Military Technology

Chapter 2153 The all-pervasive bad guy

Waving to stop Zhou Yonghui and Lin Jiaming, who were still depressed, from seeing them off, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun took the shuttle bus back to the hotel in the base.

After returning to the room and taking a shower, she heard someone knocking on the door and saw Shen Ning walking in followed by Zhao Jiaping and Wang Xi. After receiving the news, Zhang Jun also came to Wu Hao's room and sat down in a bathrobe.

Wu Hao looked at the two people who came, and asked them to sit down very casually, and then asked: "Have you checked it out?"

We have basically figured it out, but according to the opinions of the military security team, the target cannot be arrested yet. Zhao Jiaping reports from Wu Haohui.

Why, now that we've figured it out, why don't we just arrest the person and let him catch the big fish in the long run? Zhang Jun was a little confused.

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wang Xi explained with a smile: "As the saying goes: catch the thief to catch the stolen goods, catch the adulterer to catch the couple. According to the military security team, this case involves the criminal field of criminal law, so it must be fully understood Only after the evidence is obtained can the person be arrested, which will facilitate subsequent sentencing and trial.

In addition, the military security team believes that not all people have been dug out. This Qiu Nansheng is probably a target on the surface, and the real behind-the-scenes planning team and commander may not have surfaced yet.

If you don't dig him out, catching these small fish and shrimps is useless. So now the military security team has begun monitoring the phone calls of these people, especially Qiu Nansheng. At the same time, we have also applied to us to monitor the entire base through wired and wireless networks, filter all incoming and outgoing data information, and see if we can find some clues to catch this black hand hiding behind the scenes. "

After hearing Wang Xi's report, Wu Hao nodded slightly, then looked at the two of them and asked, "How many people have been confirmed so far?"

Seeing Wu Hao's inquiry, Zhao Jiaping immediately replied: "In addition to the previous few people, seven new people have been identified. Four of these seven people are technicians and employees distributed in various departments, and among the three, one He is a door-to-door delivery driver who interfaces with the logistics department. He comes to the base to deliver goods every other day, and the person who interfaces with him is Qiu Nansheng.

There were two other people who were found by the military security team from the local area. Every time Qiu Nansheng went to the surrounding urban areas, he would meet one of them. And this person is also closely related to another person.

So we can be sure that this is a spy associate lurking in our base who specializes in stealing confidential and sensitive technical information. "

These bad guys are really all-pervasive. In such a remote place in the northwest, these people come looking for you. Zhang Jun frowned and said angrily.

There is no way, who makes our base so dazzling? Within a few years, we have successively developed a number of cutting-edge weapons and equipment technologies. This will naturally attract the enemy's attention. No matter where we are, these things will come looking for us by smell. Zhao Jiaping said with emotion.

Wang Xi on the side also showed a helpless expression and said to Wu Hao and the others: "We have communicated with the local security department, and they have arrested dozens of people in the past two years. There are people pretending to be tourists, doing business, and people pretending to be students, doing scientific research, there are all kinds of people.

And a large part of them are coming to our research base. It can be said that the local security department has helped us block a large part of the threats.

They were helpless when this happened this time. "

Thank them for me. After this case is over, you will go to their workplace to express our condolences on our behalf and express our gratitude. Let’s see what they need and donate some. Wu Hao nodded and explained to the two of them.

Lack of funds, lack of manpower, lack of equipment. This place is located in the northwest region. The local area is relatively poor to begin with, and the budget funds allocated to them are not large. They have been struggling to cope with the situation for the past two years, which has almost overwhelmed them. Wang Xi said with a smile, as a former security officer, she was very familiar with these.

Wu Hao thought for a while after hearing what she said, and then said: "In this case, they are a special department, and we can't donate money directly. You go back and prepare a batch of related equipment we developed to donate to them, and then purchase some supplies. It’s up to you to decide on the details, just to express our feelings.”

yes. After hearing Wu Hao's words, Wang Xi immediately laughed. It was obvious that she was happy for these colleagues. Even though she is no longer in the industry, she still sees herself as one of them.

According to her words, she is always waiting for the organization's call.

Compared to Wang Xi who was happy, Zhao Jiaping frowned and showed a look that he was hesitant to speak.

When Wu Hao saw this, he immediately looked at him and asked with a smile: "Why, if there is anything that embarrasses you, just say it directly, no need to avoid it."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun and Wang Xi also turned to look at him. Zhao Jiaping felt the eyes of everyone, hesitated slightly, and then said to Wu Hao: "In addition to this matter, we are also reflecting on where the problem went, which allowed the other party to take advantage of it.

I thought about it carefully, and there are two main points. On the one hand, it is true that we did not do our job well, otherwise we would not have allowed the other party to take advantage of us. On the other hand, I think it has a lot to do with the opening of the base to tourists.

We reviewed the relevant monitoring information in the past, including personnel entry registration information, and found that these people have entered the park multiple times in the past year. I don’t think they are here to visit, but to check out the sites or interact with people.

So I still suggest that this project can be terminated and no longer open to tourists. Since it is a research base, it is better to keep this car simple and not get involved in any messy things. "

Regarding Zhao Jiaping's words, Wu Hao nodded to express his understanding. After all, allowing tourists to come in for visits will virtually increase the work intensity of the security department and increase the difficulty of their protection.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Zhao Jiaping and others would have such emotions or thoughts.

Wu Hao did not answer immediately, but thought for a moment and said to him: "I have also talked about the problems here before, so it is definitely unrealistic to immediately stop opening to the outside world and terminate the entry of tourists.

Well, when this happened, the local leaders were also concerned about it. Let's go back and ask someone to communicate with the local government, and then discuss a solution that has both sides.

It's certainly impossible to completely stop development, but if we just open up some areas that can be opened, there should be no problem. Such as solar photovoltaic power plants, solar thermal molten salt power plants, wind farms and other facilities outside. "


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