Military Technology

Chapter 2171: Strong and calm on the outside, but panicky on the inside

Wu Haozheng and Zhang Junzheng were chatting. Zhou Yonghui over there came over, waved to them and said: "Mr. Wu, Mr. Zhang, the live ammunition test is ready."

Upon hearing this, Wu Hao stood up and smiled at Zhang Jun: "Let's go and have a look."

Zhang Jun smiled and nodded when he heard what he said, and then followed Wu Hao and Zhou Yonghui's leadership to the venue where the live ammunition test was conducted.

At this moment, the entire venue has been arranged by technical staff. Speaking of layout, it means setting up multiple targets in the distance at a distance of about one to two hundred meters to three to four hundred meters. Different from the regular targets they had seen before, these targets were all painted in bright red, which made both Wu Hao and Zhang Jun look puzzled.

While Wu Hao was still thinking, Zhang Jun asked Zhou Yonghui directly: "Why are these targets all red? What's so special about them?"

When Zhou Yonghui heard Zhang Jun's question, he smiled and said: "This is mainly for the purpose of differentiation. In order to better demonstrate the active defense system and intelligent combat system of this medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicle, we plan to make this test all It is carried out autonomously under the intelligent control system of this medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicle.

In other words, we just give instructions, and everything else, from searching and discovering targets, to identifying and locking targets, and then launching attacks and interceptions, are all performed independently by this intelligent control system. Human intervention will not occur unless absolutely necessary.

As for why the target is set in bright red, this is mainly to distinguish the attack targets of medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicles from other conventional targets, so as to avoid misjudgment by the intelligent combat system and protect the scene. Everyone’s safety.

Let me explain here. This is not to say that our equipment and system are not advanced or powerful enough, but to be just in case and to ensure everyone's safety as much as possible. After all, nothing is more important than safety. "

After hearing Zhou Yonghui's explanation, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun nodded. It is understandable that Zhou Yonghui and others have such considerations. After all, this is a live-fire test, or is it left to the system to independently determine the attack, so it is natural to be on the safe side. Otherwise, if the system misjudges and attacks people, things will really happen.

While explaining, Zhou Yonghui took the two of them and several entourage behind a large bulletproof glass. This bulletproof glass is very thick, about three to four centimeters thick, and five or six square meters in size. The other party was able to transport such a piece of bulletproof glass to the scene, which was quite a hassle.

Looking at their curious looks, Zhou Yonghui immediately explained: "This piece of bulletproof glass is usually placed at the test site for observation during live ammunition tests. This live ammunition test is more dangerous, so we use it for observation." .

The performance of this piece of bulletproof glass is very reliable. It can withstand close range shots from 12.7 mm bullets, so everyone can rest assured. If anyone is worried. There are two homogeneous steel plates standing next to it, each with a back of four centimeters. These two steel plates are enough to withstand the close range shooting of the 12.7-caliber bullet used for the test.

In addition, we also have a trench about two meters behind everyone's position. When an emergency danger occurs, security personnel will escort everyone into the trench to protect everyone's personal safety. Of course, this is only done in extremely urgent circumstances. Normally, this is not needed. "

Seeing Wu Hao and Zhang Jun nodding, Zhou Yonghui immediately continued to introduce to the two of them: "Okay, let me introduce to you two the content of our live ammunition test today. Our live ammunition test today is mainly divided into two parts. One part It is a precise search for these red targets in the venue to confirm the attack.

In addition to the red targets in the venue that everyone can see, we have also set up some hidden remote-controlled targets. These targets will suddenly appear and stand up, thus testing the response capabilities of our medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicle and intelligent combat system. .

In addition, we have also prepared several small target drones to test the performance of the active defense system of this medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicle to see whether it can intercept the attacks of these target drones. "

This is so enjoyable. Let’s start quickly. I can’t wait. Zhang Jun said excitedly, holding the telescope in his hand.

Zhou Yonghui smiled and nodded, then looked at Wu Hao. Seeing Wu Hao indicating to start, Zhou Yonghui immediately gave the order to start the exercise.

For the sake of safety, their observation position was about thirty meters away from the medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicle that was going to undergo a live-fire test. Therefore, through this bulletproof glass, they can clearly see the details of this medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicle.

As the exercise command was issued, the intelligent control system of this medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicle was started, and a buzzing sound was seen on the weapon station on the door of the vehicle. This was the weapon station conducting self-inspection. But even so, Zhang Jun and several of his entourage were shocked.

After all, it was live ammunition, and the distance was so close. Although Zhou Yonghui and others emphasized that there was no danger, they still became inexplicably nervous when they heard such a noise.

In fact, Wu Hao was nervous in his heart, but on the surface he appeared very calm. After all, in front of so many subordinates, he naturally couldn't show his fear. Compared with Wu Hao's calmness, his accompanying security personnel were a lot more nervous. They stood behind Wu Hao, their bodies tensed, and their eyes fixed on the medium-sized unmanned intelligent tank in front of them. I was prepared to pounce on Wu Hao for protection if something abnormal happened to the car.

The system started, and on the large screen hanging on one side, the detection screen of the environment perception system of this medium-sized unmanned intelligent tank appeared.

Didi didi!

With a few beeps, the red targets on the shooting range were quickly identified and marked, and the yellow boxes for tracking the selected targets also turned red.

Da da da!

Just when everyone was still thinking about the next reaction of this medium-sized unmanned intelligent tank, the loud sound of heavy machine gun fire was heard in their ears. The sound made a daily noise, as if it was exploding in their ears.


Shen Ning and two other girls who were following Wu Hao couldn't help but scream when they heard the sound, then covered their ears and tried to hide behind the others.

As for Wu Hao and Zhang Jun in front, things didn't go well either. Zhang Jun's legs shook, which clearly showed his psychological reaction at that time. As for Wu Hao, it was not easy either. Although he was strong and calm, he was quite panicked inside.

Everyone then looked into the shooting range, and saw that as the heavy machine gun on the weapon station on the medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicle opened fire, the targets in the test field ahead were all torn to pieces.


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