Military Technology

Chapter 2170 Dangerous Mission Substitute

Bang bang bang bang!

With a victory, the testing work of these two vehicles came to an end. Similarly, the two medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicles used for point-to-point intelligent unmanned off-road testing have also returned to the scene.

Seeing the four medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicles parked neatly together, everyone couldn't help but praise them and looked around the four vehicles carefully.

"In fact, there are many projects that cannot be carried out due to site and conditions. We will actively create conditions to complete them in the future. If there is an opportunity later, the test data and recorded videos of these projects will also be provided for everyone to watch and study.

Thank you all for your personal guidance. That’s it for today’s test project. "Zhou Yonghui thanked everyone in the end.

"The weather is a bit hot. Let's go back early. The vehicles are already waiting there."

Watching the experts leave, only Wu Hao, Zhang Jun and Lin Jiaming were left at the scene. As for Zhou Yonghui, he went to see off these experts.

"It's too boring. Didn't you say there will be a live ammunition test? When will it be done?" Zhang Jun wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked Lin Jiaming.

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Lin Jiaming said with a smile: "This will take time to arrange, because live ammunition is used, so the procedures in this area are relatively troublesome. Otherwise, you and Mr. Wu go there first. Let’s take a rest, have a cup of tea and some fruit snacks or something. After the decoration is completed, you two can come over again. There is no need to stay here in the sun.”

Hearing Lin Jiaming's words, Zhang Jun nodded helplessly, then looked at Wu Hao: "How to say."

Then go take a rest first and let them arrange it. You've come, you've come, so of course you shouldn't have any regrets. Knowing what Zhang Jun was thinking, Wu Hao said with a smile.

good. Only then did Zhang Jun smile, and then he and Wu Hao came over there and took their seats under the canopy that had been set up.

Taking the wet towel handed by the staff, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun wiped the dust and sweat from their faces, and then each took a piece of watermelon and started to chew on it. Don't tell me, the watermelon in this desert is really sweet. Because the weather is dry and the temperature difference between day and night is large, the fructose accumulation in watermelon is very rich, so the taste of watermelon is naturally sweet, sandy, and juicy.

In addition, the watermelon has been soaked in ice water by the staff in advance, so the temperature is just right, which is very refreshing and thirst-quenching.

After drinking two teeth of watermelon in a row, Wu Hao stopped, wiped his hands with a tissue, and then leaned back on the chair to enjoy the leisure time leisurely. Taking a cup of coffee from the staff, Wu Hao drank it slowly.

As for Zhang Jun, after nibbling a few watermelons, he started to change his goal and started eating cantaloupe and grapes. He turned over the food and heard nothing about it.

Seeing Wu Hao looking at the busy technicians in the distance, Zhang Jun turned around and came over. He held a bunch of grapes in one hand, picked one with the other and put it in his mouth. While eating, he said to Wu Hao: "This car Will the market value of medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicles really be as good as they say?”

When Wu Hao heard this, he looked at Zhang Jun and asked, "Why do you ask that?"

Zhang Jun shook his head, and then said to him: "I don't know much about technology, and even worse about weapons and equipment. But after seeing more, I will know how to distinguish which things are good and which ones are worse. .”

Don’t you think this medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicle is bad? Wu Hao asked with a smile.

Zhang Jun shook his head: "I don't think it is bad, but I think its advantages are not obvious enough. Compared with other similar weapons and equipment, it does not have much bright spots. So I am a little worried that it will really be like Zhou Yonghui and others said. There is a market prospect.”

Wu Hao nodded slightly when he heard this: "Actually, this medium-sized unmanned intelligent tank is generally good, and its characteristics or advantages are also obvious. First of all, it has intelligent unmanned driving functions in all-terrain conditions. It should be said that it is very advanced among current products of the same type, including basic products for civilian use.

Not to mention anything else, if this technology alone is applied to the field of civilian automobiles, its market value will be very considerable. "

"Yes, I have also noticed this technology. Can I talk to them later and try to launch this technology as soon as possible. On the one hand, we can seize the cake in autonomous driving, and on the other hand, we can continue to strengthen our capabilities in autonomous driving. Influence in the technical field." Zhang Jun put down his ordinary attitude, clapped his hands, then nodded and said seriously to Wu Hao.

As for Wu Hao, after hearing Zhang Jun's words, he shook his head and said: "Let's not rush this now. This technology has been applied to this medium-sized unmanned intelligent tank. If it is favored by the military, , then these technologies must be kept strictly confidential. If we want to lower them to the civilian market, we must also make some technical adjustments and changes.

So let's see what the military's reaction is first and then make a decision. In addition, there is no need to be so anxious about putting it on the market, just take your time. We will steadily expand our influence in the entire industry. There is no need to be greedy for big things and quick things, but to moisturize things without making a sound. By the time our competitors and other peers in the industry react, we have already gained momentum and any further action they take will be in vain. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun nodded and responded: "That's fine. If we take too big a move, it will easily arouse the vigilance of our peers in the industry, including automobile manufacturers, which will be detrimental to the development of our business. Take it slow, Boiling a frog in warm water, little by little, little things add up, eventually forming a qualitative change.”

In addition, they are doing well in vehicle-mounted active defense systems, vehicle-mounted intelligent combat systems, and the intelligent cluster combat system, and they still have great potential for development. Wu Hao continued with a smile.

It seems that you are very optimistic about this project. Zhang Jun smiled and joked after hearing this.

Not optimistic, but confident. Wu Hao smiled and waved his hands: "The equipment we launched before were too high-end, and the military still needs some weapons and equipment that can stick to the ground.

Moreover, this vehicle is very good in all aspects. It can meet the needs of many troops for regular or special operations, and the cost is still low. It is a very good battlefield consumable equipment and is suitable for a large number of equipment. "

"Yes!" After hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun smiled and nodded: "It is perfect to use it to replace some armored vehicles, tanks, and personnel to perform those dangerous tasks. Anyway, even if it is lost in an attack, It doesn’t cause casualties, it’s low cost, it doesn’t cause people distress, it’s a very good alternative.”


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