Military Technology

Chapter 2142 One system can achieve two major functions

"This means that we do not need to add any complex active defense system to this military vehicle. We only need to install a remote control weapon station on the roof of the vehicle to realize the active defense function. The detection system required by the active defense system, The control system and everything else are already in place.

Moreover, the defensive performance of this active defense system is also very excellent. It detects high and low-altitude targets within a radius of 500 meters, and then limitedly selects and intercepts the most threatening targets. The response is very sensitive. In this respect, it is basically comparable to the vehicle-mounted active defense system we developed. "

“In addition to intercepting some incoming missiles, rockets, armor-piercing projectiles and other incoming targets, this system can also actively attack local units that pose a threat to vehicles.

For example, the enemy personnel ambushing around the vehicle are aiming at the vehicle with rocket launchers. At this time, the system will regard it as the most threatening target and eliminate it first.

Of course, active fire on enemy personnel requires authorization from the commander or commander in the vehicle. Generally speaking, it is divided into two methods: semi-automatic and fully automatic.

The semi-automatic method is that after the vehicle searches for the target, it will lock the target and transmit the relevant picture to the screen in front of the commander or commander in the vehicle, and the commander will judge whether to choose to fire and attack.

Once the commander gives the command to fire and attack, the system will automatically launch the attack. Of course, if the system's autonomous attack effect is not satisfactory, the commander can also control the remote-controlled weapon station to launch an attack. These are all possible.

As for the fully automatic mode, after the commander issues an instruction to turn it on, the system will independently carry out decisive attacks without the need for intervention by personnel in the vehicle or behind. Of course, people in the vehicle can also intervene at any time, such as interrupting the attack, changing the attack target, etc.

These two modes have their own advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes, you may choose the semi-automatic mode to avoid misjudgment and accidental injury. But sometimes, such as entering enemy-occupied areas or entering some battlefields, the advantages of fully automatic mode are more obvious. It is much faster than human reaction. It can find the target before the human can react, track the quick-frozen target, and then launch an attack to destroy the target. The whole process is very short, maybe only a few milliseconds. In one or two seconds, the danger can be eliminated. "

At this point in the introduction, Zhou Yonghui stopped, changed an introduction material, put it on the big screen, and then continued talking to everyone.

"This is its active defense system, which is an additional function extended on the basis of the autonomous driving system. In other words, our system can do two things, autonomous driving and active defense, and its performance in this area is Both of these fields are far ahead.

The advantage of such integration is that you can use the money of one system to realize the functions of multiple systems. This can greatly improve the survivability and combat effectiveness of this vehicle or vehicle on the battlefield.

It can be said that there is currently no system that can reach our technical level. Up to now and even for a long time to come, it is unique and leading in the entire industry. "

At this point, Zhou Yonghui paused for a moment, then looked at everyone and said with a smile: "In addition to realizing military-grade autonomous driving technology, we have also made some extensions on this basis.

Civilian-level autonomous driving relies heavily on maps. Although many vehicles currently rely on high-precision maps, they still rely heavily on map navigation routes.

The driver needs to set a target location and then choose to plan a navigation route, so that the autonomous driving system can drive autonomously along the planned navigation road.

But military-grade autonomous driving technology cannot do this. It has no ready-made roads to travel on, and naturally it does not have the so-called planned route information, let alone high-precision lane-level maps.

So how to achieve military-grade autonomous driving? After we investigated and listened to the opinions of many grassroots commanders and officers and soldiers, and collected relevant data and information, we gave this military-grade autonomous driving technology a very good Control method.

The destination of the automatic driving navigation of military vehicles cannot be directly entered into the civilian system, such as that area, that street, that shop community, and other specific and accurate locations. The target areas for military vehicles or troops are usually in the wild, and there is no accurate geographical information.

So we abandoned this navigation method and instead used latitude and longitude coordinates. As long as we enter the longitude and latitude coordinates of the destination we want to go to, the military-grade autonomous driving system will begin to calculate the distance between the current location and the destination, and then detect the topography between the two based on military satellites, or Plan multiple travel routes through military-grade digital maps.

And based on the characteristics of these routes, we will prioritize them and provide attention instructions. For example, although this route is closer than the other route, the road is rugged and steep, the traveling conditions are poor, and the speed is very slow, so it is not a recommended route as a priority.

The driver or unit commander can choose to generate one of several planned routes according to their own needs, or they can plan the route independently and directly transmit the independently planned route to the on-board automatic driving system through the fast transmission system. In this way, the autonomous driving system will drive along the route planned by the commander.

Of course, whether it is a route independently planned by a military-grade autonomous driving system or a route planned by a unit commander himself, these routes are all based on the relevant information currently available. This information is actually inaccurate, or it has a great delay.

Because whether it is the route planned by the military-grade autonomous driving system or the route planned by the unit commander, they are all planned based on military maps or related satellite maps and their own experience.

Although this information is very accurate, compared with lane-level precise navigation information, the planned travel route information is still too rough. In addition, there are great uncertainties in wild routes, such as whether the road is damaged or destroyed, whether floods have washed away the road, or whether enemy bombs have destroyed the road, etc.

And it may also be because the map update speed is relatively slow, the vegetation and even the topography on this route have changed. If you are driving along these planned routes accurately, it will definitely not work. At this time, a military-grade autonomous driving system will be needed to handle it. "


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