Military Technology

Chapter 2050 See you on the ground!

After finishing the preparations, Yuan Zifeng began to enjoy his last meal in space. Therefore, I ate extremely slowly, as if I was savoring delicious food. Although these space meals are surprisingly cooked and taste good. However, considering some special environments in space, there are also choices in the selection of ingredients and flavors, so the meals are far less delicious than those on the ground, let alone delicacies.

But Yuan Zifeng ate very slowly and enjoyed this wonderful dining process very much. Even during the meal, I took out my camera and took a vlog of myself.

After finishing the meal, Yuan Zifeng went to clean up the garbage after the meal, then cleaned it up, and then began to rest. Because the space he called the manned return capsule was relatively large, and it was quite spacious for him to live alone, but it was impossible to arrange a space bed specifically for him.

So what he calls a space chair becomes a bed for resting in space. This space chair can be adjusted and unfolded, and then a special space sleeping bag is fixed to it. This is a space bed.

Yuan Zifeng got into the sleeping bag, zipped it up and wrapped himself in it, then put on an eye mask and prepared to rest. The lights in the manned return capsule also became dim, which was also to facilitate the astronauts to rest.

When Yuan Zifeng is resting, the ground will not easily disturb him unless it is particularly urgent. During this period, the dynamics of the spacecraft will also be strictly monitored on the ground so that the situation can be dealt with in a timely manner or Yuan Zifeng can be woken up.

Inside the Xinyuehu Aerospace Command and Control Center, when they saw Yuan Zifeng resting, Wu Hao and the others immediately left the table and prepared to go to the lounge to rest. This night is still going on, and they should seize some free time and take a good rest.

After chatting briefly with Zhang Jun and the others, they found a place to take a nap inside the rest room. For entrepreneurs like them who have grown up step by step, this situation of taking time to relax for a while is really commonplace, and they don't think there is anything wrong with it.

In other words, their lives are not as sophisticated as those of the big bosses. People may go to a hotel or a special rest room specifically to rest, so that they can sleep better. In order to drink a bottle of water and then fly bottled water from overseas, Wu Hao and the others couldn't do this.

Seeing Wu Hao and the others entering the water, under Coco's control, the lights in the lounge dimmed and the temperature began to rise, thus reaching an appropriate temperature to prevent several people from catching cold.

In fact, several people didn't sleep for long before they woke up automatically. I had no choice but to worry about things in my heart, so naturally I couldn't sleep well.

Several people slept together. When one person woke up, the others soon woke up. I looked at the time and saw that there was still plenty of time. Several people went to wash up separately to make themselves feel refreshed.

When Wu Hao came out, Zhang Jun gestured to Wu Hao and smiled at the transparent folding tablet in his hand: "I'll have someone bring some midnight snacks over, let's all eat some together."

Wu Hao smiled and nodded when he heard this. Although he said he was not very hungry, he would eat some since he ordered.

Zou Xiaodong, who was painting a transparent folding tablet at the side, smiled and asked, "What did you order?"

Soup dumplings, shaomai, coffee, and barbecue. Zhang Jun introduced with a smile.

BBQ should be paired with beer. Didn’t you order beer? Zou Xiaodong couldn't help but ask after hearing this.

In response, Wu Hao couldn't help but frown and said: "What kind of wine are you drinking? Is it allowed to drink on such an occasion?"

Seeing the change in Wu Hao's expression, Zhang Jun quickly laughed and said, "I didn't order any wine either. Let's have a drink to celebrate after the launch is successful."

When Zou Xiaodong saw Zhang Jun trying to smooth things over, he also smiled and said, "I'm just talking nonsense, trying to tell the difference."

Seeing this, Wu Hao waved silently, and then began to take out his transparent folding tablet and started swiping. There was already a lot of messages piled up inside, and Wu Hao picked some of the more important ones and replied.

For example, Lin Wei, she naturally knew that Wu Hao would not go home tonight, so she gave Wu Hao instructions. Compared to the launch of a manned spacecraft, Lin Wei seemed less interested in the return and landing mission, so she did not come.

For her, nothing is as important as getting her own beauty sleep. She had been talking about staying up late in Nanhai a few days ago for two days.

Despite this, she is still quite concerned about this return and landing mission. No, send him a message to ask about some information.

Wu Hao reassured her that everything was fine and asked her to rest assured.

Other than that, they were all people who expressed concern and congratulations. Wu Haochong picked a few of them to reply to, but didn't bother with the others.

Zhang Jun's secretary came with several restaurant staff to deliver food. Wu Hao and the others were not polite when they saw this, and each ate a little. Wu Hao prefers this Xiaolongbao to Shaomai. It tastes good when eaten with vinegar.

After eating a bowl of soup dumplings and drinking some coffee, Wu Hao's energy was lifted again. As for Zhang Jun, Zou Xiaodong and the others, they cleaned up all the soup dumplings left over from the Shaomai BBQ.

It can be said that they are not a bunch of foodies. You must know that these three guys have eaten a lot in the afternoon, and they are hungry after a long time.

After eating the midnight snack and taking a short rest, Wu Hao and the others returned to the Xinyuehu Space Command and Control Center hall when the time was almost up.

At this moment, the entire hall has entered a battle-ready state, and the atmosphere is still a little tense.

After pressing their hands towards Zhou Xiangming and the others, Wu Hao and the others sat down and looked at the big screen.

In the window on the big screen, Yuan Zifeng had woken up, washed his hair, and specially shaved after washing himself. Then after he went to solve his personal hygiene problem, he immediately took off his cabin work clothes and put on the sci-fi cabin spacesuit again.

The space chair has been adjusted back. After checking, Yuan Zifeng sat on the seat, plugged in the cable interface, and buckled the seat belt.

Xinyuehu, this is Walker 4. I have completed preparations according to the established plan.

Traveler No. 4, this is Xinyue Fox. The data shows that the performance of all systems of the spacecraft is operating normally, and the recovery and landing system is ready to carry out the manned return and landing mission.

Walker Four understands.

Walker 4 has ten minutes to prepare for the manned return program.

Ten minutes to prepare.

Attention all systems, this is Xinyuehu, five minutes to prepare.

Three minutes to prepare.

One minute to prepare,

Countdown, nineteen eighty-seven... Three, two, one, start the manned return system.

The spacecraft begins to adjust its attitude

Visual inspection showed that the attitude of the spacecraft was adjusted normally and that all systems within the spacecraft were operating normally.

Yuanwang reports that the spacecraft has entered the return orbit.

Walker 4, see you on the ground.

See you on the ground!

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