Military Technology

Chapter 2083 2 Establish new goals

Be beautiful!


Want it?

want to!

Under Wu Hao's mobilization, the atmosphere at the scene became even more lively.

Under the expectation of everyone, Wu Hao said with a smile: "The conditions for obtaining these two mission badges are very simple. Everyone who participates in these two projects can obtain a silver mission badge.

As for the gold mission badges, we will use them to reward the 100 members each who have performed the most outstandingly in this spacecraft and rocket project. What I want to say is that all selectors will adopt a fair, just and open selection method, and the relevant lists will be published in our internal community as soon as possible for everyone to supervise. If you feel that the content is biased or controversial, you can send it out. The review committee will also listen carefully to everyone's opinions and respond.

Don't be discouraged, everyone. Our company has always adhered to the principle that regardless of the position, we only rely on our ability to make a living. This kind of activity will be held after every major mission in the future, so in theory, everyone has the opportunity to win the gold mission badge. "

After hearing his explanation, everyone present became excited again. The gold and silver mission badges are very different. Not to mention anything else, the price difference between gold and silver alone is dozens or even hundreds of times.

In addition to the price difference between gold and silver, the two represent different meanings. Silver task badges are used to reward everyone who participates in these two tasks, which means basically everyone has a share. But as for the gold mission badge, it rewards the 100 people with the most outstanding performance in each mission. This meaning is extraordinary.

In a sense, it can be regarded as a reward for outstanding employees. It is an honor and a qualification that can be shown off in one's career.

And what’s more practical, receiving this award means that they will receive a higher bonus in the year-end bonus at the end of the year. So everyone is full of expectations for this gold mission badge.

"After the selection is completed, all gold and silver mission badges will be distributed to everyone."

After saying this, Wu Hao continued with a smile: "In addition, we have also prepared some mission badges and related cultural and creative products for everyone. If you need them, you can go to our internal community to purchase them.

Whether you keep it for yourself or give it to a friend, it is a good choice. "

The reason for designing these related cultural and creative products is that many people in the company and many fans outside have strongly requested them. In the end, Wu Hao and others fulfilled the wishes of these people and launched a series of carefully designed related cultural and creative products.

On the one hand, of course, it is to meet the needs of these personnel. On the other hand, it is also hoped that through these cultural and creative products, the corporate image can be promoted and the company's influence can be expanded.

In fact, space agencies in various countries will produce such a series of cultural and creative products, among which NASA's is the most famous and the most popular. After each major mission, they will launch a series of cultural and creative products related to the mission in a timely manner, which are eagerly snapped up by a large number of aerospace enthusiasts and are very popular.

After giving everyone a little time to react and digest, Wu Hao continued: "This is the second benefit for everyone, and the next step is the third benefit.

We have also considered your hard work of staying here for a long time, so we have prepared about ten days of paid leave for everyone, and arranged for everyone to travel to Nanhai, southern Yunnan, Jiangnan and other places.

Of course, you can’t go all at once. You have to go in batches and take turns to have fun. The work here can’t stop. For employees who don’t want to travel, we will also discount them in cash for everyone to choose. "

"Thank you, Mr. Wu, long live Mr. Wu!"

Upon hearing this benefit, everyone present burst into cheers. There is nothing more satisfying than taking paid time off to travel in a group. This can be said to be the dream of everyone present. They have always wanted to go out and have fun, but they have no time or opportunity. Now that they have time and opportunity, how can they not be happy.

As everyone cheered and celebrated, Wu Hao stood there smiling and waiting. After the scene calmed down a bit, he continued to preach to everyone.

"We should be happy and proud of everyone's achievements, but these are all in the past, and we cannot remain silent on the achievements of the past. This will only keep us standing still and unable to move forward.

We often shout that our journey is the stars and the sea. What a magnificent ideal this is.

But facing the sea of ​​stars, we have only taken a small step forward. If we want to open our arms to embrace the entire sea of ​​stars, we are still early, or in other words, the entire human race is still early.

Therefore, we need to continue to work hard and spend our entire lives making our own contribution to mankind's exploration of the universe and moving towards the universe. Just like in the Age of Discovery, countless warriors and adventurers with dreams sailed to the ocean one after another to explore the unknown, creating an era of discovering new continents and sailing around the world.

And we are the original group of people. I hope that such a dream can be realized in the hands of our generation.

Of course, compared to this busy universe, human life is too short. So even if we try our best and work hard all our lives, we may still be able to do very little. But looking to the future, our descendants and our successors will be grateful for everything we have done now.

Our names will forever be engraved on the monument of human exploration of the universe and become a legend chanted by everyone.

Now, we have just achieved the first manned flight. Are we satisfied with such a small achievement? "

After asking, Wu Hao glanced at everyone, and then continued to speak loudly: "No, at least I am unwilling, let alone unwilling, my life has only achieved so little.

The universe is huge, and it deserves our continued exploration. We won’t talk about other things, but let’s talk about the moon, which is just a step away from us. Haven’t you ever thought about going up to it in your lifetime? "

"Our lunar exploration plan has been launched, and the lunar scientific research station project is also under preparation. These are the directions in which we will work hard in the future. Our efforts today are not for the company, let alone me, but for everyone. For ourselves, or to put it more broadly, for humanity.

After the lunar scientific research station project is completed, we will also plan to try to build mankind's first lunar city on the moon. After the initial completion of this lunar city in the future, it will accommodate tens of thousands of people.

And there will be fixed space flights that regularly travel between the moon and the moon. At that time, if you are willing, you can go there to play and live for a while.

As an insider involved in this project, I promise to give you insider preferential prices. "Remember the URL of this site, www.biquxu.Com, for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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