Military Technology

Chapter 2169 Intelligent Cluster Combat System

As the two vehicles entered the test site, they discovered more and more various simulated targets. And from time to time, one or two smart landmines would come out of hiding and head straight for the two medium-sized unmanned smart tanks.

These two vehicles responded calmly and with ease. Whether it was a simulated target hidden in the distance or an incoming smart mine, they were all successfully detected and locked for attack and interception.


Seeing this scene, the scene immediately erupted into bursts of applause and cheers.

Just as everyone was applauding, several yellow boxes suddenly appeared on the big screen in the sky, and then it showed that three drones were attacking the two vehicles at full speed.

The on-board intelligent combat systems of these two vehicles immediately identified and confirmed the targets and tracked them in real time. The two vehicles cooperated with each other to form a crossfire, and then intercepted the three drones.

As for these three drones, they also made a series of maneuvers and evasive actions in the air, trying to avoid the interception of two medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicles. However, they had no results. No matter how maneuvered these three drones were, they were all firmly tracked and locked by the system and fell down one by one. Among them, the drone closest to the two vehicles did not show that it had hit and intercepted successfully until it was almost ten meters away from the fuselage. It can be said to be very dangerous.

Although the speed of these three drones cannot reach the speed of air-to-ground missiles, this simulation is also very targeted. You know, air-to-surface missiles are now mainly used to attack some key targets and high-value targets. Nowadays, in addition to guided bombs, the most widely used weapons for common targets are cruise missiles, which are currently very popular in the international arms market and have performed well on many battlefields. Some battlefields have even been used by This weapon is dominated by suicide attack drones.

This kind of suicide attack drone is low in cost, simple to control, easy to carry, highly concealable, powerful and highly accurate. Therefore, it has become the favorite of various countries and even some armed organizations.

Some armed organizations and guerrillas cannot or cannot afford real suicide attack drones. These people have also begun to modify model aircraft and civilian drones themselves, thus creating some home-made suicide attacks. Drones. But relying on this kind of crude weapon has caused those countries that claim to be world powers to suffer a lot and become disgraced.

As a result, this kind of suicide attack drone has become a guerrilla weapon as famous as AK47, RPG, and 115 rocket launcher.

Therefore, a major threat to this medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicle on the battlefield in the future is this type of suicide attack drone. Therefore, Zhou Yonghui and others used drones to simulate attacks, which was no problem.

However, Zhang Jun next to him asked aloud: "Is it just a drone? If anti-tank missiles, air-to-surface missiles, and common RPG rockets attack, this medium-sized unmanned intelligent tank can really Deal with it?"

Hearing Zhang Jun's question, everyone present couldn't help but nodded and looked at Zhou Yonghui. Yes, whether it is smart landmines or drones, their speed in the attack phase is still too slow. That's why this medium-sized unmanned intelligent tank can handle it. If it were missiles and rockets, could this medium-sized unmanned intelligent tank really be able to handle it at such a fast speed?

Seeing the doubtful looks on everyone's faces, Zhou Yonghui was not discouraged, but said with a smile: "Of course it can be dealt with, it can be dealt with completely. And what I can tell you is that we have completed the relevant live ammunition During the test, our medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicle performed very well in the test and successfully completed the test task."

After giving everyone an affirmative answer, Zhou Yonghui softened his tone and continued: "Of course, we can't guarantee that our medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicle will be able to intercept these incoming targets 100%. This is impossible.

No interception can be 100% successful. It still has a certain probability. However, we have improved the interception success rate of incoming targets to a very ideal level. This should be said that we are also at the leading level in the entire industry.

But even so, our such a powerful active defense system will still make mistakes and misjudgments. There are many reasons for launch failure in interception. It is affected by various factors on the battlefield, so the interception success rate is always changing statically.

However, I think that with the current interception success rate, this active defense system is sufficient. And it is equipped on a platform such as a medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicle, so there is no problem.

So in this regard, it has never been a problem. "


Zhou Yonghui took a breath, and then continued to speak to everyone: "Our medium-sized unmanned intelligent tank does not fight alone. It can be networked with nearby gas medium-sized unmanned intelligent tanks to form an intelligent cluster combat system.

Using this intelligent cluster combat system, we can connect all medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicles distributed in the battlefield together, share data in real time, and collaborate together to complete a series of attack and defense tasks.

For example, if there are multiple medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicles on the battlefield, the intelligent cluster combat system will make full use of battlefield resources to form a joint defense system. It can organize these intelligent cluster combat systems on the battlefield into several attack combat groups. , responsible for combat missions in relevant areas.

In addition to performing combat missions, it will also support the air defense system in this area or in this direction. When an incoming missile is detected, the system will automatically organize these medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicles to defend.

Through coordinated command and joint defense, threats and losses can be minimized. If there is a battle damage, this intelligent cluster combat system will also promptly deploy other intelligent cluster combat systems to fill the vacant positions, thereby ensuring the integrity of the entire attack and defense cluster.

In addition to being able to connect with other medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicles on the battlefield to form an intelligent cluster combat system, this system can also be combined with related systems of other units to form an intelligent cluster combat system in the battlefield area. It can maximize the use of the battlefield The various resources above and make full use of these resources.

In addition, it can also use the advantages and disadvantages of multiple devices to complement each other, so that all combat units under the entire intelligent cluster combat system can obtain resource sharing and exert their maximum combat effectiveness. "


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