Military Technology

Chapter 2152 Northern Linghu Research Center

Having said this, Wu Hao turned to Lin Jiaming and said: "We have been studying and discussing solutions to the issues you raised. First of all, regarding the rotation time, there is no problem. I can agree to it now. But For the insurance period, you still need to make relevant preparations. The three-month rotation is too fluid and requires a lot of preparation. And whether such liquidity will affect your normal work and project progress is still a question. unknown.

Therefore, this matter cannot be rushed and requires sufficient preparation before it can be implemented. Later, you can submit a written feasibility report based on this aspect, and we will study it first.

As for the second question, we are actually doing this. Let Mr. Zhang tell you about it. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhou Yonghui and Lin Jiaming couldn't help but look at Zhang Jun.

Zhang Jun, who was walking around, didn't expect Wu Hao to mention him, which made him look at Wu Hao with some dissatisfaction, and then said to the two of them: "The company has decided to continue to expand the Jiangnan Research Institute and the Pearl River Delta Research Institute. scale, and integrated our research and scientific research institutions in Beijing to establish the Beijing Research Institute.

In the future, the company will use the three research institutes as the basis to recruit outstanding talents gathered in these three super city clusters. By then, we will not only transfer some scientific research projects at the headquarters to these three institutes, but also transfer some non-essential research projects at the Northwest Research Center.

A rotation system will be formed, with the three major research institutes going to the Anxi headquarters and the Northwest Research Center, with regular rotation of project personnel. Of course, except for some special projects. "

After finishing speaking, Zhang Jun glanced at Wu Hao, and then continued to say to the two of them: "In addition, the research center to the north of our Anxi Linghu headquarters has been basically completed and is currently being finalized. This research center occupies an area of It reaches 1,500 acres and has 100 experimental buildings of various sizes. By then, it will also accommodate some laboratories and project teams transferred from the Northwest R\u0026D Center."

Setting up research centers in three major super first-tier cities has been something they have decided for a long time, but some things have affected the progress of the project. This time, Wu Hao and the others are determined to accelerate the progress of this project and strive to double the size of the three major research institutes. By then, each research institute will have more than 10,000 research and technical personnel for scientific research projects.

As for the research center north of Linghu Headquarters, this is also a new project they have been building. This land is reserved for their development in Linghu. However, because Linghu is developing relatively quickly, the commercial value of this land is also constantly increasing, and more and more people are interested in this land. . Wu Hao and the others decided to build a new northern research center in order to avoid unnecessary complications and cut through the mess quickly.

So after hearing Zhang Jun's words, Zhou Yonghui, Lin Jiaming, and the several entourages following them all became excited. This is really good news for them. It would be great if they could really return to Anxi or even work in the three first-tier cities.

Their biggest problem now is that they have no place to spend money. They pay so much salary for nothing every month, and they have no place to spend money. If they can return to live in big cities, they will definitely have to spend money well.

There is another problem, which is one of the reasons why these people cannot stay here, that is, it is difficult to find a partner here. So much so that most of the scientific researchers working here are single.

This was not originally a problem that Wu Hao and the others had to worry about, but with more single people and a longer period of time, some problems would still arise. So in order to avoid this problem from happening, Wu Hao and the others also need to help these singles solve this problem.

Looking at the excited people, Wu Hao said to them: "You guys, there is a problem that you need to pay attention to and deal with it as soon as possible."

what is the problem? After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone stopped smiling and looked at Wu Hao seriously.

That's your big problem. This base is almost turning into a monk's temple. We can't continue like this. I'm afraid that the wild camels in the surrounding area will become pregnant. Wu Hao said angrily to several people.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun and several of the entourage who followed them burst into laughter.

As for Zhou Yonghui and Lin Jiaming, their faces turned red and they couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Men should get married when they are young, and women should get married when they are young. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Wu Hao said angrily to the two of them, and then continued: "This matter must be resolved, otherwise it will affect the internal atmosphere.

In order to worry about your life-long events, we specially cooperated with Anxi Youth League, labor unions, and some famous enterprises, and decided to hold multiple group blind dates in Anxi. This event is only open to those of us within the company, as well as some local schools, hospitals, grassroots departments and other institutions.

It can be said that they have gathered the most outstanding young men and women in Anxi, and their quality is very high. I have paid attention to some information. Among the relevant reference personnel reported by these enterprises and units, many of them are highly educated personnel, including many with Ph.D.s and master's degrees. In addition, there are also some high-income people, good-looking people, etc.

It can be said that the opportunity is very rare. You should cherish this opportunity, strive to get out of singles as soon as possible, and solve the major issues in your life. "

After hearing Wu Hao's introduction, both Zhou Yonghui and Lin Jiaming, as well as their followers, all had their eyes lit up and became excited.

Mr. Wu, how do I sign up for such an event? Before Zhou Yonghui and Lin Jiaming could speak, there was a young man behind him who couldn't wait to ask.

Haha, pay attention to your personal internal mailbox, and relevant notifications will be released. You only need to install and fill in the relevant registration form. At that time, specialized personnel will notify you and conduct some simple love training. Wu Hao explained with a smile

Need training? Zhou Yonghui frowned and his face fell down.

"Nonsense, you are all science and engineering guys. Do you know how to say hello to a girl when you meet her? How do you know how to ask for her contact information when you meet a girl you like? You don't know how to do anything, just go there. It will be embarrassing. You should study first, it will be good for you." Wu Hao said angrily.

Mr. Wu, we won’t participate in this event, right? Zhou Yonghui and Lin Jiaming looked at each other, and then said awkwardly.

Why don't you participate? Others can participate. Why don't you participate because you are afraid of being embarrassed? . Wu Hao looked at the two coquettish Mei Haiqingdao.

This, we, mainly we went inappropriately. Zhou Yonghui said bravely.

Nothing is inappropriate. Wu Hao waved his hand: "All participants are treated equally. Others will not give in to you just because you are the leader. Girls will not rush to chase you just because you are the person in charge.

Give them all to me, and I can’t pull any of them down. "


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