Military Technology

Chapter 2134 Exaggerated new generation lidar technology

“For example, we have improved the accuracy of the detection sensors installed in the autonomous driving system. First, we have improved the original lidar, greatly extending its lidar ranging range.

As we all know, the detection distance directly affects the response time of the system for identifying and warning obstacles. The longer the detection distance, the more data information can be detected, which is beneficial to improving overall security.

In addition, the longer the detection distance means that the vehicle's form speed can be greatly improved. In the past, self-driving cars had to be controlled within a certain speed range, which may be limited by detection technology. Beyond this speed, the self-driving system would automatically exit and allow the driver to take over.

Our new generation of lidar can detect farther distances, which is basically three to four times the detection range of these lidars currently on the market. This also means that our autonomous driving system can detect obstacles that may appear ahead a few hundred meters away, so that we can plan ahead without having to react temporarily.

At the same time, it also means that autonomous driving technology supported by the new generation of lidar can be applied to faster vehicles or other means of transportation. For example, the speed of high-speed rail can reach 350 kilometers, and some can even reach 400 kilometers. At such a fast speed, the driver has very little time to react. If this system can be applied, high-speed trains will be able to detect the road conditions ahead more accurately and respond more quickly when traveling at high speeds. This helps reduce some accidents and problems that occur because people are limited by various conditions and react too slowly. "

At this point, Zhou Yonghui took a breath, and then continued: "In addition to the detection distance, the scanning frequency and detection resolution of lidar are also the basis for measuring the quality of lidar.

This time, we have put a lot of effort into these two aspects, so that the performance of these two aspects has been greatly improved.

The so-called scanning frequency refers to the detection speed of the same object or surrounding environment within a period of time. The higher the scanning evaluation rate, the more detailed and timely the surrounding environment information acquired by lidar detection, and it can detect small changes in the surrounding environment in real time.

The difference in scanning frequency may not make much difference in low-speed processes, but in high-speed and ultra-high-speed environments, scanning frequency is crucial. The higher the scanning frequency, the more detailed the detection of high-speed moving objects. In this way, more detailed status of high-speed moving objects around you can be learned, thereby telling the automatic driving system to process and avoid.

As for detection resolution, it refers to the lidar’s ability to detect small objects.

One thing everyone should know is that the objects detected by lidar are not what we see, but point clouds. Through the distance between the object's contour surface and the lidar, the object's contour shape can be known.

The higher the detection resolution, the more detailed the outline of the detected object we can get.

The current lidar technology on the market can achieve high ranging resolution for close-range targets, but its resolution will also drop sharply as the distance to the detected object increases.

Therefore, in order to achieve longer-distance detection, it is not just as simple as increasing the laser power, but also requires essential improvements to the ranging core.

These lidar products on the market have very low detection resolution for long-distance targets and environments, which will cause some problems when the vehicle is driving.

As for our new generation lidar, its detection resolution has been greatly improved, and its detection accuracy of 100 meters can reach centimeter level. What does it mean? That is to say, we can identify a small pit on the ground or a fallen iron nail at a distance of 100 meters, so as to avoid it in advance. "

This is too exaggerated. After hearing Zhou Yonghui's introduction, some people at the scene couldn't help but exclaimed.

Haha, Wu Hao and the others smiled when they heard this. They were indeed a little surprised by such a high detection accuracy.

"It's a bit exaggerated, but this is the result of our actual test, without any adulteration. Moreover, the detection accuracy is very high. The size and contour of the target object we detected are basically consistent with the size and contour of the actual object. There is no There is a deviation." Zhou Yonghui responded with a smile.

After saying this, Zhou Yonghui glanced at Wu Hao, and then continued: "To improve the performance of the new generation of lidar, we have also greatly improved the anti-interference performance of the new generation of lidar.

In particular, the detection rate of objects of different colors and the anti-interference of ambient light and other lights have been greatly improved.

The original detection of lidar is to use the time between the emission of light and the object being measured, the reflection and reception, and the time between the return and return, so as to obtain the distance between the lidar and the detected object, and then the object in front can be known through countless rays of light. The size is reduced to information.

Then this brings a new problem. As we all know, objects of different colors and materials have different light reflectivity, so the detection values ​​obtained are naturally very different.

For example, dark objects have a high reflectivity unlike white objects. Dark objects can absorb most of the light. It is obviously unrealistic for lidar to have the same detection power for dark objects as white objects. .

Therefore, how to balance the direct detection differences of objects of different colors and materials, and how to reduce the impact of dark objects on lidar detection, has been the focus of our research.

Fortunately, Huangtian paid off. After our continuous research and optimization, we finally improved our performance in this area by improving sensor technology, optical adjustment, and optimization processing algorithms. But from this point of view, we can completely defeat a lidar product on the market.

In addition, there is also the anti-interference of ambient light, which is also the focus of our research.

Lidar uses light to detect objects, so it will naturally be affected by other light. For example, direct sunlight, artificial lights, and other ambient lights will have an impact on the detection performance of lidar.

Therefore, we have also put a lot of effort into this aspect. On the one hand, we have improved the laser light source in lidar so that it can be as different from natural light as possible. On the other hand, it uses intelligent processing algorithms to perform calculations and filter out noise from other light sources except lidar, making the laser detection data obtained clearer and more accurate. "


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