Military Technology

Chapter 2077: Alarming the Snake

Speaking of this, Qi Guangkun said to Wu Hao: "Mr. Wu, we want to equip the base with two helicopters."

Helicopter? Wu Hao glanced at Qi Guangkun when he heard this, and then said.

"Yes, we want to equip the base with two helicopters for emergency transportation of important personnel and materials. For example, when encountering an emergency that causes large casualties, or when there is an incident such as food poisoning at the base, a critical Helicopters can play a very important role in the transfer of patients, emergency supplies and medical staff.

In addition, some daily scientific research tasks are also necessary. Although drones can replace most jobs, they still cannot replace manned aircraft in some tasks, let alone the transportation of materials and personnel. "Qi Guangkun said to Wu Hao.

Wu Hao nodded when he heard this: "There are good reasons and can be considered."

I remember our Haoyu Aerospace has several helicopters, can’t we take care of them all? Zhang Jun on the side asked.

Hearing his words, Qi Guangkun replied with a wry smile: "There are a few helicopters over there, but these helicopters are mainly used for search and rescue of spacecraft and aerial recovery and transportation of fairings. And considering that in the future we The main launch center is in the South China Sea, and these aircraft have already been transported to the South China Sea, so it is impossible to take care of both sides."

We can still afford two helicopters. Wu Hao smiled at Zhang Jun and Qi Guangkun and joked.

Zhang Jun smiled and nodded and stopped talking, while Qi Guangkun was also excited enough to start writing. Seeing this, Wu Hao agreed.

For Wu Hao, it was just as he said, just tens of millions, small money. And Qi Guangkun's reasons are also very good. There is no way to save this money, you still have to spend it.

After lunch, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun immediately returned to the hotel to prepare for a short rest.

But not long after returning to the room, Zhang Jun walked in. Two people also came in, a man and a woman. The man was Zhao Jiaping, the second-in-command of the security department, and the other woman was about thirty years old and well-groomed. The more capable one is Wang Xi, the deputy director of the Secrecy Office.

This Wang Xi can be regarded as one of the more mysterious middle-level leaders in the company. Even Wu Hao is not common. But this is a very powerful woman. She retired from a security department before and has been engaged in specific work in the company's internal confidentiality review.

Therefore, she has become a female devil that many employees are afraid of. Everyone is afraid of seeing her because every time she appears, nothing good happens.

Mr. Wu! After the two came in, they greeted Wu Hao.

Upon seeing this, Wu Hao nodded slightly and said, "Sit down and talk."

Immediately, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun sat down, and these two people sat down immediately. Shen Ning on the side sent the others away and then personally served tea to them.

What were the findings? Wu Hao asked as he looked at the two of them.

Zhao Jiaping and Wang Xi looked at each other, and he immediately spoke first: "I went to see the head of the security department of the base and learned about the situation. There was nothing unusual. They are all veterans, and they were even our first personal I went to pick one, and it is quite trustworthy. We also had professional technicians check the security system, and no loopholes were found."

The same goes for the confidentiality studio. The person in charge here was personally selected by us and has been working for two years. During this period, there has never been a problem. We have also checked the account information of them and their family, relatives and friends, and there are no problems. Wang Xi also continued what Zhao Jiaping said.

So, this anonymous email is fake and is someone else’s prank? Wu Hao asked thoughtfully.

Zhao Jiaping and Wang Xi shook their heads at the same time, Zhao Jiaping said: "It's exactly like this that I feel there is something wrong, and I shouldn't be so calm.

Logically speaking, our Northwest Research Base has always been a place coveted by many people. They should try their best to break it. Why is it so quiet recently?

Could it be that these people have given up? It's obviously impossible. Then there may be only one of them. The other party has already obtained what they want, or they are brewing a big plan and don't want to alert the snake. "

Wang Xi also followed up and said: "Captain Zhao and I have the same premonition. The other party must have planned a big conspiracy in advance, otherwise it would not be so calm. Apparently they are afraid that the gap between us will become clear, so they are so quiet."

In this case, this anonymous email is true, so who sent it, what is his purpose, why he refuses to reveal his identity, is there anything hidden? Zhang Jun frowned and analyzed.

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Zhao Jiaping shook his head and said: "We don't know yet, so we are now cooperating with Director Wang and others. While continuing to contact the sender of this anonymous email through this anonymous email account, try to Persuade the other party and inquire to get more specific information. On the other hand, we are also using technical means to track the sending location and specific sender of this anonymous account.

As long as the other party is willing to come online, we can lock and find the other party.

In addition, I plan to conduct a detailed inspection and erection of the company's security system, and the movement can be a little louder. In this way, on the one hand, we can see if we can find some clues. On the other hand, it also has the meaning of knocking on the mountain and frightening the tiger.

If the anonymous email is true, then the other party is too quiet. In this case, we can't find any breakthrough. Only by alerting the other party and making them panic can we find clues and carry out the investigation logically. "

Wang Xi also nodded: "I agree. The same is true here. We will immediately arrange to review all members of the confidentiality office in the base. On the one hand, we will try to see if we can find a breakthrough through this method. . On the other hand, I also want to knock the mountain to shock the tiger and scare the snake.

Now we are in the light and they are in the dark. If they don't move, it will be difficult for us to catch the tail. "

Okay, follow your plan. If you need anything, just tell me. Wu Hao responded, and then said to the two of them: "But one thing is that you must find out this matter as soon as possible and find out everyone.

You also know the importance of the projects in the base. Once an accident occurs, the losses will be immeasurable, so you must hurry up.

If necessary, you can seek help from the local security department and the military security department. I can help coordinate in this regard.

Another point is that you should also avoid falling into traps. We still don’t know who sent this anonymous email. It may be intentional by a hidden enemy, so we must pay attention. "

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