Military Technology

Chapter 2097 Smart City in the Desert

Wu Hao smiled and nodded in reply: "It's really hard work. We can study it later and adopt a rotation system as much as possible, so that everyone can have the opportunity to go home to spend time with their wives and children.

The housing prepared for employees at our base will be delivered soon. Anyone who meets the conditions can apply. In this way, I can take my wife and children over and stay there for a few days every year.

Of course, we will continue to enrich the infrastructure here and add related service industry jobs, so that we can also attract some family members to settle here.

I hope that the Northwest Research Center will not only be a scientific research base in the desert, but also a new technological city in the desert. It is different from the existing urban style system and has a more futuristic science fiction style. We will also experiment with our latest technologies in this desert city, such as city-level driverless transportation systems and so on. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, many male employees at the scene brightened up and showed interest.

You mean to build a truly smart city here. A male employee with glasses sitting on Wu Hao's side asked.

Guo Zifei? Wu Hao looked at the name on the name tag in front of him and said with a smile.

Hello Mr. Wu, I am Guo Zifei from the Institute of Aviation Technology and UAV. I am mainly engaged in research on unmanned technology. Guo Zifei immediately greeted Wu Hao.

Wu Hao nodded and said with a smile: "You are right, we plan to build an intelligent modern city that can accommodate 100,000 to 200,000 people based on the Northwest Research Base.

The overall operation of this city is controlled by artificial intelligence systems and operated by unmanned equipment. For example, unmanned light rail, unmanned cars, unmanned logistics and transportation systems, unmanned sanitation systems, etc.

We will experiment with a series of advanced technologies we have researched in this city, so as to make the entire city smarter and more comfortable, and provide every city resident with a satisfactory urban life. "

This plan was actually drawn up by them a long time ago, and the construction of many facilities has already begun, such as resettlement housing for employees and their families, airports, and large-scale power and energy supply centers. The purpose of these is to lay the foundation for the subsequent construction of smart cities.

The reason for formulating such a huge project and building it in this desert hinterland. It's not that Wu Hao and the others have nowhere to spend their money, but they want to experiment with their series of advanced technological achievements. Although these new technological achievements are also available in Anxi, many technological achievements have not been of maximum use due to the original layout of the city and the way of urban management and operation.

Here, Wu Hao and the others have to design and build their ideal future city based on their own blueprint. In addition to providing living and accommodation needs for employees, this future city will also be used for the practical application of these new technologies. And display it to the outside world to promote the application of these technological achievements in other cities.

Let these city managers put aside their worries and boldly carry out changes, innovations and development to bring the city to a higher level.

In fact, these cities are not very receptive to, or even interested in, their new technologies. This is mainly due to a lack of understanding of their technologies. Despite their boasts, how can these people be convinced without practice?

For these city managers, they certainly hope that the cities under their management can boldly innovate and develop. But they are afraid of the risks faced and taken by bold innovations. Therefore, they are extremely cautious about these technical achievements. To put it bluntly, it means not letting go of the eagle when you don’t see the rabbit.

Wu Hao and the others built this city here and conducted relevant field experiments to show these people and relieve them of worries.

After finishing speaking, Wu Hao drank a glass of water, and then greeted everyone: "Don't be restrained, feel free, let's chat while eating. Don't just talk about it. Today, I'm mainly here to listen to what you have to say. of.

Whoever starts first, Zhang Bin, you go first. "

I? Seeing Wu Hao directly calling his name, Zhang Bin was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a wry smile: "I, I don't have anything to say, I'm just glad to be able to come and have dinner with you all."

Gone? After listening to Zhang Bin's introduction, everyone was stunned and then looked at him.

Wu Hao looked at Zhang Bin and said with a smile: "Tell me about your work, your work experience, some of the problems you have encountered in your work and life, etc."

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Zhang Bin thought about it with a wry smile, and then said: "I am mainly engaged in research on difficult diseases, and currently I am mainly engaged in research on myopia.

Although we already have several mature myopia correction surgery technologies, our company has even developed intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eye technology that shocked the entire medical community.

But not everyone needs to remove their eyeballs and replace them with smart bionic electronic prosthetic eyes, and not everyone is suitable for myopia correction surgery.

As we all know, our country is a country with a high incidence of myopia. The number of people with myopia in our country has reached more than 600 million. On average, one in three people has myopia. Among them, there are many patients with high myopia and ultra-high myopia, with the number reaching 70 million.

I won’t go into details about the troubles and problems caused by myopia. I will just say that myopia has become the biggest problem faced by our country’s military service and other industries. Too many personnel are short-sighted, causing our country's recruitment of military personnel, especially outstanding pilots, to drop dramatically, and it has even reached a point where there is no need to delay.

The number of blind people caused by myopia is also increasing day by day. It is a pity that these people end up blind because of a small myopia.

Although myopia has become a major global problem, it has not been taken seriously. This is why at this stage, there is no drug or surgery that can treat myopia.

What we call wearing glasses and laser correction does not actually cure myopia, but cuts the cornea and wears and inserts optical lenses to allow people to see clearly, but the myopia still exists.

So we are thinking, now that we have found the cause of myopia, can we try to cure it and create a miracle?

Everyone knows that the cause of myopia is that the shape of the eyeball changes, causing the focal length to fail to match the retina, so things cannot be seen clearly. So can we improve and treat the patient's eyeball deformation through some medications and surgeries, so that it can gradually return to normal.

Hearing Zhang Bin's words, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then opened their mouths. Is this really possible?


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