Military Technology

Chapter 2136 The existence of crushing peers

After hearing Zhou Xiangming's introduction, everyone couldn't help but nodded, full of expectations for this test. You know, drones are very small and fly very fast. If lidar can detect these high-speed flying drones, it will be able to deal with complex road conditions with ease.

Soon these drones were placed at predetermined locations by technicians. These drones vary in size. There are larger civilian drones used for shooting, and there are also some small military drones, ranging from large to large. From small to small, the variety is very rich.

Anyway, here, for Zhou Yonghui and the others, no matter what kind of drone they are, it doesn't matter. You must know that they are studying drone technology, so it is not surprising that there are various drones.

Following Zhou Yonghui's order, these drones took off quickly, flying and hovering in the air, sometimes accelerating and diving, sometimes flying close to the ground, sometimes pulling onions on dry land, and sometimes doing somersaults and performing aerobatics.

But for Wu Hao and others, compared to these fancy flying drones, everyone cares more about the information on the big screen.

In the slow dot cloud displaying the original detection data of the new generation lidar, multiple drones have been formed from dense points. The drones composed of these dot clouds move quickly on the screen, corresponding to the sky. Various drones flying.

In the processed and rendered large-screen picture next to it, the shapes of these drones have also been very accurately modeled. These models fly quickly in the space in the picture, and the flying attitude and speed of the drones All can be restored and displayed perfectly.

Approximately how far away is the farthest drone from the radar? Wu Haoyuan glanced at the small drone flying in the distance, then looked at the detection data on the big screen, and then asked Zhou Yonghui.

After Zhou Yonghui heard this, he immediately motioned to the experimenter next to him. The experimenter next to him operated on his notebook, and then marked the real-time distance data on the flying drone models.

Two hundred and seventy-three meters! Zhou Yonghui glanced at the data marked by the drone on the big screen, and then reported to Wu Hao and the others.

Wu Hao nodded slightly when he heard this, and then waved: "Let this drone fly over."

OK! Zhou Yonghui responded and immediately gave instructions.

Soon the small drone they were paying attention to flew over from a distance, and everyone saw on the big screen that the drone was getting closer and closer to the radar, and finally hovered and landed in front of them. Come down.

Everyone finally saw clearly what this small drone looked like. It was only the size of a human palm and was a four-axis small drone. Looking at the drone, Wu Hao couldn't help but smile and asked: "Why do I feel that this drone looks so familiar?"

Haha, I showed you this last year, the ‘Hu Feng’ micro reconnaissance drone we developed. Zhou Yonghui said with a smile.

Wu Hao nodded when he heard this. He knew that this reconnaissance drone had a speed of about 160 kilometers per hour. This lidar can detect a small drone with a speed of more than 160 kilometers per hour at a distance of more than 270 meters, which is very powerful. This alone is enough to overwhelm its peers.

What do you think? Wu Hao turned his head and looked at everyone.

After hearing his words, everyone nodded and praised him. Zhang Jun said with a smile: "It's amazing. Based on this alone, we can definitely lead all lidar technologies on the market by ten, no, twenty years!"

Haha, Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "It's too exaggerated.

The lead is certain, but it is just a little bit ahead. How do you know that some other manufacturers have not developed more advanced lidar products in their laboratories?

The test just now only showed the test results when it was disabled. In reality, emergencies all occur while the vehicle is driving.

Let the car move and try it! "

no problem. After hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhou Yonghui immediately made arrangements.

"Next, we will let the test vehicles equipped with these two lidars drive. The speed is too low for us, so we are preparing to drive at 100 kilometers, 120 kilometers, and 140 kilometers. Test at speed.

Normally, this is the limit of vehicle travel. Of course, we also have high-speed tests and ultra-high-speed tests, but due to time constraints, we cannot arrange them today.

At present, we have been able to achieve lidar performance testing at a speed of 400 kilometers per hour, and in these ultra-high-speed tests, our lidar has achieved very good results.

In the future, we plan to cooperate with the High-Speed ​​Railway Research Institute to install it on high-speed railways for ultra-high-speed performance testing. The other party has shown a strong interest in this lidar and has urged us several times. I hope we can send the experimental samples and experimental technical team there as soon as possible.

It is said that we have to catch up with the project window and hope that this lidar can be equipped on our country's latest 400-kilometer high-speed train. "

After hearing Zhou Yonghui's report, Wu Hao nodded with a smile and said: "We need to pay attention to this matter. You should send equipment and personnel there as soon as possible to cooperate with them and strive to apply this technology to the 400-kilometer high-speed train project." .

On the one hand, we can make our due contribution to major national scientific research projects. This is an honor and an affirmation of our strength.

On the other hand, we can use this project to further expand our influence in the field of lidar technology and autonomous driving technology, thereby further expanding our share of the entire industry and market. "

You can rest assured that we have organized a strong scientific research team, led by Jiaming himself, and will go there with the equipment to cooperate with them soon, striving to apply this technology to the 400-kilometer high-speed train project. Zhou Yonghui said confidently to Wu Hao.

Well, Wu Hao nodded when he saw this, then waved his hand and said: "Let's get started!"

The experiment begins!

As the experiment began, the test vehicle equipped with lidar started to fly forward. Because it is an electric car, it accelerates very quickly. It can break 100km/h in basically three or four seconds.

Soon, the speed was controlled at about 100 kilometers, and the vehicle was seen speeding away into the distance. On the big screen, the lidar detection screen quickly moved backwards. Because the speed was too fast, some details on the road could no longer be seen clearly.


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