Military Technology

Chapter 2084 Only 380,000 kilometers

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone naturally became excited. But while being excited, they also felt that the cake Wu Hao drew was too big and too far away from them.

Let’s not talk about whether a lunar city can be built in their lifetime. Just assume that even if it is built at that time, I am afraid they will not have the ability, or the money to buy a ticket to the moon.

So this kind of promise is a bit like the meme that went viral on the Internet a few years ago: If you do whatever you want, I will marry you a sister-in-law next year.

It sounds exciting at first, but actually it has nothing to do with me.

Glancing at everyone's reactions, Wu Hao smiled. Of course he is not so hypocritical and cannot make such an unfulfillable promise to everyone. So when everyone present gradually calmed down, he continued to preach.

"Perhaps everyone thinks this is an unattainable dream that we will never be able to reach in our lifetime. Some people think that I, Wu Hao, am trying to trick everyone and deceive them. Some may even think that I am talking nonsense. , It’s a daydream, what the national aerospace departments have not completed, why can our small aerospace company be able to complete it.

To this, I would like to say that nothing is impossible and everything is possible. Not many people believed that we could rely on our own strength to build our own light, medium or even medium-sized launch vehicles, and that they could also be recycled and reused.

No one believes that we can build our own manned spacecraft, successfully send people into space, and safely return them to Earth.

Yes, we have done all of this. We have done things that many countries and many large aerospace companies have been unable to do. This fully proves that we have such ability. As long as we want to do it, as long as we are willing to work hard, we will definitely achieve it.

You may think that lunar scientific research stations and lunar cities are too science fiction, too far away, and seem difficult to realize. But in fact, for us, it is not far away at all, only 380,000 kilometers away. "


Hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone present laughed knowingly. The so-called 380,000 kilometers can only be the distance between the earth and the moon. But Wu Hao only used it, as if the moon was very close to us. But in fact it is very far away. Even if we use the most advanced space transportation capabilities of mankind, it will take several days to reach it, and a round trip will take a week.

Even so, not everyone can reach it. So far, only one country has actually sent people up, and that was fifty or sixty years ago. Although the moon landing program has been restarted, no one has actually sent astronauts there yet.

Speaking of close, the moon is also very close to the earth. As Wu Hao said, it is only about 380,000 kilometers. This can be said to be a very, very short distance in the entire universe measured in light years. .

In fact, this can still be compared to the Age of Discovery. When navigation and ship technology were underdeveloped, the straits, islands, and mainland across the sea seemed to be out of reach, and trying to get there was a narrow escape. But now, with advanced technology, we can travel freely across the globe. Global navigation is not a problem, and we can reach anywhere on the earth within one day.

In the Age of Discovery, sailing around the world took more than a year, or even longer.

The same will be true for humans heading into the universe in the future. When aerospace technology achieves great breakthroughs, traveling to various planets and even to various galaxies will be as easy and convenient as traveling to any continent, region, or country on Earth today.

If humans want to go into the universe, the moon is the first stop, so this stage is crucial for humans. This is Wu Hao's opportunity. By seizing this opportunity, they can ensure that they take the lead in future aerospace exploration competitions.

Wu Hao used the words "only" and "only" here to express his lofty dream to everyone present. The moon is just the beginning.

When everyone's laughter subsided, Wu Hao continued with a smile: "As everyone knows, our lunar exploration plan has already started. Our 'Wangshu' intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle is already on the moon. After traveling thousands of kilometers, we obtained a large amount of very detailed first-hand detection data on the moon.

These detection data provide a very rich reference for us to understand and study the moon. Among them, there are also many amazing discoveries, such as the gold meteorite we discovered, the solid water we discovered, and so on.

What I want to tell you is that our amazing discoveries are much more than these, there are many more. But because we are still researching these things, we will not make them public first. There will definitely be a day when it will be made public in the future, so please wait patiently. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao changed his tone and said: "Among so many discoveries, we have also found several places that are very suitable for the site selection and construction of our lunar scientific research station and future lunar cities.

In other words, one of the major tasks of our "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol rover is to find suitable places on the moon for us to build lunar scientific research stations and lunar cities.

We found it, and we found it in several places. Our scientists are currently conducting comparative analysis based on these pre-selected locations, which will be included in the key detection areas of the 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle that we will launch in the fall.

Once determined, this area will serve as the construction site for our lunar scientific research station and future lunar city, and our lunar scientific research station project will also enter the formal construction stage.

Regarding the lunar scientific research station, our project research team has currently come up with a very complete design plan. This plan has been highly praised by relevant experts and is highly practical.

If this project officially starts construction, we will plan to use two to three years to complete the first phase of the entire lunar research station, and then use another two years to double its size, which will accommodate hundreds of astronauts and scientists.

As a supporting project for the lunar exploration project, we will also develop new Earth-to-moon transfer spacecraft, lunar landers, and related modules for lunar scientific research stations, etc.

These require joint efforts from all of us. Only if we successfully complete these projects on schedule can our lunar exploration project proceed smoothly. Therefore, this will also become a topic that we all face in the future.

So don’t worry, you won’t have any use in the future. The universe is huge and it requires us to continue to explore and advance. Behind this glorious era, it is inseparable from the silent efforts of everyone who strives for it. "Remember the URL of this site, www.biquxu.Com, for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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