Military Technology

Chapter 2076 The smelly food!

Regarding Qi Guangkun's answer, Wu Hao felt that it was still credible and he should have no problem. However, he still had to avoid suspicion in this matter. Thinking of this, he said to Qi Guangkun: "The person I brought here will be responsible for this matter. You just need to cooperate fully."

"Understood, I will fully cooperate." Qi Guangkun nodded quickly when he heard this. He knew that too many explanations at this time were meaningless, so he should fully cooperate with the investigation and wait for the results.

You must keep this matter confidential and do not alert others in advance. You must behave as usual and do as you should. Zhang Jun added from the side.

"Understood." Qi Guangkun responded repeatedly.

"Okay, don't be nervous. I don't know if this anonymous email is true or false yet, so there is no need to be so nervous. I am still very confident in our security system." Wu Hao smiled and felt relieved.

Seeing his relief, Qi Guangkun also relaxed a lot. He looked at the time, then smiled at Wu Hao and Zhang Jun and said, "Mr. Wu, Mr. Zhang, it's getting late, why don't we go get something to eat first."

Wu Hao nodded when he heard this, and then looked at Zhang Jun. Zhang Jun responded with a smile: "I happened to be hungry too. I was just sleeping on the plane and didn't eat anything."

"Let's go then." Wu Hao stood up with a smile, and then everyone walked out.

We came to the rest area restaurant, which is also one of the larger restaurants in the park. The food is rich, including several major cuisines, including northern and southern cuisine. Wu Hao, who has been here several times and is familiar with it, directly ordered a bowl of thin beef noodles, some grilled skewers, a few other side dishes, and a bottle of large Wusu.

Although the alcohol content of Dawusu is higher than that of ordinary beer, fortunately there is only one bottle and it can be shared among several people, so it is not too much. Originally, he planned not to drink alcohol, but the temperature was really hot at noon, so they also wanted to drink some cold beer to cool down.

Compared to Wu Hao, Zhang Jun ordered a portion of hand-caught mutton, but that was not enough, so he ordered a bowl of braised haggis. As for Qi Guangkun and other base managers who were dining there, they were already accustomed to the food here, and they were accompanying their superiors and leaders to eat, so they were more restrained in comparison.

This beef noodles is indeed what Wu Hao wants to eat, because the water used here is Yellow River water, the noodles are Hexi flour, and the chef is a master chef from the oasis, so the beef noodles are full of color and flavor this night.

As for the mutton kebabs, they are also very authentic. The sheep used are all Tan sheep, with alternating fat and lean, no smell, and the barbecue heat is just right, making it very tender and tender.

While making the skewers, I drank a cup of Wusu and felt a sense of joy.

As the number of personnel in the Northwest Research Base increases, this logistics support must be done well. Wu Hao wiped his mouth, and then said to Qi Guangkun and the others: "I'm not worried about other aspects. One of the things I'm worried about is food safety, and the other is medical security.

This place is located next to the northwest desert and is isolated from society. The living and working conditions are relatively difficult. There are relatively few conditions for everyone to have fun and relax, so if you want everyone to stay here for a long time, you must improve the living conditions.

The so-called living conditions are nothing more than food, clothing, housing and transportation. Needless to say more about Chinese clothing, the main thing is food, housing and transportation.

Living here, we not only provide employees with employee apartments with excellent accommodation conditions, but also build this kind of affordable long-term housing. There should be no problems in this area.

Well, here, we have several flights to and from Anxi every week, and we also have regular shuttle buses to nearby cities, so there won't be much of a problem.

The only thing I'm worried about is the food aspect. Apart from the boring and stressful work here, only good food can soothe everyone's body and mind. If this can't be done well, then this place will definitely not be able to retain people.

Therefore, in terms of dietary standards, the quality and quality must be improved so that everyone can eat well. "

"You can rest assured in this regard, food has always been the focus of our work, ensuring that everyone eats well. In addition to the fixed food dishes of several restaurants in the base, we will also invite some chefs from various places to cook some local delicacies from time to time. Come and adjust everyone’s life.

Not long ago, we just invited a team of chefs from Liushi who have been professionally making snail noodles to make snail noodles for us, which was well received by the majority of employees. However, this also made the entire park stink for several weeks, and many people complained for a long time. "Qi Guangkun said with a smile.

After hearing Qi Guangkun's words, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun also laughed. They also heard about this incident. They said that Qi Guangkun and the others hired several snail noodle masters from Liushi to make snail noodle in the base, which caused the entire base to stink for several weeks. It is said that it was even eaten by tourists who came to visit. I complained about it and it became a hot search.

The idea is good, but take your time. Not everyone likes such strong food, so be prepared before introducing it so you don’t stink the entire park for weeks. Wu Hao joked with a smile.

Don't worry, we will definitely pay attention to this aspect in the future. Qi Guangkun responded, then smiled at Wu Hao and said: "After the snail noodles came, many people left messages in the internal community forum, strongly recommending that Amway stinky tofu has received support from many people.

However, we still rejected it. This kind of heavy-flavored food is still too niche and not everyone likes it. "

Haha, just pay attention. Wu Hao affirmed, and then said to Qi Guangkun with a serious face: "In addition, we must also pay attention to food safety, especially in terms of the source of ingredients and cooking methods. We must strictly manage it to avoid major food safety incidents. .

The base is relatively far from surrounding cities and is also relatively far from major hospitals. Once such a food safety incident occurs, it will definitely be too late to send you to the hospital in time, so you must pay attention to this aspect. "

You are right. This aspect has also been the focus of our strict control. All food sources must have clear supply orders and go through inspection, quarantine and pesticide testing procedures. Then, after the ingredients are delivered, we will conduct re-inspections to ensure that no problematic ingredients will flow into the kitchen and into everyone’s mouths.

In terms of restaurant management, we also carry out strict hygiene management to ensure the safety and hygiene of all meals. We will also conduct sampling and inspection of the restaurant's food from time to time, and conduct a thorough inspection of the restaurant environment. If any problem occurs, it will be shut down and rectified immediately without mercy.

In addition, in view of the limited medical resources at our base, we have also organized emergency drills for doctors and nurses in our base health service center many times to ensure that they can respond calmly when emergencies occur.

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