Military Technology

Chapter 2080 Jianmu-2 fully recovery launch vehicle

Zhou Xiangming opened his mouth and tried hard to say something, but in the end he shook his head and reluctantly agreed: "Okay, when do they want it?"

There's no rush, just transport it to the capital together with the Walker 4 return capsule when the time comes. Wu Hao said with a smile.

After hearing his words, Zhou Xiangming nodded, and then said to the two of them: "Mr. Wu, this kind of thing will never happen in the future. Our Walker spacecraft return capsule is reused. If it is given to someone like this, Then our losses will be too great."

Don't worry, this kind of thing only happens once. We are not so generous as to give the spaceship as a gift to others. Zhang Jun said. Just these two return capsules made Zhang Jun feel heartbroken, but he had no choice but to reluctantly give up.

After hearing his words, Zhou Xiangming and Yang Xiaoyun were relieved, and then they smiled and introduced some related exhibits in the hall. When he walked to a rocket with a unique shape, Wu Hao asked Zhou Xiangming: "This should be the Walker 2 fully-recoverable launch vehicle. How is its research progress?"

The so-called fully recyclable launch vehicle means that all parts of the rocket can be recycled, that is, all parts of the rocket can be recycled and reused. Under normal circumstances, recyclable and reusable rockets generally only have the first stage of the rocket that can perform a return landing and then be reused, thereby reducing costs.

Later, people began to recycle rocket fairings, which also greatly reduced the cost of rocket launches.

In addition to the first-stage rocket and fairing, the second-stage rocket and the upper stage used to launch multiple satellites and special-orbit satellites are currently unable to be recycled.

The upper stage can be ignored, because the upper stage can be regarded as part of the rocket or a part of the satellite. It is called a space shuttle and can be regarded as a satellite specially used for transportation and release. platform, or satellite.

Because of this characteristic, the upper stage can be regarded as a kind of orbiter. After completing the relevant tasks, the best destination for this kind of orbiter is to re-enter the atmosphere and burn up. It has no recyclable value. Moreover, the cost of this kind of orbiter accounts for a very small part of the entire launch cost and can basically be ignored.

In contrast, the two-stage rocket still accounts for about 30 to 40 percent of the launch cost of the main rocket, which is the bulk. Therefore, many launch vehicle companies have been studying how to recycle and reuse second-stage rockets.

Wu Hao and the others are the same. They have been conducting research in this area. They have even conducted several experiments before and achieved certain results.

So he was very interested in the Jianmu-2 fully recoverable rocket on display. In fact, not only Wu Hao, but also Zhang Jun and his entourage were also very interested.

Zhou Xiangming saw the interested expressions on Wu Hao's and others' faces, and then introduced with a smile: "You are right, this is our Jianmu-2 fully recovery launch vehicle. The model you are seeing now, It is the 1:3 model of our Jianmu-2 fully recyclable launch vehicle.

As the name suggests, the Jianmu-2 fully recoverable launch vehicle means that the entire main rocket can be recovered and reused, except for the secondary rocket part.

Normally, the second-stage rocket is the most difficult to recover, because the second-stage rocket usually reaches space directly and puts the satellite or spacecraft into orbit. Only then does it end its work. What it works on is the distance from the atmosphere to space.

If you want it to be recovered, you must first let it land. And this means that the second-stage rocket must return to the atmosphere, then undergo the harsh test of the atmosphere, and then land safely.

In this regard, its difficulty is actually the same as the return and landing of manned spacecraft, space shuttles, and returnable satellites, or even more difficult. "

Having said this, Zhou Xiangming moved forward and led everyone to a large screen, and then slid the transparent folding tablet in his hand. Immediately, pictures of demonstration materials related to the Jianmu-2 fully recyclable launch vehicle appeared on the big screen.

"Why do you say that? Because the structure of the secondary rocket body is more special. It mainly contains fuel, which accounts for more than 90% of the weight of the entire rocket body. If the rocket body itself is too heavy, It will greatly affect the filling of fuel and the carrying capacity of the rocket. In fact, every kilogram of weight of the rocket means that its carrying capacity is reduced by one kilogram. Therefore, the materials used in current launch vehicles are They are all lightweight materials. Of course, it does not mean that lighter is better, but it should be light while ensuring strength. If the strength of the rocket body is too low, it will easily cause the rocket body to break, bend and deform, and even cause the rocket body to break during launch. It cannot withstand the huge pressure during the process and may break etc.

If it is just a one-time launch vehicle, considering its one-time use, there are naturally not so many requirements, so the relative requirements for materials are not so stringent. But for the rocket body that needs to be recycled repeatedly, the requirements in this regard are relatively high. It must not only be as light as possible, but also have high strength to meet the pressure and stress caused by multiple takeoffs and landings. impact.

In addition, the internal fuel tank also has to withstand the weight and pressure caused by multiple fillings of fuel, as do other pipes, lines, and systems. Not to mention the core of the rocket, the engine.

Wu Hao and others have fulfilled these requirements and have delivered very satisfactory answers. But when applied to two-stage rockets, these technologies are far from enough.

Because the two-stage rocket not only has to be launched into space, but also has to return from space and travel back and forth through the atmosphere. This has even more stringent requirements for the rocket body, which is why no company has completed the secondary rocket recovery experiment over the years. "

"In order to solve this problem, we can imagine that we have researched many feasible solutions, and then based on a little experimentation, we finally selected a set that we think is feasible and meets our relevant needs in all aspects. Technical solutions."

Speaking of this, Zhou Xiangming changed a picture. In this picture, the second-stage rocket of the Jianmu-2 fully recyclable launch vehicle was directly separated and displayed on the big screen from a full perspective.

"This is the second-stage rocket of the Jianmu-2 fully recoverable launch vehicle we developed. The biggest difference between it and the second-stage rocket of ordinary launch vehicles is that here, we have added a pair of cruise missiles to it. The flying wing structure on the wing bomb.”

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