Military Technology

Chapter 2138 We are responsible for life

"In addition, we have made breakthrough progress in 4D imaging millimeter wave radar technology, as well as optical imaging technology and image recognition technology. We hope to organically integrate these technologies to combine The industry's leading autonomous driving technology."

4D imaging millimeter wave radar technology? After Zhang Jun heard Zhou Yonghui's words, he couldn't help but said: "This technology is very popular now. All major car manufacturers are promoting it. Is it a gimmick or does this technology really exist?"

After hearing Zhang Jun's words, everyone became interested. Yes, the concept of 4D imaging millimeter wave radar technology has been repeatedly hyped by manufacturers in recent years, all claiming to have mastered this technology. So now that everyone has heard what Zhou Yonghui said, everyone naturally becomes curious.

Zhou Yonghui smiled and nodded when he heard this: "This technology does exist, and it should be said that it is the most advanced millimeter wave radar technology in the industry.

However, there are currently very few companies that master this technology, only a few, and they are still uneven. The so-called 4D imaging millimeter-wave radar technology currently being speculated by manufacturers on the market is actually a pseudo-concept. Even if it has a side effect, theoretically it is still an ordinary millimeter-wave radar technology.

They only optimized it at the system software level, and the overall performance improvement is very limited. "

"So, this thing is an IQ tax." Zhang Jun raised his eyebrows and said.

Not necessarily, Zhou Yonghui shook his head and said: "If 4D imaging millimeter wave radar technology is really used, the ability to perceive the surrounding environment will be greatly improved.

However, there is currently a mixed bag in this regard, and the cost of this technology is relatively high. There are relatively few manufacturers and brands that actually use this technology, and they are all high-end vehicles. Due to cost constraints, this technology has not yet been able to reach the mid-to-low-end market. .

One of the purposes of our research on this technology is to greatly reduce its cost so that this technology can be applied to low-end vehicles and benefit more ordinary people. "

How big is the performance gap between this technology and ordinary millimeter wave radar? Wu Hao raised a question that interested him.

After hearing Wu Hao's question, Zhou Yonghui quickly replied: "The gap is huge, almost equivalent to the gap between our new generation lidar technology and the first generation lidar technology."

"So big!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard Zhou Yonghui's answer. I originally thought this was just a publicity stunt, but I didn't expect the technical performance gap to be so big.

While everyone was discussing, Zhang Jun raised a new question, which successfully attracted everyone's attention.

"Since we already have such an advanced new generation of lidar, why do we need to integrate this 4D imaging millimeter wave radar? Isn't this a bit too much and a waste of resources?"

The question Zhang Jun asked is indeed what many people want to ask. Their new generation lidar technology is so powerful, why do they need to integrate this 4D imaging millimeter wave radar technology into it? Is this really what Zhang Jun said? As mentioned, there is too much stockpiling and resources are wasted.

Faced with this question, Zhou Yonghui smiled and shook his head.

"In fact, there is no such problem. For consumers, it is better to overstock materials than to cut corners. Of course, this will increase some costs, but the benefits are also very obvious.

And you missed one thing. We are a trinity vehicle surrounding environment perception system that combines lidar, 4D imaging millimeter wave radar technology, optical imaging technology and image recognition technology.

As everyone knows, we are far ahead in the entire industry in terms of optical imaging technology and image recognition technology.

This time, we have greatly enhanced these two technologies. The first is optical imaging technology. This time, we do not use ordinary high-definition imaging lenses used by ordinary automobile manufacturers or autonomous driving technology suppliers as image capture sensors.

Instead, we use our own customized synthetic compound eye lens. In this synthetic compound eye lens, we not only integrate a high-definition white light lens, a low-light lens, and an infrared lens.

These three lenses can very clearly detect and capture white light, low light, and infrared images around the vehicle, and process these images to perceive more information about the surrounding environment.

It is then processed through our intelligent image recognition technology to provide the autonomous driving system with very detailed and accurate information about the vehicle's surrounding environment.

From this point of view, our two technologies are far ahead of those pure optical autonomous driving solutions of our peers, or basically all optical autonomous driving solutions.

If it were an ordinary car company, these three major technologies would be able to make it prosperous in the industry. It can be said that it is superior to the others.

But it's not enough for us. We don't want to put the safety of the entire car and the passengers in the car on one technology. The risk is too high.

Once there is a slight problem with this technology, or a scene that has never been encountered before appears, it is not recognized. Then the result may be a tragedy of car crash and death.

We are engaged in technology, but this technology is closely related to the life safety of drivers and passengers. We should take it seriously, and we should be responsible for lives.

So based on this, we have brought these three technologies together to integrate them into the most advanced autonomous driving system in the world.

This autonomous driving system will be able to cope with basically all traffic scenarios in reality, and will be able to handle them very well.

I can say right now that the performance of our autonomous driving technology far exceeds that of humans. Zhou Yonghui announced confidently.

Later, when this technology is released and promoted, we plan to organize a competition to recruit outstanding drivers from all over the world to compete with vehicles equipped with our self-driving technology. If anyone can beat us, then whoever can win will receive a reward of one million US dollars.

We just hope to attract everyone's attention through such a competition and expand the imaging technology of our technology as much as possible so that it can be applied to more vehicles.

This allows this technology to serve more people, save more lives, and benefit more people.

Of course, we also hope that through our efforts, we can change the status quo of the entire autonomous driving technology industry, set higher goals for them, inspire and promote the accelerated development of the entire industry, thereby benefiting all aspects related to it and benefiting the entire world. "


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