Military Technology

Chapter 2107 Take measures

After listening to Zheng Qiuheng's words, Zhao Jiaping and Wang Xi nodded and looked at each other, then looked at Wu Hao. Seeing this, Wu Hao smiled and nodded and said: "Okay, it's getting late. I'll let someone take you to the next room to rest. Don't worry, there will be someone here to protect you, so there won't be any problem."

You go back to your room to take a shower and have a good sleep. You don't have to go to work tomorrow morning. Just say you don't feel well and ask for leave. Think about it and tell us what else you haven't thought of tomorrow morning. There are some things that are more beneficial to you if you say them yourself than if we find out. Do you understand? "

Understood, Zheng Qiuheng nodded repeatedly, and then left the room under the leadership of the staff.

Not long after Zheng Qiuheng left the room, Zhang Jun walked in and asked Wu Hao: "How did you ask, have you been recruited?"

All recruited. Wu Hao nodded, and then told him the outline of the matter. After hearing this, Zhang Jun immediately slapped the table and cursed: "How could there be such a stupid person? Let him pack his things and get out of here."

Okay, let's calm down the fire first. Getting angry won't solve the problem. Wu Hao expressed relief to Zhang Jun, then looked at Zhao Jiaping and Wang Xi and said, "What do you two think?"

Zhao Jiaping smiled and looked at Wang Xi. Upon seeing this, Wang Xi sorted out the notes on the table, and then said to Wu Hao and Zhang Jun: "Actually, this case is not complicated. Zheng Qiuheng should have discovered it by accident. His colleague, Huang Haibo, has a problem.

Then it was jointly designed by Huang Haibo and the so-called Nan Ge and Hua'er to drag him down. Very obvious, but useful. Especially when the other party thinks that technical men like Zheng Qiuheng who are not deeply involved in the world and do not have much social experience are very effective.

If it is true as he said, this Zheng Qiuheng has some brains, but now we need to investigate clearly who this Brother Nan is. We must first confirm the identities of these people, then monitor them, and then decide whether to continue to control fishing. , or arrest.

In addition, we also need to find out how much the other party stole. Zheng Qiuheng only gave a part of it, but how much did Huang Haibo steal? In addition to these few people, whether they also dragged other people into the water needs to be investigated.

In addition, who is the so-called Hua'er's ex-boyfriend who called Zheng Qiuheng to defraud him? Who is directing this incident behind the scenes? Is it purely commercial secret theft, or does it involve some security fields. "

I think that after finding out the identities of these people, we can arrest them directly. God knows if what they have is spread out. If it is, our losses will be huge. Zhao Jiaping said.

We can't arrest people directly. I think these are just a few minions, and the people behind the scenes haven't shown up yet. Once caught, the other party will definitely run away. To be honest, it will be more difficult to catch him again. Wang Xi shook his head.

Wu Hao nodded after hearing the two words, thought for a moment, and then said: "Let's not talk about other things, let's do three things now. First, find these people for me, and control them secretly first. Don't Let the other person run away. Monitor them closely to see who they are in contact with again.

Second, I need a damage assessment report. The confidentiality office will get it done. I will see the results tomorrow morning.

Third, contact the local security department and the military security department. This matter has already involved the field of military security and is beyond our ability to bear. "

clear! After hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhao Jiaping and Wang Xi immediately responded.

Zhang Jun on the side nodded after listening to Wu Hao's arrangement, and then said to him: "Do you think you should let the security department blockade the base to prevent people from entering and exiting. In this way, even if the other party wants to escape, they will have no chance. , and you can also alert the enemy and lure the other party to show up."

When Wu Hao heard Zhang Jun's words, he shook his head and said: "It's too early. Let's find out the situation first before talking about it. In addition, we should wait for the people from the security department to come and discuss this matter to see what their opinions are."

Seeing Wu Hao say this, Zhang Jun nodded and stopped talking.

After watching Zhao Jiaping and Wang Xi leave, Zhang Jun couldn't help but said: "How should we deal with this Zheng Qiuheng and hand it over to the security department?"

After hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao shook his head slightly: "I promised him that he would be given a lighter punishment, and I can't break my promise. Let's see the progress of the case first. If the final investigation finds that he was not too deeply involved, what he did If it is basically consistent with what I said today, then let’s give it a good education.

This kind of thing would be easy for anyone to do, but Zheng Qiuheng was just unlucky. The fact that he finally woke up in time and sent us an anonymous email shows that he defeated himself in his heart and made a rational and correct decision, and there was no dark path. "

But can you rest assured that such a person remains in the company and is still in such a core department? Zhang Jun said worriedly.

Wu Hao smiled when he heard this and said: "You have to give those who make mistakes a chance. I believe that after this lesson, this Zheng Qiuheng will be more mature. In addition, it does not mean that he is completely trusted. He must still let the confidentiality office and the security department Monitor it for a while and then take a look.

If the performance is not good, then it will be gradually marginalized or eventually eliminated. "

You are still too soft-hearted. According to my idea, just let it go. It would be merciful not to hold him accountable, and it would be a good thing to keep him here. Zhang Jun said with some indignation.

This is not soft-heartedness, but kindness. If we directly fired him and exposed what he had done, he would die directly and there would be no place for him in the industry. I can't bear to let an outstanding talent who has been studying for more than ten years be ruined like this, I can't bear it. Wu Hao smiled and shook his head.

Compassion does not control soldiers, righteousness does not control wealth, emotion does not establish affairs, and kindness does not serve as an official. Doing so is not enough to serve as a warning to others. Zhang Jun insisted on his point of view.

Haha, when did you become a master of words? You can speak so clearly. After joking with a smile, Wu Hao continued: "Actually, I want to use this example to set up a typical case, so that other employees with some problems can actively surrender and explain their problems, thereby reducing the punishment. In this way, it can also purify the company's internal environment and reduce losses."

But if this happens, then some people will feel confident. Anyway, as long as they take the initiative to explain the problem, they can be given a lighter punishment or even be exempted from departure. Zhang Jun expressed his worries.

Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand: "The ruler is in our hands, and it is up to us to decide how to measure it. And even if these people start lightly, they will leave records in their files and be promoted and transferred in the future. Including some internal eliminations, there must be some reference."

This is better, you still think more. Zhang Jun's eyes lit up, and a smile appeared on his face.

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