Military Technology

Chapter 2158 Smart Landmine Live Fire Simulation Test

"Please see, the locations of the eight smart landmines have now been marked on the satellite map, including their precise longitude and latitude information.

Now that the smart mines have been activated, we need to deploy these eight smart mines.

Under normal circumstances, the optimal deployment density of such smart landmines is one per 100 meters. In other words, with these eight smart mines, we can deploy a rectangular minefield that is six hundred meters long and three hundred meters wide. The coverage area of ​​its mines is unmatched by traditional mines. "

"The deployment order has been issued!"

Please see, as the order was issued, these eight smart landmines have already started moving, and then marched to the designated deployment location.

After Zhou Yonghui's introduction, Wu Hao and the others also picked up the telescope and started looking.

These eight smart landmines did not travel very fast, so it took about two minutes for all eight mines to be deployed.

Through aerial photography drones in the air, everyone can clearly see the deployment locations and related positions of these eight landmines. Against the background of the desert next door, these smart landmines painted in desert khaki color appear to blend in with the entire earth from a distance and cannot be seen at all.

Please see, our eight smart landmines have now been deployed and are currently on standby alert.

Speaking of this, Zhou Yonghui took a breath and said to everyone: "Here is one thing to explain to everyone. Because we are testing live ammunition, for the convenience and safety of the test, we have modified the excitation conditions of these smart landmines or we have replaced them. These smart mines are designed to attack targets so as not to cause danger."

After hearing Zhou Yonghui's explanation, Wu Hao nodded slightly to express his understanding. Although it is a live-fire test, you cannot really find some real people and some real armored vehicles for testing, so it is feasible to change the attack target instead of experiment.

Seeing everyone nodding, Zhou Yonghui continued: "In order to better improve the killing effect of smart landmines on soldiers, this time we specially prepared animal experiments.

To this end, we specially purchased some pork, which will be tied to some targets. At that time, we can observe the damage of the pork on the targets to learn the killing effect of these smart landmines. "

"Okay, the test is about to begin!"

As the test began, a special convoy appeared in the distance. This convoy was made of models and towed by remote control vehicles. Many of these models were the images of enemy soldiers and gangsters in the game. . There were some targets with a piece of pork directly fixed on them, which seemed to be prepared for killing experiments.

In the middle, there are several large model vehicles. These model vehicles look like armored vehicles and tanks. They marched in the middle of the entire team, and behind and behind them were some enemy soldiers and gangster models.

The teams are spread out relatively widely, probably to simulate the appearance of the enemy army when they are marching.

Under remote control, this simulated convoy began to slowly move towards the minefield where the smart mines were deployed.


There was a buzzer on the broadcast from the observation control center, and then one of the eight mines on the satellite map displayed on the transparent glass turned red.

Seeing this, Zhou Yonghui immediately introduced with a smile: "This landmine turned red, which means that this smart landmine has detected the enemy's convoy and automatically activated it."

Immediately, a telephoto lens image of the landmine appeared on the screen. The optical detection lens that was originally folded and retracted on the landmine was erected, and detection began.

At the same time, the images captured by the mine's optical reconnaissance lens also fed back into the naming. Everyone also had a first-hand view of this smart landmine and saw the convoy.

Immediately, one after another smart landmines were awakened and activated. Four of the eight smart landmines in the entire minefield were already activated. These include one steel ball anti-personnel smart landmine, one prefabricated fragmentation smart landmine, and two anti-armor smart landmines.

While everyone was watching, Zhou Yonghui's words immediately rang out.

When a smart mine finds a target, it will analyze it based on the data it has detected and wake up nearby smart mines.

"For example, this smart landmine discovered that there were walking soldiers in this simulated convoy, as well as armored vehicles and tanks in the team, so it directly awakened a steel ball anti-personnel smart landmine, a prefabricated fragmentation smart landmine. Two anti- Armored smart mines. It believes that these four smart mines are enough to deal with this enemy convoy."

Please see, after these four smart landmines are awakened and activated, they immediately form an intelligent cluster control system. The intelligent cluster control system has quickly developed an attack plan based on fleet information.

Immediately, the screen changed, and several arrows appeared on the four activated red smart mines on the map.

Zhou Yonghui then explained: "These arrows on the screen represent the attack targets of these four smart landmines.

Please see, in the attack plan formulated by the intelligent cluster control system, the steel ball anti-personnel intelligent landmine will mainly attack the group of simulated enemy targets with the largest number of people at the back of the team and which are relatively dispersed.

The prefabricated fragmentation smart landmines mainly attack the top soldiers in the front of the team. As for the two anti-armor smart landmines, they mainly attack the two simulated armored vehicles and tanks in the opponent's team.

It can be said that this is a perfect attack plan that adapts to local conditions. It can be said that it takes full advantage of the advantages of different smart landmines and releases all its combat power. "

Everyone nodded after hearing this, and then couldn't help but watch the pictures and data on the big screen.

But at this moment, someone shouted: "The attack has begun!"

Following this shout, everyone couldn't help but look into the testing venue. Four smart landmines were seen speeding toward the simulated convoy from four directions. Compared with their initial movement speed, their speed at this moment has reached the extreme.

In an instant, the nearest steel ball anti-personnel smart landmine rushed to the center behind the convoy where there were many simulated targets, and then exploded. ,


Unlike in the movie, the explosion did not produce much fire, but instead stirred up a burst of dust on the ground.

Through the telephoto surveillance lens, everyone can clearly see that there are countless bullet holes, large and small, on the targets set up to simulate enemy troops and gangsters.

The surface of the fixed pieces of pork was also severely damaged by the beating, and the meat foam flew everywhere. Not only these targets, but also the rack trucks carrying the models, including the tractor door in front, are full of dense bullet holes. On many targets, it can be said that not a single complete area is covered by these dense bullet holes.


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