Military Technology

Chapter 2001 Subversive Curative Effects

Facing the curious eyes of everyone, Zhang Bin explained with a smile: "All the treatment costs of this technology are divided into three parts. The first is the cost of related drugs used in the treatment. This drug needs to be used for a long time and throughout the entire treatment cycle, and After the treatment cycle ends, you need to continue using it stably for about three months to half a year.

So all in all, this is a relatively large expense.

Secondly, there is the cost of treatment. This treatment fee includes the cost of relevant examinations in the early stage, regular examinations and re-examinations during and after treatment.

In addition, there are related treatment costs, mainly diagnosis and treatment costs. This part of the cost includes the initial treatment costs, as well as regular follow-up treatment costs during the treatment process, etc. However, this part of the cost does not account for a large proportion of the total cost.

Finally, there are related consumable costs, including some medical consumables used during the treatment process, as well as the cost of frequent replacement of myopia glasses during the treatment cycle.

We need to allow patients to constantly change the lens power, so that patients can continuously adapt to glasses with smaller powers through treatment, and gradually treat and restore the patient's vision. This cost is not too high and can basically be afforded by patients.

According to a patient with severe myopia of 500 degrees, the entire course of treatment will cost about 70,000 to 80,000 yuan. However, this is the early stage. In the later stage, with the improvement of related technologies and the development of treatment methods, there is still a lot of room for reduction in this cost. Ideally, we would control it within 50,000.

Although this price is still more expensive than some laser femtosecond correction surgeries and lens implant correction surgeries on the market, the treatment effect of our technology is indeed unmatched by this type of correction surgery, and can even be said to be disruptive. So even though it is more expensive, it is still very competitive in the market.

After all, for all myopia patients, as long as it can be cured, who is willing to take the risk of surgery. "

After hearing Zhang Bin's introduction, everyone at the scene nodded. Although the fee was a bit expensive, it was acceptable to them. If it really takes a month or two's salary to allow them to completely take off their glasses and return to normal, then the money is well spent.

I have a question. The person who spoke was Guo Zifei, who spoke before. He is a myopic patient who wears glasses, so he is very familiar with this technology. After listening to Zhang Bin's introduction, he couldn't help but ask: "Um, I want to ask, will such a long treatment cycle and long-term medication put a greater burden on our body or even damage it?" .”

After Guo Zifei asked this question, other people present nodded in agreement. This is also an issue that they are more concerned about.

After hearing this question, Zhang Bin smiled and shook his head and said: "It won't have much impact, please rest assured.

First of all, our medicines are divided into two parts, one part is oral medicine, and the other part is external medicine for direct use.

In addition to the use of some drugs in the early stage of oral medication, the mid-term and later stages of oral medication mainly include the reuse of some vitamins and nutrients that are beneficial to eye recovery, so they will not have any impact or harm on our bodies. You can rest assured about this.

As for external medication, it is mainly divided into three categories. First of all, the first category is eye drops. This part of the eye drops needs to be used on time during the entire treatment cycle, including several months after the quality is completed, and is directly instilled into the patient's eyes. , the deformed eyeball is gradually repaired through drug penetration.

The absorption of this kind of eye drops is mainly for the eyes and does not have much impact on other parts of our human body. Of course, we still need more experimental and clinical data to support and prove this aspect.

The other part is the eye patch, which is mainly used to improve and repair the eye muscles, improve the circulation within the eye muscles, and allow the eye muscles to gradually recover. This part may also need to be equipped with a special microwave infrared eye mask to accelerate the penetration and absorption of these drugs.

The third part is some injectable drugs. These drugs will be injected into the patient's eyeballs and eye muscles through treatment for repair and treatment.

Therefore, whether it is oral drugs or topical drugs, everyone can rest assured that they will have very little impact on our bodies. Of course, as I just said, these require more clinical trial data to support and prove.

At present, we are not sure whether this treatment method will have some effects and harms on patients that we have not yet discovered. "

After hearing Zhang Bin's answer, everyone at the scene nodded and felt relieved. This is the problem they are most troubled with. Now that this problem is solved, they are relieved.

However, some people were still worried. The person who spoke this time was a little girl with big glasses sitting next to him. He adjusted his glasses and then asked Zhang Bin: "Can I ask a question?"

Hearing her speak, everyone at the scene couldn't help but look at her. Seeing that everyone turned to look at her, the girl was a little nervous and her face turned slightly red. However, with the encouragement of Wu Hao's eyes, she asked Zhang Bin: "My question is, during the treatment process, this treatment method Will it cause any harm to the eyes? Is this treatment technique safe?"

Upon hearing this question, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then nodded. Yes, they were all surprised by the efficacy of this technology, but they never thought about whether the technology itself was really safe. After all, this involves taking medicine, dripping medicine, and injections, and it lasts for such a long time. Is this process really safe?

Facing everyone's gaze, Zhang Bin smiled and said: "The problem you mentioned does exist. This is also the focus of our current research, how to make this technology safer to use.

As for whether long-term treatment will cause damage to the eyes, we have not yet discovered this aspect, but we cannot rule it out. After all, we have too little experimental data. We also need more experimental and clinical data for analysis, so all this will not be discovered until clinical trials are conducted. "

This answer made everyone at the scene nod, but also felt a little disappointed. Yes, no clinical trials have been conducted yet, so it’s still too early to be happy.

As for Wu Hao, at this time, he also spoke out and asked a question of great concern to everyone: "When can this technology carry out specific clinical trials?"

I'm afraid it will take some time. On the one hand, we need to ensure that this technology is safe enough before it can enter clinical trials. On the other hand, it is too difficult to find volunteers to participate in clinical trials, and no one is willing to take such risks. Remember the website address of this website, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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