Military Technology

Chapter 2159: Unavoidable Attack

Just when everyone was surprised by the terrifying power of this steel ball anti-personnel smart landmine, two anti-armor mines, one behind the other, rushed towards the two armored vehicles and tank simulation targets in the middle of the convoy at the same time.

Boom, boom!

Two consecutive explosions lifted the two armored vehicles and tank simulated targets directly from the ground. The target fragments flew around, and some were directly blown dozens of meters into the air before slowly falling.

After the explosion, the complete frames of the two armored vehicles and tank models were no longer visible in the venue, and there were scattered debris everywhere.

Just after the two explosions ended, the prefabricated smart fragmentation mine also exploded at the target position in front of the team. The prefabricated fragments produced by the explosion directly blew up all those targets to pieces. Compared with the dense bullet holes of steel ball anti-personnel smart landmines, the prefabricated fragments produced by the explosion of this prefabricated fragmentation smart landmine have already blown these targets into pieces.

Bang bang bang bang...

Inside the observation and control center, everyone couldn't help but applaud when they saw this situation. It was obvious that he was very satisfied with the explosive power of these four smart landmines.

As for Zhou Yonghui, he also took the opportunity to introduce it to everyone.

"Please see, just four smart landmines can destroy an enemy convoy of about thirty or forty people, with one armored vehicle and one main battle tank. Although this is just a simulated target, the impact of these four smart landmines Everyone has seen the power produced.

The first thing to explode was this steel ball anti-personnel smart landmine. The steel balls produced by its explosion can kill a radius of fifty meters, which means that the explosion coverage can reach a circle with a diameter of one hundred meters. This also means that within this 100-meter bandage covering circle, basically all personnel will be hit by the two thousand to three thousand dense steel balls generated by it at supersonic speeds, and in severe cases will be killed. Minor injuries can range from loss of mobility.

And this is only its effective killing radius of fifty meters. In fact, its steel balls will still have a certain lethality even if they splash to a hundred meters.

Please see, everyone, the targets that are relatively close to the explosion of this steel ball anti-personnel smart land mine have basically been riddled with holes. There is no intact place on the surface, they are all covered with dense bullet holes. . So just imagine, if these were ordinary soldiers, even if they were wearing heavy bulletproof vests, these densely packed steel balls could still hit areas of these enemy soldiers that were not protected by bulletproof vests, such as arms, legs, feet, face, and neck. etc. According to such a terrifying attack and kill density, even if these enemies who are relatively close to each other are lucky enough to survive, they will be riddled with holes and their lives will be in danger. And this is already a blessing among the misfortunes for the survivors.

Next we look at the mid-range targets. These targets have pork tied to them to simulate the killing effect of steel balls on pork. Please see, the surface of these pork meats is no longer intact, there are pits everywhere. Although they do not have as many bullet holes as those on close-range targets, the coverage density is also very terrifying.

As for the long-range targets, although there are not as many concentrated steel balls as in the short and medium range, the average number of bullet holes on each target is more than a dozen, which is enough to illustrate the excellent killing coverage of this steel ball anti-personnel smart landmine. . "

Looking at the live footage captured and transmitted back by the telephoto lens, the targets and pork were densely covered with bullet holes. While everyone nodded, the juniors couldn't help but feel cold. If this smart mine was attacking them, would they be able to survive such an attack?

While everyone was discussing, an expert couldn't help but asked: "Normally, well-trained soldiers will make an adaptive response when they see something coming towards them. One is to attack with a gun. To intercept the incoming target, the other is to lie down and find a bunker, so as to avoid the attack of explosive fragments as much as possible. So in this case, will this kind of suicide attack landmine still have such a good combat effect?"

This expert is a weapons and equipment expert specially invited by Zhou Yonghui and others to watch this smart landmine live ammunition experiment. These experts are also expert technicians who have been dealing with weapons and equipment all their lives and have been invited by Wu Hao and others from some military industrial companies. The purpose is naturally to use their industry experience to assist them in developing relevant weapons and equipment. So this time, Zhou Yonghui and others will follow the company's practice to invite them to visit and put forward some professional opinions.

After hearing what this expert said, everyone couldn't help but nodded. This expert has a point. If it were a real enemy, would they watch this smart landmine rushing towards it without firing a shot to intercept it, and would they lie down or find a bunker to avoid it?

The enemy is not stupid, so why should he stand and let you attack.

Zhou Yonghui smiled and nodded: "You are right, real people will not be beaten passively, they will definitely try their best to defend and avoid attacks.

So usually, our smart landmines will actually wait until the target is very close before suddenly launching an attack, thereby catching the opponent off guard.

Basically, at a distance of thirty meters, it only takes two or three seconds from the time the vehicle starts accelerating to reaching the target and exploding. During this time, it is difficult for the enemy to make effective interception and defense measures.

And usually, instead of using a single smart mine to attack, we usually adopt swarm attack tactics and use multiple smart mines to attack targets covering the same target or the same area.

In this way, even if the enemy adopts effective interception methods, it may be difficult to deal with the sudden attack of multiple targets in such a short period of time.

Similarly, using multiple smart landmines to attack targets covering the same area can greatly avoid blind spots in the attack area, so that the steel balls or shrapnel generated by the explosion can evenly cover every target in the target area. A place, so that the enemies in the area have no way to hide and avoid, and can kill the enemies to the greatest extent.

At the same time, we also have a kind of jumping mine, which can jump up and explode in mid-air when it reaches the target. In this way, even if the enemy lies down to avoid it, he cannot avoid the steel balls and armor-piercing fragments coming from the air. attack coverage.

If you can still survive under such an attack, it can only be said that you are blessed by the gods and your life should not be cut off. He should buy lottery tickets or run for president. Maybe the chance of success for both of them is much higher than the chance for him to dodge these attacks. "


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