Military Technology

Chapter 2068 Idiopathic osteolysis

What's going on here? Wu Hao turned to look at Xu Shenghua. Seeing that Wu Hao did not agree directly, Zhang Qinghong was a little disappointed, but he also looked at Xu Shenghua.

Xu Shenghua, on the other hand, was slightly surprised that Wu Hao did not directly agree, but he still smiled and said, "I also have a patient here, who is quite special, she is a little girl."

Speaking of this, Xu Shenghua glanced at Wu Hao, and then continued, "This little girl's name is Wang Shanshan, she is only fourteen years old this year.

She is a left-behind child, her parents are not with her, and she has been living with her grandparents at home. Her grandparents are relatively old, so this little girl often takes care of them.

Despite this, this little girl's academic performance is very good. She ranks among the top students in every exam. She has also become an outstanding student representative and participated in summer camps organized by Tuantuan.

But a year ago, her house caught fire due to aging wires and a short circuit. As a result, her grandparents died in the fire. She herself was rescued by villagers and firefighters who came to put out the fire.

Although he was rescued, 31% of his body was burned, including his face, upper body, arms, etc., as well as his lungs, throat, vocal cords, etc.

Under the rescue of the hospital, Wang Shanshan was out of danger, but the severe burns and disfigurement made this originally cheerful little girl become taciturn and even developed a strong sense of inferiority.

Wang Shanshan's parents felt sorry for their child, so they gave up working and took their child to seek medical treatment, hoping to cure Wang Shanshan. But after searching many places, these hospitals all said they were incompetent.

On the one hand, the burn area is too large, and on the other hand, this book belongs to an ordinary family and does not have that much money to pay for medical expenses. Just a few skin grafting surgeries cost Wang Shanshan's parents all their savings over the years.

Coupled with the fire at home, it means that the family now doesn't even have a home. What's more terrible is that the results of these skin graftings are not ideal, which is undoubtedly the heaviest blow to this hopeful family.

However, Wang Shanshan's parents did not give up and sought medical treatment while working. Finally, one of my students recommended him to me.

I also saw that this little girl was a little pitiful, so I took her in for treatment. Fortunately, our hospital also has public welfare projects in this area, which can exempt them from a large part of the cost.

But compared to the huge treatment costs this little girl can expect, the fees that can be waived by public welfare projects are not enough. So now Wang Shanshan's parents also rented a small room of four to five square meters next to the hospital, working to make money while taking care of Wang Shanshan.

We also took into account the actual situation of this patient's family, waived part of the fee as much as possible, and are actively treating Wang Shanshan.

However, there is a problem before us, that is, there is no way to treat Wang Shanshan using traditional autologous skin grafting surgery.

Because of the fire, Wang Shanshan had burns all over her body, and there was very little skin that could be used. The previous skin grafts had already been used, so now one of us could not extract them from her body.

There is another way, which is allogeneic transplantation, but this will cause a huge rejection reaction, require long-term medication, and the post-healing effect will be relatively poor. Considering that this little girl is only 14 years old and her life has just begun, we rejected this plan.

In the end, after much research, I came up with you. The emergence of your biological 3D printing technology is the panacea to cure Wang Shanshan.

So, I’m just asking you to come here. I hope you can give us a back door and help this little girl. "

Wu Hao smiled and nodded when he heard this. He also did not answer directly, but looked at Wu Jiuzhi and said, "What about you?"

Since Wu Jiuzhi followed him, Wu Hao knew that he was not just curious about gossip. He must have something to ask him about, so Wu Hao asked him directly.

Seeing Wu Hao directly point out Wu Jiuzhi's little thought, he couldn't help but blush, smiled awkwardly, and then said to Wu Hao, "Well, there is a patient who I want to ask Mr. Wu. Please give me an idea."

Oh, tell me. Wu Hao turned to look at him, as did Xu Shenghua and Zhang Qinghong.

Seeing several people looking at him, Wu Jiuzhi smiled and said, "Have you ever heard of idiopathic osteolysis?"

Idiopathic osteolysis?

Wu Hao and the others were stunned when they heard this term. Zhang Qinghong reacted immediately, and then said to Wu Jiuzhi, "I seem to have heard about this disease on the Internet. It was said that a girl had this disease. The thigh bone inexplicably dissolved by more than 20 centimeters. She had to undergo bone grafting several times. was dissolved.

But later I heard that the girl went to Yangcheng to seek medical treatment. It was said that the diagnosis had been confirmed and a treatment had been found. "

After listening to Zhang Qinghong's words, Wu Hao and the others also nodded. This matter seemed to have been on the hot search, and they had a vague impression of it.

You are right, there is such a case. Wu Jiuzhi nodded, and then said to the three people, "Idiopathic osteolysis is a rare disease, and currently there is no very effective targeted treatment.

The traditional treatment method is to continuously extract bones from other parts of the body for bone transplantation to fill the gaps. However, this method treats the symptoms but not the root cause, and the newly transplanted bone will also be dissolved later.

This happens over and over again, and some patients may have to undergo dozens of bone grafting surgeries, but they are still not cured and are very painful. "

What causes it, bone-eating bacteria or immune deficiency? Xu Shenghua said with interest.

Wu Jiuzhi shook his head, "At present, the whole world has not yet understood its pathogenesis, so there is no very targeted treatment method, so traditional treatment methods should be adopted.

There is another treatment method for this disease abroad, which is to clean up the dissolved bone residue and then directly replace it with a metal skeleton for support, so that you don't have to worry about it being dissolved again.

However, this method also has great risks. In addition, metal skeletons will also bring a series of problems. And it is not a panacea and cannot solve all problems.

Take the patient my friend received as an example. He was a thirty-one-year-old male who accidentally fell during a basketball game and fractured the humerus of his arm.

I originally thought that it was just an ordinary fracture and that it would be fine after the operation. However, I did not expect that more than two months after the patient's broken radius bone was nailed, the bone actually melted. "

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