Military Technology

Chapter 2069 How big is the market for this technology as there are people in the world?

is it possible? Several people showed surprised expressions.

Everyone knows that human teeth are non-renewable, and there are only two sets of teeth in a person's life, one set of deciduous teeth and one set of permanent teeth. Baby teeth will gradually recede and be replaced by permanent teeth. Once permanent teeth are damaged, it is irreversible. Unless manual intervention is performed, which is what we call dental restoration.

If a tooth is missing, the only option is to have it filled. There are many ways to fill teeth, including braces, borrowed posts, movable teeth, dental implants, etc. Currently, dental implants are the only ones that have the best results and are closest to the energy supply of real teeth.

The so-called dental implant, which is said to be an implant, actually means drilling a hole in the patient's jaw, installing a post to take root, and then installing teeth on the post. Because they are directly connected to the jawbone, the implanted teeth are more stable, strong, long-lasting, and not easily damaged.

However, it will also bring about a series of problems. For example, dental implant surgery is actually not a small matter, because drilling a hole in the human jawbone is equivalent to moving the skull. Therefore, for some diseases, it is not suitable. In addition, as people age, the jawbone will degenerate, or suffer from osteoporosis and other problems, which are not suitable for dental implants because no posts can be driven on the jawbone. Even if it is hit, the fragile jaw bone will cause cracks or breakage.

There is another problem. In fact, our teeth are not directly connected to the jaw bone, so when we bite something hard, our teeth will feel pain and become loose. During this process, the teeth will absorb a certain amount of kinetic energy, or vibration, to prevent it from being transmitted to the entire skull, causing shocks to tissues such as the brain.

As for dental implants, they are directly rigidly connected to the jawbone. In this way, the shock caused by biting something hard is not reduced and will be directly transmitted to the entire skull, which may cause some minor concussions and other problems. .

Finally, the most important issue is that dental implants are too expensive. One implant ranges from seven to eight thousand to tens of thousands. Calculated based on the average of fourteen teeth and one dental implant per person, this is fourteen. Ten thousand or more, such a price is unacceptable to most people, let alone those old people.

So if the tooth germ implantation technology mentioned by Wu Hao and others can really be realized, it will definitely lead a revolution in the field of oral and dental restoration, facing a market worth hundreds of billions or even trillions. , even bigger.

Yes, it is such an exaggeration, because it can be said that each of us needs to see a dentist, or that each of us has more or less problems with our teeth. This is something that everyone must experience in their lifetime.

According to this calculation, theoretically speaking, this technology can have as many audiences as there are people in the world, and the market it will bring is absolutely unimaginable.

But is this technology really possible? Can this kind of tooth germ that can grow really be developed?

Facing the doubts in everyone's eyes, Wu Hao said with a smile, "So this project is under study. We do have some ideas and have made some progress. However, there is still a long way to go before we can actually research it and conduct clinical trials." Gotta go."

Okay, let’s not talk about this anymore. Wu Hao waved his hands, then looked at the three people and said, "First of all, we can help the two patients introduced by Professor Xu and Director Zhang. However, they must be used as our clinical trial subjects, and our personnel are needed for the entire treatment process. Participate. In addition, during the treatment stage, you are not allowed to carry out any form of publicity or hype, let alone leak it.

We will not interfere in the writing of relevant papers, but you must wait until our relevant technology is released before you can publish the article, and the content must be reviewed by us, and we have the right to propose modifications. "

The two of them were able to accept the previous request, but the latter requirement of the thesis major and review made them and the students who followed them frown and feel a little embarrassed. To be honest, they accept such cases out of good intentions and out of doctors' lofty ideals and professional ethics.

But on the other hand, of course they also have their own selfish motives. Bio-3D printing technology and printing skin tissue transplantation technology will definitely have a lot of room for development in the future.

As you can imagine, once this technology is released, it will definitely cause a sensation. So naturally they don't want to miss this opportunity and want to take a ride. It is definitely not enough to just stop at cases like Zou Feifei's. Moreover, Zou Feifei is still in Anxi, in Linghu, not in their hospital. They are just inviting experts to participate in the treatment. They are not leading the entire project, so this is not acceptable.

So they thought about having such a patient in their own hospital, and then developing related research topics on their own. In this way, even if they take the lead in this project, it will not sound good when it is publicized.

In fact, it is no exception for them to have such an idea. Who would not be moved when encountering such a once-in-a-lifetime major project? This is impossible. So Wu Hao can completely understand, and he had expected this day before.

Wu Hao has nothing to object to their idea. This can be regarded as a win-win project. They also need to cooperate with these hospital experts to accumulate more clinical trial data, which will benefit them. Validation and testing of technology, moving the technology and the project forward.

It's just that while agreeing, there must also be relevant restrictions, and they cannot be allowed to play freely. In this way, they will suffer a loss when the time comes. Especially when cooperating with this kind of medical institution, we must take the initiative, otherwise others may make them feel uncomfortable by using any small means.

For example, a very simple method is to use public opinion, sympathy, etc. to morally kidnap or morally criticize Wu Hao and others. People's hospitals are sacred places for treating illnesses and saving lives. And they are commercial companies. Putting the two together, the public will instinctively favor hospitals and attack unscrupulous commercial companies.

Especially since this is a medical project. Due to the promotion of some movies, the pharmaceutical company itself is not so positive in the public's perception. If something like this happens, I'm afraid they will become the target of everyone's reviling, and their original rationality will become irrational.

It may even be that the strong opinions of the people may lead to Wu Hao's complete failure in this aspect of controversy. This is reality, this is helplessness.

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