Military Technology

Chapter 2081 2 sets of recycling technology recovery plans

"The second-stage rocket of this Jianmu-2 fully recoverable launch vehicle is folded and hidden during the launch phase. This can greatly reduce drag and reduce the impact of flying wings on the flight attitude.

When the second-stage rocket enters space and successfully delivers the payload to the predetermined orbit, the second-stage rocket begins to adjust its attitude and return to Earth. At this time, the entire flying wing structure will bounce off and start gliding in the atmosphere.

In fact, at this stage, the flying wing structure is not fully opened, but adopts a semi-open structure, which can be more stable and support the entire rocket body to glide quickly in the atmosphere.

During this gliding process, the flying wing structure will open little by little, and eventually it will fully open, and the rocket body will be decelerated by rotating the flying wing angle.

After passing through the dense atmosphere, a parachute will be thrown out from the top of the rocket, which will then quickly decelerate it and then throw out the main parachute. Compared with the original main parachute used by Jianmu-2 for landing. The main parachute area of ​​the second-stage rocket of the Jianmu-2 fully recovery launch vehicle is also very small. Its purpose is not to ensure the smooth landing of the second-stage rocket, but to reduce the speed of the rocket to a reasonable stage.

Then, the fuel involved in the rocket body is used to perform multiple ignitions to continuously decelerate the rocket. In this way, the speed of the rocket can be controlled in a slower declining range.

In the final landing and recovery stage, we designed two methods. One is to open the landing gear for landing similar to a first-stage rocket. When the rocket is about a kilometer above the ground, the rocket's engine will ignite for reverse thrust, continuously controlling the speed of the rocket, and then allowing it to land slowly and smoothly on the ground.

Another way is to use two helicopters to mount a chain hook, and then use this rope hook to hang the parachute of the second-stage rocket, just like we recover the fairing in the air, and then hoist it. Hang recycling.

Both recycling methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. The second method may seem more difficult, but in fact it is more maneuverable. The first method seems more reliable, but it is more difficult to operate and has higher technical requirements. "

After listening to Zhou Xiangming's introduction, Wu Hao looked at the demonstration video on the big screen, then turned around and asked: "So which method did you choose in the end?"

Zhou Xiangming shook his head: "Currently, we have a big internal debate about these two recovery methods, so we plan to use two to three rockets to verify it.

In fact, some of our technical staff also have reservations about the flying wing structure I mentioned earlier. They believe that the design of this flying wing is somewhat cumbersome and complex in structure. It plays a limited role and can be completely cancelled. But some people insist on it, so we also plan to conduct verification through these several experiments and make selections to determine the final plan based on the final results. "

Yes, according to your plan, this kind of test can be repeated several times. Don't make a choice in a hurry. Wu Hao smiled and nodded.

Zhou Xiangming smiled and nodded, then changed the picture and said to Wu Hao: "In fact, we initially insisted on installing a flying wing structure on the second stage of the Jianmu-2 fully recovery launch vehicle, mainly for the purpose of Verify the reliability of the flying wing structure and accumulate technology for our aerospace vehicles.

At present, we have accumulated rich experience in this area through high-speed wind tunnels and re-entry experiments, and have accumulated very useful technical information for the development of our aerospace vehicles. "

The aerospace vehicle project is a major scientific research project we carry out aiming at future aerospace development. This project is technically difficult and requires huge investment. It cannot be completed in a short time. We need to be patient and develop slowly. So don’t be too anxious about this project. Wu Hao gave instructions at the right time.

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhou Xiangming nodded. He naturally knew what Wu Hao meant, but Zhou Xiangming reported great hopes for this project. So if he can fight for it, he will definitely fight for it.

When Wu Hao saw Zhou Xiangming nodding, he immediately looked at the Jianmu-2 fully recoverable launch vehicle model in front of him and asked, "When will it make its first flight?"

In early July, we had a launch mission and planned to conduct an experimental launch at the Northwest Space Launch Center. Zhou Xiangming replied,

Wu Hao couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this: "Isn't it not a long time?"

Yes, the rocket has been developed and is currently undergoing final inspection before leaving the factory. After ensuring that it is correct, we will transport it to the Northwest Space Launch Center in the next few days for test preparation and wait for launch.

Oh, then we will wait and see at the Xinyuehu Space Command and Control Center. Wu Hao joked with a smile.

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhou Xiangming said with confidence: "Don't worry, we will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

OK, I'm waiting. Wu Hao smiled and nodded, and then said: "This Jianmu-2 is just the beginning. If this secondary rocket recovery technology is successfully developed, we will apply it to our other launch vehicles. In this way, In the future, the launch cost of the rocket can be greatly reduced.

In this way, it will not only be of great help for us to enter space in the future, but also carry out related deep space exploration projects and other space activities. It can also rely on low launch costs to strive for a larger commercial launch market and promote the development of the domestic civil aerospace field. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao turned to look at Yang Xiaoyun and said, "How are the preparations for Haoyu Aerospace's listing?"

Yang Xiaoyun has been in charge of this matter, and Wu Hao has been paying attention. Now that they were talking about it, Wu Hao simply asked her.

Hearing Wu Hao's inquiry, Yang Xiaoyun nodded: "As the first private aerospace technology company to be listed in China, our listing work has always received strong attention from all parties. The relevant authorities and leaders also take great care of us.

This time Mr. Yu (Yu Chengwu) went to Shanghai to discuss relevant listing matters with the leaders of relevant departments.

As the first in the country, we also need to discuss a series of related matters with the competent authorities, so it will be more troublesome in the early stage. However, the entire project is progressing relatively smoothly. If everything goes well, I believe that the day when the gong will be launched is not far away. "

Wu Hao nodded when he heard this and said: "I have always been very concerned about the listing of Haoyu Aerospace. It is related to the future development of Haoyu Aerospace and the progress of related major projects, so you must pay close attention." Notes Please refer to the website address of this website, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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