Military Technology

Chapter 2116 Glowing Flowers

"There are also the poinciana trees that are more common in our daily lives and used for greening in some cities in the south, as well as some of the bougainvillea we cultivate, and the ginkgo tree, whose leaves can change from green to golden yellow. There are also Trees show different colors at different stages of growth.

Maybe you are not familiar with the trees, but as for the flower varieties, there are many colorful flowers blooming together. For example, there are three-color begonias, seven-color roses, five-color flowers, five-color red flowers, five-color azaleas, etc.

These flowers can bloom in different colors on the same plant, which is very beautiful.

As for us, we study the gene combination sequencing of this multi-color flowers and plants, and then use transgenic and gene editing technologies to integrate the colors of various plant leaves and branches, and then insert them into the plant's maternal gene sequence. , thus cultivating this colorful rainbow tree, which can also be called a colorful tree.

In addition to the leaves, we also edited the trunk epidermis and successfully inserted some genes from the rainbow eucalyptus into the maternal gene sequence. So please see, its trunk is also colorful. "

"It's so beautiful. Once this tree is unveiled, it will definitely detonate the Internet and become the focus of public attention and discussion." Speaking of this, Zhang Jun held up the transparent folding device in his hand and said, don't mind if I take a photo and post it on Weibo Bar.

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Yang Fang smiled and shook her head and said: "You can post it as you like, but you must show the experimentally bred varieties to avoid causing unnecessary controversy or even criticism.

There is currently a lot of controversy about this kind of genetically modified and gene-edited plants, so if you send it out, you may receive some criticism. "

Yang Fang's meaning is very clear. It's not that I don't want you to post it, but that what you post may cause some controversy or criticism, so I hope Zhang Jun can consider it carefully.

Zhang Jun, on the other hand, smiled and waved his hands: "That time our new technology came out, it did not attract attacks or criticisms. Let them go. No one can control the development of technology."

After speaking, Zhang Jun turned to look at Wu Hao. Wu Hao, on the other hand, smiled and waved his hand and said, "If you don't mind the trouble, just let me know. Anyway, don't drag me into trouble.

By the way, send me two photos later and I will send them to Lin Wei. She will definitely like them. "

What's the point? If Lin Wei likes it, you can just get a sapling and plant it in the courtyard so that you can see it every day. Zhang Jun said with a smile.

As for Wu Hao, although he was a little moved, he still waved his hand and said: "Forget it, let's keep a low profile. I don't want my home to become a holy place for Internet celebrities to check in.

But when I go back to transplant some flower and plant varieties at the headquarters, I will leave a few plants for greening the courtyard. "

I also want a few, especially this golden tree, golden bamboo, and golden pine. Leave a few for me. Zhang Jun was a little obsessed with saying.

Haha, Wu Hao smiled, and then waved his hand to Yang Fang to continue.

Yang Fang also continued to introduce to everyone.

In the entire glass greenhouse, there are more than 500 varieties and more than 2,000 plants and trees of various kinds. These are basically the results of our cultivation. Many of them performed mediocrely, but some were successful.

For example, these plants here, Yang Fang walked up to a very beautiful flower. This flower was very huge, very numerous, and the flower shape was beautiful. The whole color was white, but not completely white. It is a gradient color, somewhat radiant and has a silky texture.

Under the gaze of everyone, Yang Fang gently touched the flower with her slender index finger, and the entire flower quickly shrank into buds like unopened roses.

Because the flowers are too dense, the shrinkage of one flower disturbs the other flowers nearby. The flowers on the entire plant shrink quickly like dominoes.

So interesting, this is also a new variety you have developed. Zhang Jun said with interest.

Yang Fang smiled and nodded: "We have implanted some mimosa genes into the mother gene of this flower, so when these flowers are touched by the outside world, they will shrink quickly like mimosa.

We also designed the flower shape so that when it shrinks, the overall flower shape is more like a budding rose, rather than randomly shrinking into a lump.

Based on this technology, we have cultivated some other such plants, all of which are very interesting. "

At the same time as Yang Fang introduced them, Wu Hao and others also tried to touch these flowers and plants. Under their misfortune, the plants here shrank one by one.

Yang Fang waited quietly for them to finish playing, and then led everyone to an area near the inside.

Here is also a new variety series we have cultivated, we call it the Elf series. As she spoke, Yang Fang took out her transparent folding device, unfolded it, and slid it a few times. Suddenly, the sunshades in their area began to close, and even the fill light went out.

While everyone was curious, they discovered that in the somewhat dim environment, the posts in this area were actually emitting a faint fluorescent light, which was very beautiful. There are white, tender gold, orange, red, and faint blue, purple, and tender green.

Can these flowers shine? Zhang Jun asked.

It should be some kind of fluorescent variety. Wu Hao looked at these glowing plants thoughtfully.

You are right, these are luminous plants that we have cultivated using fluorescent genes. Yang Fang smiled and nodded: "Actually, there are many functions that emit light at night in nature, such as luminous trees, lantern trees, fluorescent mushrooms, Queen of the Night, etc.

These books will emit weak fluorescence at night. There are many reasons for this luminous phenomenon. Some of them are that they have this fluorescent gene and can emit a weak light on their own. Some absorb sunlight during the day and continue to emit weak light at night.

Others absorb some fluorescent elements from the ground, and then produce a luminous effect.

As for us, we use transgenic and gene editing technology to extract those plant genes that naturally have luminous genes and can absorb sunlight and continue to glow at night, and then implant them into the mother plants of these flowers, so that these flower plants can It can also glow at night.

And, we adjusted the color intensity of these glows. Therefore, our luminous flower plants emit much brighter light than natural varieties in dim environments. "


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