Military Technology

Chapter 2143 Skills comparable to those of old scouts

"To put it simply, this military-grade autonomous driving system relies on planned routes, but it does not completely rely on these planned routes."

After hearing Zhou Yonghui's words, everyone couldn't help but become confused, not knowing what Zhou Yonghui meant.

Zhang Jun even asked directly: "How do you say this? You are both dependent and not dependent. Isn't this contradictory?"

It’s not a contradiction!

Zhou Yonghui shook his head and smiled at the confused people and explained: "First of all, what we are talking about depends on planning the route. This mainly means that we need basic travel routes and important destinations.

For civilian-level autonomous driving systems, what they pursue is to reach their destination safely, accurately and quickly. As for which route they go from, it doesn't matter.

But for military-grade autonomous driving systems, it's important to take that route to your destination. Especially when performing some tasks, the choice of route plays a crucial role in executing the task.

For example, if we are going to attack an enemy target, if we don't pay attention to the route of travel, we can easily be detected and learned by the enemy, and we must prepare defenses in advance. In this way, our combat plan will be completely ruined. If we attack by force, we are likely to suffer heavy casualties, and we may not be able to conquer it.

Therefore, in order not to alert the enemy, we need to confuse the opponent, choose a relatively long route, drive in a roundabout way, arrive at the target and launch an attack from behind, catching the opponent off guard.

So for military-grade autonomous driving technology, route planning is very important.

But why do I say it is not so important to rely entirely on these routes. The main reason is what I mentioned earlier. The planned route information is unclear and not so accurate. You cannot strictly follow the navigation route.

So at this time, a military-grade autonomous driving system is needed to adapt to changes. It will drive along the planned navigation route, and will also change the relevant driving route according to the road conditions ahead to avoid unreachable road sections.

And there may be no roads on many road sections. At this time, a military-grade autonomous driving system is also needed to specifically plan the route.

For another example, when passing through some rivers, you need to cross the river. At this time, the military-grade autonomous driving system needs to detect and judge which river section is suitable for launching and crossing the river, etc. These are unlikely to appear in the planning information, and they still need to be used by the military. The level of autonomous driving system adapts to the situation as it arises.

Even sometimes, some regional maps and satellite navigation are missing. At this time, a military-grade autonomous driving system is needed to drive autonomously. The system will choose a planned travel route based on the direction information of the compass, and then follow the surrounding terrain and landforms. to continuously match the terrain and landforms in the stored satellite map, and then complete its own positioning.

Then, you can plan your own travel route based on your own positioning information, compass direction, satellite map and destination, so as to accurately and quickly locate the target location.

Of course, this is only in extreme cases. For example, the satellite navigation has no signal, and the digital map will only be like this under certain circumstances. "

After hearing Zhou Yonghui's introduction, everyone couldn't help but excitedly started discussing.

This function is really powerful. It can realize automatic driving without satellite navigation or digital map. It can also compare the terrain and the stored satellite map to position itself, and then according to the Use compass and satellite map to plan your route and reach your destination accurately and quickly.

This function is comparable to that of the old scouts. You must know that accurate positioning based on mountains and terrain is their specialty.

Can this function be transferred to civilian systems? Someone at the scene asked a question that interested him.

Hearing this question, everyone also looked at Zhou Yonghui. Obviously, everyone also hopes that their car can have this function. In this way, there is no need to worry about the lack of satellite navigation signal, lack of accurate road information, and the inability to achieve autonomous driving.

Zhou Yonghui smiled and replied: "Technically speaking, there should be no problems. It just depends on the relevant regulations and laws. This may involve map measurement and positioning, so it may require approval from relevant departments."

After hearing Zhou Yonghui's words, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun both shook their heads. Indeed, if it involves mapping and positioning, it will definitely be difficult, or even hopeless, to transfer this technology to civilian systems.

Unless the problem of the security of these surveying and mapping data information can be solved, it is basically unsolvable. In other words, the relevant departments have approved the opening of regulations in this regard.

However, this is also aimed at the general public. If they want it, it will be very simple. And even if they don't tell them, someone will take the initiative to apply it to their cars. Therefore, they had none of the worries and disappointments of others present.

Zhou Yonghui glanced at everyone, and then continued: "In addition to these, we have also added an emergency treatment function to this military-grade autonomous driving system.

When the vehicle is attacked and the members in the vehicle are injured and have lost consciousness, the monitoring system in the vehicle or the life monitoring system worn by the soldiers detects that the soldiers are in critical condition. At this time, it will be transmitted to the vehicle-mounted military-grade autonomous driving system. system.

The vehicle-mounted military-grade autonomous driving system will initiate emergency procedures, quickly evacuate the scene, and then autonomously go to the nearest rescue location or field hospital and other destinations to save the lives of the people in the vehicle.

Similarly, there is also a function. When vehicle members leave the vehicle and are injured and unable to move, these members can use wearable devices or handheld devices to call the vehicle's military-grade autonomous driving system, and the system will locate the members on board, and then It autonomously drives to the vicinity of the members, allows them to climb into the vehicle, and then leaves the battlefield to the nearest medical care point or field hospital for treatment.

In addition, there is a more direct method of calling, which is to interact through our intelligent voice system.

When soldiers are injured and life-threatening and lose the ability to move, it is difficult to manually control vehicle-mounted equipment. At this time, through the intelligent voice system, this problem can be solved very well. Just shout loudly and you can get a vehicle on standby nearby.

In the vehicle, you only need to speak softly, and the radio system in the vehicle will be able to accurately recognize the voice content and then execute the command.

Similarly, vehicle members can also connect to the vehicle system through their own radio system to conduct voice interaction with the vehicle's military-grade autonomous driving system. "


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