Military Technology

Chapter 2137 Too strong performance is also a problem

However, under the processing of technicians, the lidar detection screen was quickly brought out and slow-played.

Please see, these are several test simulated obstacles we placed on the road. Their sizes range from ten centimeters to one centimeter. Our tests will see whether these test simulated obstacles can be detected at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour.

Under Zhou Yonghui's introduction, everyone stared at the big screen. Soon a simulated obstacle was detected and selected, then the second, then the third, and the fourth.

Finally, all the simulated obstacles were identified, and a burst of warm applause broke out at the scene.

But at this time, Zhang Jun raised a question that worried him.

"Is it really necessary to apply such fine detection accuracy to autonomous driving? Not all road conditions will be so good. If these tiny objects or potholes are recognized and avoided, what should the car do? The driving experience of the passengers in the car may not be that good."

After hearing Zhang Jun's question, everyone thought for a moment and nodded. Indeed, if it is a road with poor road conditions, even some roads with a long history, there will inevitably be some potholes, rocks and debris. Is it really necessary to avoid these things?

Of course it is best to avoid them, but if you avoid these tiny objects in such an ordinary way, constantly turning, accelerating and decelerating, the riding experience of the passengers in the car will definitely be poor.

So after hearing this question, Zhou Yonghui smiled and shook his head and said: "We have already thought of the question you asked.

In fact, this is a problem that autonomous driving technology has to deal with. What we are currently conducting is a performance test of lidar. From this point of view, the higher the accuracy and resolution that lidar can detect, the better.

As for whether to use it or not, this is a question to be considered in terms of autonomous driving technology.

In other words, you can use it without it, but you can’t live without it. We can use system algorithms to perform subsequent upgrades and optimization on these problems, but the hardware cannot, so we must improve the performance of the hardware as much as possible from the beginning.

Since you mentioned this issue, let me first introduce to you and everyone how we handle this aspect.

Although these tiny objects of one or two centimeters, potholes have no impact on vehicle driving and will not cause any damage to vehicle tires.

But this matter is not absolute. Some of these tiny objects will still have a very large impact on the driving of the vehicle, and even cause car crashes and death.

For example, nails of one or two centimeters, sharp objects, etc., once these objects are run over by the tires of high-speed vehicles, they are likely to cause the wheels to burst. Vehicles traveling at high speeds are not very stable. A sudden tire blowout may cause the vehicle to change direction, mount other vehicles or road guardrails, or even rush off the road, rush off a cliff, etc.

Even a sudden tire blowout may cause the vehicle to roll over, etc., which can be said to be very dangerous.

With such fine detection capabilities, we can perform corresponding processing on the autonomous driving system. For example, actively avoiding detected sharp objects can greatly reduce the risk of sharp objects puncturing vehicle tires.

For most ordinary tiny objects, they can be selectively filtered out, for example, they can be filtered directly and ignore their existence. In other words, if conditions permit, avoid them gently and try not to crush these tiny objects as much as possible.

For some roads with poor road conditions, we can plan driving routes in a targeted manner to avoid large obstacles as much as possible. We have already applied this technology and related algorithms to our "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle on the moon. "

While Zhou Yonghui was speaking, the test continued. At this time, the speed of the test vehicle had reached 120 kilometers. When driving on the highway at such a speed, I don't seem to feel anything. But as bystanders, everyone could finally feel how fast the car was traveling at 120 kilometers.

Not only that, there was a test vehicle driving from the opposite side on the entire test road, also at a speed of 120 kilometers per hour. This also means that if the two test vehicles do not slow down, the instantaneous relative speed when they meet can reach 240 kilometers, which is a very terrifying speed.

At the same time, there are many drones hovering in the sky. Whether these objects can be identified at such a fast speed also makes everyone full of expectations.

Identify it, identify it!

As everyone exclaimed, the screen already showed the test drive heading this way, as well as some drones in the sky.

This distance is estimated to be four hundred meters.

Three hundred and ninety-one meters. Zhou Yonghui glanced at the data on the screen and replied.


Being able to detect it at such a long distance at such a speed really surprised everyone, and they all praised it.

Wu Hao looked at the speeding vehicles on the road, then smiled and waved his hand: "Okay, I'll stop here."

Come on, the 140-kilometer test hasn’t continued yet. Zhang Jun, who was looking happy, suddenly became unhappy after hearing what he said.

In response, Wu Hao said angrily: "I still have work to do, so stop playing.

This result is already very impressive. There is no point in testing it anymore and it will waste time. "

After saying that, Wu Hao turned to Zhou Yonghui and said, "Okay, let's stop the test here. We have seen everything we should see."

Zhou Yonghui nodded when he heard this, and then called on the technicians to start testing.

Wu Hao, as for Wu Hao, glanced at the test vehicle that was gradually slowing down on the test road, and then asked Zhou Yonghui: "When will this lidar be put into market?"

Upon hearing his question, Zhou Yonghui immediately turned to look at him and replied: "Currently, the relevant testing work for this lidar technology has been completed. Logically speaking, we can launch it into the market at any time.

But, we're going to wait for now. "

etc? When Wu Hao heard this, he looked at Zhou Yonghui with a puzzled expression. Not only him, but Zhang Jun and the others also looked at Zhou Yonghui, wondering why such a good technology was not launched in applications, but had to wait.

Yes, wait. Zhou Yonghui nodded and explained: “We feel it would be too much of a loss if we just sell hardware equipment, so we plan to launch it together with our new generation of autonomous driving technology for bundled sales.

And itself, our new generation of autonomous driving technology is also based on the optimization and upgrade of new generation lidar and other technologies, so the software and hardware are better matched, and the performance will naturally be stronger. "


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