Military Technology

Chapter 2117 This kind of apple can only be looked at but not eaten


"We know that some fluorescent substances can cause harm to human health. This kind of luminous plant will also have such problems." Just when everyone was amazed by this fluorescent flower plant, Wu Hao proposed a comparison that he issue concerned.

Hearing this question, Yang Fang smiled and shook her head: "The fluorescent substance you mentioned is a radioactive element, which will naturally cause some harm to the human body. As for our luminous plants, it is a kind of its own photosynthetic reaction. The phenomenon is a kind of biotechnology and will not cause harm to people. Not only that, normal smelling, touching, and playing are fine.

However, we do not recommend eating it as it may contain some plant toxins. Just like many flowers sold in flower shops, they are very beautiful in appearance, but they are poisonous. Just pay a little attention to this and don't eat it by mistake. "

Wu Hao nodded slightly when he heard this. That's fine. Everything must be built on the premise of safety. Without safety as the foundation, everything else is in vain.

Seeing Wu Hao's signal to continue, Yang Fang slid a few times on the screen, the lights came back on, and the sunshades slowly opened. As for Yang Fang, she led everyone to the next area.

"This area is mainly planted with some ornamental fruit plants." Yang Fang pointed to a plant area full of fruits and introduced with a smile to everyone.

"Ornamental fruits?" Many people in the crowd asked.

Yang Fang Jianzhang smiled and explained: "Yes, ornamental fruits. In fact, the origin of this ornamental fruit is very early, and it has been discovered and mentioned in some ancient atlases and works.

However, the earliest such ornamental fruits were mainly fruit trees, and often appeared in the form of bonsais and garden scenery. Their ornamental value was far greater than their edible value. However, at this time, these ornamental fruit plants were mainly cultivated to achieve ornamental effects by cultivating ordinary fruit trees. So while watching, we also take into consideration eating.

In recent decades, a kind of fruit tree or fruit plant has appeared specifically for ornamental purposes, such as the bonsai full of red fruits, and some fortune oranges, fortune oranges, etc. These things are no longer edible, and their only value is for viewing.

As for our side, we mainly cultivate this kind of ornamental fruit plants. Their main function is to watch them. Of course, some of them may also be used for food.

Our other glass greenhouse is mainly for cultivating this kind of fruits. You can visit it soon. "

With that said, Yang Fang led them to an apple tree, and then introduced with a smile to everyone: "This is an apple tree for viewing. The whole crown is very beautiful, a bit like a Christmas tree, so Very suitable for home cultivation.

The apples above are all ornamental fruits that we have carefully cultivated. "

While Yang Fang was talking, she also picked one from the tree, then showed it to everyone and said: "Please see, this is the apple on our apple tree. The whole apple is relatively huge in shape and is a large-scale apple." Fruit, the diameter is more than twelve centimeters.

The shape is very round, close to a circle, rather than the fruit shape of an ordinary apple with a big top and a small bottom. In addition to the round and beautiful fruit shape, the color of the apple is also very beautiful, showing a very bright red, and there are some gold stars on the red surface.

As we all know, there are many apples, so fruit farmers need to intervene during the growth stage of apples in order to make them look better. For example, spray ripening chemicals or lay reflective aluminum foil to make the entire apple color evenly and look better.

But our kind of apple does not need it. Its color is red, so it can be grown and managed normally. As time passes, it will slowly turn from green to red.

In addition, its fruit shape is huge, so it looks like a lantern hanging on the entire fruit tree, which is very beautiful. "

"This apple is really big, but it looks a little light and doesn't have enough water." Zhang Jun couldn't help but said after weighing the huge, round apple that Yang Fang mentioned.

Yang Fang smiled and nodded and replied: "You are right, this kind of big apple is lighter in weight and lacks water compared to normal fruits.

This is not a problem of management and cultivation, nor is it that we have not paid enough attention, but that we have cultivated it this way deliberately.

Normally, an apple of this size would weigh more than a pound, or even more. But if the apple is too big and heavy, the branches cannot bear the weight, so it will fall.

This may be normal for normal fruit trees. Generally speaking, fruit farmers may also put a bag or something to prevent it from falling. But ornamental fruits are not good, it is too ugly to do so.

And because if the weight is too heavy, one branch cannot bear several of them, so the appearance is not good.

In order to allow more apples to hang on the entire fruit tree, we must reduce the weight of the apples. But the weight of an apple is related to its size. If the apple is too small due to weight loss, its ornamental value will also be greatly reduced.

So in order to meet these needs, we must make a fuss about fruit trees and apples.

First of all, we must change the relevant genes of the fruit tree to make its branches stronger and more resilient, able to bear more weight, bear more fruits, and not fall off easily.

Secondly, we need to change the internal structure of the apple to make it lighter.

As we all know, the factor that affects the weight of apples is the moisture content inside. The higher the moisture content, the heavier the weight, and vice versa.

This is why the apples we just picked are very juicy, crisp and delicious. But apples that have been stored for a long time are a bit dry, pink and waxy, and their weight will also lose a lot.

Therefore, in order to reduce the weight of apples, we need to modify the internal pulp to reduce the water content without affecting the size, appearance and color of the apples. In this way, we can achieve the purpose of reducing weight.

We have edited the apple's genes so that its pulp has a cotton-wool-like structure that is less likely to retain water. In this way, its weight can be significantly reduced.

In this way, we can achieve the goal of hanging so many big apples on such a short and slender fruit tree. "

After hearing Yang Fang's introduction, Wu Hao took the huge apple and looked at it, then put it in front of his nose and smelled it, then asked Yang Fang: "So, this kind of apple can only be seen but not eaten. "

"Actually, it's still edible, but the texture and taste may be a little different." Yang Fang explained with a smile.

Speaking of this, Yang Fang said with a smile: "We have big apples specially cultivated for consumption over there. They are about the same size as this and taste very good. You can taste them later." Remember the website address of this website, WWW. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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