Military Technology

Chapter 2099 Cure myopia?

"So you plan to start with the eye muscles and repair the eye muscles to alleviate and treat eyeball deformation, so as to achieve the goal of curing refractive errors." After listening to Zhang Bin's introduction, Wu Hao said to him asked.

This treatment method is feasible in theory, but it is just a theory, but the clinical treatment is far from achieving the theoretical effect. You must know that once muscle damage is difficult to heal, it is wise to relieve it. Not to mention the small eye muscles that control the eyeballs, which are more difficult to treat.

In addition, as the most important organ in the human body, eyes are often treated with great caution and restraint. Unless it is absolutely foolproof, no one is willing to risk blindness and damage to their power for treatment.

In short, in his opinion, Zhang Bin's treatment method was too idealistic.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Bin smiled and shook his head and said: "It's not just that. If we want to let the eye muscles rest, we have to let them relax. The best way is to sleep, and then there is Dilated pupils.

But, this time is too short and cannot be carried out for a long time, otherwise it will affect the patient's life.

Therefore, we must develop a method that does not affect patients' daily life but is sustainable. This type of treatment will certainly not provide immediate results and will require a longer recovery process.

Our goal is to gradually return the eyeballs to normal, or close to normal, through longer-term treatment. This can achieve the purpose of curing refractive errors, let me say myopia, curing myopia or alleviating and reducing the degree of myopia.

Based on this purpose, we roughly divide the treatment methods into three aspects.

The first is the repair treatment for the muscles around the eyes. Repair treatment is used to relieve and repair these damaged eye muscles and restore them to normal physiological functions.

Then comes the repair of the eyeball. Through some drug treatments and some external intervention, the intraocular pressure in the eyeball is gradually reduced, and then the deformed eyeball is restored bit by bit.

These two aspects are not carried out in tandem, but are treated simultaneously. While lowering intraocular pressure, it can also relieve the pressure on tight eye muscles, giving the eye muscles a chance to relax and repair. The repaired eye muscles can control the pulling of the slightly recovered eyeball to prevent the eyeball from deforming again.

The third part is some auxiliary treatment, such as improving eye-using habits and reusing some drugs that are beneficial to eyeball repair. At the same time, the patient's myopia degree can be gradually adjusted downward, so that the eyesight can be restored little by little.

Simply put, the degree of myopia increases negatively, so the patient may feel blurry at first, but as the treatment progresses, the patient will gradually be able to see things clearly. Wait until the patient can see clearly and adapts to the power of the glasses, and then change to the next power of glasses after refraction.

In this way, gradually and slowly, we can adjust the vision of the patient's eyes. "

"Approximately how long will the entire treatment process last?" Wu Hao did not delve into this technique because it was not appropriate for him to ask for more details on this occasion. Some of them even involved technical secrets and were not suitable for disclosure, so he did not ask about some core things. Instead, he asked this question, which was also one of the questions that everyone at the scene was most concerned about.

Hearing Wu Hao change the topic, Zhang Bin also realized what Wu Hao meant, and then said with a smile: "There is no way to determine the treatment time, because there are some things that are beyond our control.

For example, depending on the degree of the patient's degree, the higher the patient's degree, the slower the recovery from this treatment will naturally be. On the other hand, if the patient's degree is relatively low, recovery and treatment will be faster.

In addition, there are also issues related to personal constitution and treatment effects. Different patients have different constitutions and different conditions, so the curative effects naturally vary. Some may even be effective, while others may have no effect at all. The clothes moth is not necessarily certain.

As for the effects of treatment methods, if the patient does not cooperate with the treatment, the effect will naturally be much worse.

But taking a myopic patient with 500 degrees of myopia as an example, we are confident that it will take one to one and a half years to restore his vision to normal. Of course, this is the ideal result.

However, in reality, due to some circumstances, such ideal results may not be achieved. However, by persisting in cooperating with treatment, a satisfactory situation can be achieved. For example, mild myopia with only tens of degrees or a hundred degrees can be completely eliminated in life. You can take off your glasses.

For some people with high myopia, such as seven to eight hundred degrees, and more than one thousand degrees of myopia, the treatment process is relatively slow. Their eyeballs are severely deformed, and their eye muscles are seriously damaged, making them more difficult to repair. Therefore, if you want to cure it, you need a long period of vision, which may take two to three years, or even longer, for the deformed eyeball to gradually return to normal, and the damaged eye muscles to restore normal physiological functions through treatment, thereby achieving reduction of Eating prescriptions can even cure myopia.

Of course, the problem is still the same. Due to individual treatment differences and high myopia, the recovery effect will definitely not be perfect. In the end, it may only be possible to return to a myopia level of tens to one to two hundred degrees.

Despite this, this degree is far lower than the original degree of these highly myopic patients. And it can also greatly improve the many inconveniences caused by high myopia in life. Moreover, because the deformed eyeball has been repaired, some diseases that are prone to high myopia have been well controlled, and the eyes have been protected from further deterioration.

Ideally, we can achieve a significant effect of lowering the temperature by fifty degrees every half a month to a month. "

So ideal?

After listening to Zhang Bin's introduction, everyone at the scene became excited, especially those who were short-sighted. For them, this pair of myopia glasses is really enough, and they are eager to take them off.

What about the cost? Is it expensive? Some short-sighted employees sitting next to him couldn't wait to ask.

Wu Hao nodded, and then asked Zhang Bin: "With such a long treatment cycle, what about the treatment cost and expenses? If it is too high, it will definitely be detrimental to future market promotion."

Hearing Wu Hao's words and the expectant looks of everyone present, Zhang Bin smiled and waved his hands and said: "You don't have to worry about the cost of treatment. The cost of our course of treatment is not much higher than that of corrective surgeries." of,"

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