"I woke up at four o'clock in the afternoon and am in good spirits. After the busy work is over, the astronauts will be given more than four hours to rest to ensure that they remain in the best condition during the landing process." Zhou Xiangmingchong Wu Hao nodded and responded.

Wu Hao nodded, and then looked at the connection screen about the SZWQ landing site in Mongolia on the large screen on one side.

The screen is divided into several windows, which respectively display the relevant operations of each system of the entire land field system, including the landing field recovery command and control center, related radar systems, and the relevant conditions of the outside search team.

Although the spacecraft has not yet started the return process, the relevant preparations have already begun, and they are just waiting for the spacecraft's return capsule to fall from the sky.

How are Yu Chengwu and the others preparing? Wu Hao looked at the pictures in several windows and asked casually.

"The entire landing system is ready, just waiting for the spacecraft return capsule to fall down. The astronauts' families have also arrived at the scene and have been properly accommodated. When the spacecraft return capsule lands and opens the warehouse, the astronauts leave the warehouse, and the family members will be arranged to go on board. Present flowers in front of me." Zhou Xiangming introduced to Wu Hao.

Wu Hao nodded and turned to look at the time on the main screen. There was not much time left before the spacecraft started its return process. This time the Walker 4 spacecraft uses rapid return technology, which only takes six or seven hours to complete.

Normally, it usually takes more than ten hours for a manned spacecraft to return and land according to the traditional method, but this time Wu Hao and the others used a relatively fast rapid return technology, which greatly saved time during the return stage.

Of course, they did not think about some rapid return technology. They pursued the ultimate and returned to the ground from space in only three or four hours. Although this can shorten the return time, it also increases the risk of return and landing, and it will also cause some discomfort to the members.

When formulating this mission, after considering various factors, in order to ensure the safety period, the time for rapid landing technology was extended to seven to sixty-seven hours, thus greatly reducing the risk of this return landing mission.

It’s almost time, let’s get online. Wu Hao nodded and gestured to Zhou Xiangming.

Okay, Zhou Xiangming understood and made arrangements immediately.

"Walker No. 4, this is Xinyue Fox."

"Xinyuehu, this is Walker 4." Soon you can see in the video window that Yuan Zifeng stopped, held up the smart voice assistant on his ear, and then floated in front of the camera and replied.

Walker 4, Mr. Wu will have a live call with you.

Walker Four understands.

After some exchanges, Wu Hao took an intelligent voice assistant handed over by the staff, put it on his left ear, then looked at Yuan Zifeng in the window and said with a smile: "Zifeng, good evening."

"Mr. Wu, good evening!" Yuan Zifeng waved towards the camera and smiled.

"How do you feel about being in space these two days?" Wu Hao asked with a smile.

When Yuan Zifeng heard what he said, he smiled and gave a thumbs up and said: "It's great, an experience I've never had before. The earth is really beautiful. You know when I rest, my favorite thing is to float in front of the hanging window, quietly. Looking quietly at the blue earth below in a daze, this feeling is truly indescribable."


Hearing Yuan Zifeng's praise, everyone present laughed.

Wu Hao even smiled and joked: "I heard them say that you took a lot of photos in the past two days. When you come back, let me see your space masterpieces. Leave two good ones for me to post on Moments."

Definitely, I will leave you the best. Yuan Zifeng immediately responded and said with a smile.

After finishing the joke, Wu Hao looked at Yuan Zifeng floating in the video and said with a smile: "How are the preparations going?"

Yuan Zifeng immediately replied after hearing this: "Report, most of the work is ready, and then there are some piecemeal finishing tasks. After these tasks are completed, I can eat and rest and wait for the time to go home."

Okay, rest easy, everything on the ground is functioning normally. Your addition has also been waiting at the landing site to personally welcome you back. Did you talk to them during the day? Wu Hao asked.

Hearing the news from his family, Yuan Zifeng showed a warm smile: "We have already spoken, thank you Mr. Wu."

You're welcome, this is what we should do. Well, that's all for now, I will welcome your victory and triumph on earth. Wu Hao ended the call with a smile.

At this time, just a few greetings are enough. There is no need to take up too much time. It is better to leave enough time for the astronauts, so that they can have their own time to complete what they want to complete in the last moments of their stay in space. wish.

The call is over, Walker 4, work continues!

Walker 4 received it.

Then in the window, Yuan Zifeng continued to work.

As for Wu Hao and the others, they sat down and watched the changes on the big screen closely. On the other hand, a few people chatted to pass the time. After all, there were still several hours before the return process was started. During this period of time, they could do nothing but watch.

Of course Wu Hao originally planned to come back later, but he couldn't stand the urging of Zhang Jun, Zou Xiaodong and the others. That's right, for this Walker 4 launch and return mission, Zou Xiaodong made a special trip back from other places and has been staying here for the past two days.

In response, Wu Hao shook his head helplessly and could not say anything. After all, this manned launch mission is also a big event for the company. As a shareholder and important company leader, Zou Xiaodong rushed back to watch, which also reflects the importance he attaches to this mission.

In the picture outside the cabin, the blue ocean and white stratus clouds are slowly moving. On one side of the ocean, a new storm is forming, with the potential to sweep across the ocean.

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