Military Technology

Chapter 2069 The real “dental implant”

"And as time went by, more and more of the patient's humerus was ablated, which also led to conflicts between the patient and his family and the hospital. The patient and his family believed that it was the hospital's incorrect handling that caused these problems.

Of course the hospital argued hard, but facing the reality, they had to reconcile with the family members and actively seek treatment. However, in the past few years, there has been no results. The patient had several bone grafting operations, but they were all dissolved.

What's even more terrible is that the ablation on this patient's humerus is rapidly spreading to the patient's clavicle, scapula, and even ribs. The ribs and scapula have been affected, and the ribs are about to be touched.

My friend had no choice but to ask me for help. He knew that I was involved in scientific research tasks related to you, so he was wondering if he could find a way. I just happened to hear about Zou Feifei's case and the related bio-3D printing technology, so I wanted to entrust me to help ask you if there is any way to save this patient. "

Wu Jiuzhi looked at Wu Hao after the introduction, and Wu Hao also began to think carefully after hearing this.

Xu Shenghua thought for a while and then shook his head, "This disease is very difficult. I'm afraid there won't be a good solution for a while."

Yes, even if we use bio-3D printing technology to print a complete set of bones for this patient for transplantation, they will still be dissolved. Zhang Qinghong also frowned and said.

Wu Hao thought for a while, and then asked Wu Jiuzhi, "Is this patient's bone just ablated? Is there any impact on other aspects?"

Wu Jiuzhi shook his head, "I asked specifically, and there was no effect. The bone was just melting, and the speed of melting was getting faster and faster. It really seemed like it was infected with some bone-eating bacteria and was eaten clean."

However, they are carefully examining the tests and confirming that this type of bacteria does not appear on the patient's ablated bone residue, so it is clear that the cause cannot be found. Some experts speculated that the patient was allergic to steel nails or titanium metal decks. The metal molecules in the metal penetrate into the bones, causing the bones to ablate.

However, this is just a conjecture and has no actual theoretical basis. "

It is indeed possible to say that, many patients with idiopathic osteolysis only develop this condition after completing fracture repair surgery. Zhang Qinghong nodded somewhat understandingly.

That's true, but there are so many patients with fractures who have no problems. Just these few cases cannot explain the problem. Wu Jiuzhi shrugged his shoulders.

It can be studied as a rare case, but at this stage, we don't have any good solutions. If we intervene, we can only try to print out the skeleton of the patient's heart, and then implant it to see how it goes. Wu Hao thought for a while and said.

What if ablation occurs again? Xu Shenghua asked.

Then the treatment method can only be changed. Wu Hao spread his hands and said, "Either replace him with a metal skeleton, or just directly amputate it, but it doesn't seem to solve the problem."

Some are too rough. Wu Jiuzhi laughed and complained, but he also knew that this seemed to be the only way.

Actually there is another way. Wu Hao saw several people finish laughing, and then said, "Perhaps something can be added to the printed artificial bones later to prevent the bones from being melted away. However, it is not clear whether it will be successful."

Can bones really be printed? The person who asked the question this time was Zhang Qinghong, who looked at Wu Hao curiously.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded, "Of course it can be printed. The material of bones is relatively simple, but it is actually very easy to print. And bones are not like tissues and organs, which have strict time limits. They are not so strict and cost more." Time doesn’t matter, you just need to print out the relevant soft tissues and so on.”

"If this is the case, then this technology can be used in more scenarios. For example, some brain surgery patients no longer need to use titanium metal, and can completely print new skull bones for repair." Xu Shenghua nodded. .

What about teeth? Can teeth also be printed? Wu Jiuzhi asked.

When Wu Hao heard this, he looked at Wu Jiuzhi and nodded with a smile, "Theoretically, it can be printed, but what is the difference between printed teeth and dentures? Moreover, the cost is higher, and it may not be as strong as all-ceramic teeth. In the end, it still needs to be fixed. Go up."

That's different. The printed teeth are more natural, and the relevant dental pulp can be preserved. Wu Jiuzhi shook his head and said.

Wu Hao heard this and shook his head with a smile. "In fact, we are also studying technology in this area. Rather than printing out teeth and installing them, it is better to study how our teeth grow."

What's the meaning? After hearing Wu Hao's words, the three of them looked at Wu Hao involuntarily.

Wu Hao faced the gazes of the three people and explained with a smile.

"To put it simply, we hope to be able to print or grow a tooth germ or tooth seed, which is what our teeth look like before they grow out. Then we can implant it directly on the gums of the patient's mouth with missing teeth, allowing the teeth to grow Slowly develop and grow.

In this way, patients with missing teeth can regain a set of real teeth, which are stronger, healthier and longer-lasting than dentures. "

Real dental implants?

The three of them were all startled by Wu Hao's introduction, and then they couldn't help but shake their heads. This is simply a bit whimsical, can it still be like this?

In their opinion, the current dental implant technology or denture-wearing dental restoration technology is already very good. Why do Wu Hao and the others bother so much to develop this real dental implant technology.

This technology is amazing and good, but the question is is it really necessary and will anyone choose it?

However, when the three of them thought about it from the perspective of ordinary people, they suddenly understood and admired Wu Hao even more.

For each of us ordinary people, we definitely want to have our own teeth in our mouths. Who wants to wear dentures? So when there is an opportunity to grow straight teeth again, that is much more attractive than wearing dentures.

It is conceivable how popular this technology will be in the market once it is commercialized. If the price can be reduced by a dozen, to a price similar to the current price of teeth, I am afraid it will cause a major change in the entire field of dentistry and dental restoration.

At that time, I am afraid that all the dentistry tools will be abandoned. If there is a problem with a tooth, it can be removed, a new one can be implanted, and then it will be fine waiting for it to grow back. Who would wear dentures?

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