Military Technology

Chapter 2106 The fox’s tail is finally revealed

Typical of pulling people into trouble.

Zhao Jiaping complained, and then asked Zheng Qiuheng: "Then, the other party can't just treat you to dinner and fun. They didn't ask for anything."

After speaking, both Zhao Jiaping and Wang Xi stared at Zheng Qiuheng with scrutinizing eyes, waiting for his answer.

Zheng Qiuheng, on the other hand, was a little panicked by the scrutinizing gazes of the two men. He opened his mouth, hesitated, and then nodded and said: "It was during the few days when we went to Green City to play, and I got drunk one night. Then when I woke up the next morning and found that woman, that Hua'er, naked next to me, I panicked a little.

A few days after I came back, this woman found me and told me that her boyfriend knew what happened between me and her and wanted to come to me. She said that her boyfriend had a bad temper and was afraid of coming to the company to make trouble with me. , I was very panicked, afraid that her boyfriend would really come to the base to cause trouble. In that case, I would be embarrassed to see anyone. "

Then what? Zhao Jiaping and Wang Xi looked at each other, and a mocking smile emerged from the corners of their mouths. Only a relatively simple person like Zheng Qiuheng would be fooled by such a low-level means. But it has to be said that the other party is very accurate in judging people. He figured out Zheng Qiuheng after a few contacts and immediately formulated a method to suppress him.

Then... Zheng Qiuheng raised his head and glanced at the two of them and Wu Hao, who was sitting there always smiling and silent, and then stammered: "Then Brother Nan and Huang Haitao came to come up with ideas for me, and finally we discussed I decided to let this flower call me first and ask the other party what they wanted before they would forgive me.

The person was very tough on the phone at first, cursing and saying he would come to fix me and so on. After the persuasion of Brother Nan and Huang Haitao, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and said that he had been short of money recently and hoped that I could give him some money to spend.

I asked him how much he wanted, and he asked for one million and refused to let go. I couldn't give it, let alone tell my family. "

Have you ever thought about calling the police? Wang Xi interrupted him and said.

"No, the person on the phone said that he would kill me if he called the police. He also said that he had investigated me and knew my home address. He said that if I called the police, he would kill my parents. I was afraid, so I didn't call the police. I thought Hurry up and keep this matter private." Zheng Qiuheng shook his head and said.

Go on. Zhao Jiaping was speechless. Couldn't he see such an obvious situation?

After hearing what Zhao Jiaping said, Zheng Qiuheng continued: "I didn't have that much money, so Brother Nan and Huang Haitao came over to help me collect more than 100,000 yuan, but it was still not enough. I borrowed some from my colleagues and it was not enough. So I waited until the other party On the stipulated day, I still hadn’t collected the money, so the other party started to make various threats on the phone, threatened to come tomorrow, and then sent me a video.

This video was taken by the pinhole camera hidden in the room on the night I was drunk in Greentown. The person on the phone said that if I didn't pay him again, the video would be exposed and I would be killed immediately.

I was very scared at the time, so I begged him, and then he said it was fine even if he didn’t have money, so he asked me to help him get something to pay off the debt. "

The fox's tail is finally exposed. Next, you follow. Zhao Jiaping asked.

I was afraid, so I... Zheng Qiuheng answered quickly, but there was no sound as he spoke.

What did the other party want, did you give it? Zhao Jiaping asked seriously.

Zheng Qiuheng shook his head repeatedly: "The other party asked for data on related projects of our project team, but these things were encrypted and could not be copied, so they never got it. I was also afraid of being discovered by the company, so I recited some codes based on my brain memory. , the other party thought this method was too slow, so they kept forcing me."

How much did you give? Do you have a backup? Wang Xi asked at this time.

Not much is given, just some marginal data. I have a backup, and I have saved it all in a secret mailbox. Zheng Qiuheng said quickly.

Wang Xi nodded, and then gestured to the staff next to him: "Give him a computer."

yes. The staff member responded, then found a laptop, opened it and put it in front of Zheng Qiuheng.

Wang Xi said to Zheng Qiuheng: "Log in to this mailbox and we need to check the related losses."

Zheng Qiuheng nodded, and then started typing on his laptop. After a while, he stopped and then looked up at everyone.

The staff brought the computer to Wang Xi and the others, and then gestured.

Wang Xi and Zhao Jiaping looked at it and then asked the staff member to continue processing, while they turned to look at Zheng Qiuheng.

Is it just these things? You didn't hide it. Wang Xi looked at Zheng Qiuheng and asked.

That's really all. Although the other party forced me repeatedly, I was afraid and never dared. For this reason, I was beaten several times by the other party.

Who hit you? Zhao Jiaping asked.

Zheng Qiuheng shook his head: "I don't know him. Suddenly two people came up and beat me, and then left after saying a few words."

You didn't call the police? Zhao Jiaping asked with a frown.

Zheng Qiuheng shook his head: "No, that Hua'er was there at the time. She advised me to be patient and give her boyfriend what he wanted as soon as possible, and then let me go. And the man also said on the phone that he only wanted the things, and he would wait until Once you get the thing, let me go, and then Hua'er and I will be happy."

Didn't you realize they were in the same group? Zhao Jiaping was speechless.

By the time I reacted, it was too late. The other party threatened me with the things I gave them, and I had to accept them. Zheng Qiuheng was full of grievances and cried a little.

Okay, okay, it's not too late to say it now. As long as you can truthfully explain the problem and cooperate with us to catch these people and recover the losses. Then we will consider easing your departure, or even exempt you from departure. But if you conceal the facts and we find out, then don't blame us for being unkind. At that time, you will not only face the company's departure and prosecution, but also related criminal liability. You don’t know what your project team is engaged in, right? Once there are serious consequences, you will spend the rest of your life in prison. Zhao Jiaping said seriously to Zheng Qiuheng.

I said it all, I said it all, I said everything I know. Zheng Qiuheng replied quickly.

Then tell us why you sent us this anonymous email and what you think. Wang Xi looked at him and asked.

Zheng Qiuheng looked up at Wang Xi and replied: "Once we saw this woman and Huang Haibo coming out of the hotel, I knew I had been fooled. I wanted to let it go several times, but the other party kept threatening me and couldn't get away. I even felt like someone was watching me around me, and that woman secretly looked through my mobile phone and computer while I was sleeping.

If I reported this to base security and the Office of Classification, they would be aware of it. Finally, I came up with this method to avoid the other party's surveillance. "

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