Military Technology

Chapter 2067 The encounter of the unlucky man


The whole person became very silent, closed himself off, afraid of seeing the light, afraid of seeing people, and even afraid of looking in the mirror. I have nightmares at night and show signs of being world-weary and committing suicide. "

"This is a typical traumatic stress disorder. Have psychologists intervened?" Xu Shenghua asked after listening to Zhang Qinghong's introduction.

Zhang Qinghong nodded: "We have intervened, but the results are very small. In the words of a psychiatrist, this blow is too big for him, far beyond his endurance. If you want him to accept it, I'm afraid it won't be possible in a short time. You need a It’s a long process. It’s just that He Wenlong’s condition is very bad now, and I’m afraid he won’t be able to hold on for that long.”

What is the deep hatred between him and his ex-wife that deserves such a harsh treatment? Wu Jiuzhi Bagua said.

Hearing Wu Jiuzhi's words, Wu Hao and Xu Shenghua also became interested. Who said men don't gossip? They gossip even more than women.

Haha, Zhang Qinghong also smiled when he saw this and said: "We have learned about this in private. After all, this matter is quite famous in our area, so there are many people paying attention to the gossip. In addition, this patient is admitted by us, so we know it privately. Naturally, there was discussion inside.”

It is actually unethical or unprofessional to talk about the patient's family. But this kind of thing is unavoidable in private. After all, we are all human beings, and curiosity can never be eradicated, especially for such a big matter.

"It's like this. This He Wenlong is a very typical IT man. He started his own business when he was thirty-two years old. Before that, he had been a programmer in a certain company. Later, he started a business with a few friends with whom he got along well. Unexpectedly, The business was successful all of a sudden, and he became a shareholder and vice president, with a net worth of several hundred million.

He Wenlong originally had a wife, but they divorced due to conflicts when He Wenlong first started his business. This time it was his second wife who broke up with him. This woman was introduced to this woman by someone after He Wenlong succeeded in starting his own business. They got married not long after they met.

Their married life should be said to be happy, and nothing was reported. However, the two of them broke up last year. The specific reason is not clear, but it seems that this woman's private life is not very good, she has had an affair, and there seems to be more than one.

Unable to bear it, He Wenlong filed for divorce. The woman was very happy and said that the property could be divided into half. Of course He Wenlong was unwilling and eventually went to court. Because most of He Wenlong's property was acquired before marriage, it is considered pre-marital property. Therefore, the court did not support the ex-wife’s claim and only awarded He Wenlong’s related income after their marriage.

The woman was naturally dissatisfied with such a verdict, so she appealed, and the second instance upheld the original verdict. The woman was so angry that she went to make trouble with He Wenlong every day, but He Wenlong was too timid and avoided her every day.

Until one time, He Wenlong was introduced to a new girl. While they were dating, the woman appeared again and gave the girl a glass of water. Unable to bear it, He Wenlong slapped the woman, and then revealed the woman's many misdeeds in the past.

As luck would have it, it was at this time that indecent videos of this woman and several other men were exposed on the Internet, which made this woman famous. This woman thought this was He Wenlong's revenge, so she called the police and made trouble for He Wenlong.

However, after police investigation, it was discovered that these videos were not shot by He Wenlong, nor did he upload them to the Internet. The sources of these videos all come from the hidden micro cameras in the hotel rooms that this woman and several men have rented for a long time. There are even a few videos that were secretly filmed by one of these men.

Therefore, the police also clearly informed the woman and said that they would actively contact the Internet police to delete these videos.

But this woman couldn't figure it out and insisted that these videos were uploaded to the Internet by He Wenlong. She even suspected that the police took He Wenlong's money and then spoke for He Wenlong.

Coupled with the pointing fingers of some people around her, this woman went completely crazy. So under the guise of having a good talk with He Wenlong, she tricked He Wenlong into a restaurant and suddenly poured two bottles of sulfuric acid that had been prepared on He Wenlong. .

He Wenlong, who was unable to dodge, was caught in the act by this woman. He screamed and dodged. But this woman, after pouring a bottle of sulfuric acid on her hand, was about to pour the second bottle, she was killed by the restaurant security guard. And the brave restaurant guests were given uniforms. "

What are these things? Wu Jiuzhi couldn't help but complain.

It's really scary when a woman goes crazy. Xu Shenghua sighed with emotion.

Wu Hao nodded when he heard this, and even suddenly felt a chill on his back. Although he did not let that woman down, and he and Lin Wei were fine. But he was afraid that one day the lunatic would have a psychotic attack, and something like this happened to him suddenly, what would he do?

Thinking of this, Wu Hao also secretly decided to let the security personnel follow him in the future, so that at least he would feel safer.

After Zhang Qinghong took a breath, he immediately said to Wu Hao: "Mr. Wu, this case is actually very similar to Zou Feifei's, and it is not as serious as Zou Feifei's injury. What he destroyed was mainly skin tissue, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels. The tissue was not damaged, except for the blind eye.

In order to appease the patient, we also told him about Zou Feifei's condition and related treatment methods, encouraged him, gave him hope, and allowed him to get back on his feet. Sure enough, after hearing our series of introductions, He Wenlong was very excited and eager to get relevant treatment.

But when he knew that it was difficult to obtain such an opportunity, and that the technology in this area had not yet entered clinical trials, it was difficult to obtain it. So he begged us, and even found many relationships, some of which I couldn't refuse, so I could only beg you shamelessly.

See if you can also accept this patient. You have to carry out clinical trials anyway. This is a very good case.

We also told him about the risks associated with participating in clinical trials, which he completely accepted and hoped to receive treatment as soon as possible. In addition, he also promised to donate 20 million in scientific research funds to this project for follow-up research on this technology and so on. "

Wu Hao smiled when he heard this, but did not agree immediately. First of all, of course he sympathized with this unlucky guy named He Wenlong, who was also very successful and was brutally beaten. But sympathy is sympathy. If you really want to take over, you have to think carefully.

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