Military Technology

Chapter 2172 A loyal partner on the battlefield

Da da da!

The heavy machine gun on the weapon station on the medium-sized unmanned intelligent tank does not fire continuously, but fires in bursts very rhythmically. Basically, it maintains the rhythm of connecting two rounds or distributing connected points, and it is very accurate and basically Just shoot up and hit the target, even if it is a target hundreds of meters away!

The accuracy is so high! Zhang Jun couldn't help but give a thumbs up when he saw this.

Seeing this, Zhou Yonghui explained with a smile: "This also relies on the fire control system on our medium-sized unmanned intelligent tank. It can calculate and modify the ballistics in real time, which can increase the hit rate of the first shot of the weapon to 100%. Ninety and above.

At the same time, this fire control system can also be switched at will according to the different weapons it is equipped with. In other words, with a fire control system, we can control different weapons, such as heavy machine guns, light machine guns, grenade launchers, and small-caliber Artillery, rockets, missiles and more.

The reason for this design is also to meet the needs of combat on the battlefield, so that soldiers at the grassroots level can quickly and conveniently replace the weapons and equipment they carry at any time according to their own combat needs, thereby meeting combat needs in a targeted manner. "

When the fixed targets were almost beaten, some moving targets and some hidden automatic targets also appeared one after another.

Da da da!

With three rapid bursts of fire, a target modified by a remote-controlled car in a test field was shot to pieces, with parts flying around. And a target hidden behind the stone was also broken into pieces along with the stone.

The 12.7mm bullet can hit the rocks in the Gobi Desert like a tachyon piercing tofu, easily.

If there was really a person hiding behind this rock, he would probably be torn to pieces by this machine gun and these large-caliber bullets. Even if he was not hit directly by the bullet, the broken stone fragments were enough to seriously injure the man.

At the same time, several small target drones appeared in the sky. The system immediately made an identification and determination, and after confirming that these target drones were not friendly, the system immediately marked and locked these targets, raised its machine gun, and began to attack and intercept these target drones.

And these target drones, relying on their speed, began to perform stunts in the air, and then dived towards the medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicle.

Ta da da...ta da da...

Compared to being calm and unhurried when dealing with ground targets, this medium-sized unmanned intelligent tank became a little nervous when the opponent encountered aerial targets. It automatically and quickly hit the aerial targets, building up a barrage.


A target drone in the sky was directly loaded with barrages, then burst into flames, then burned and fell.

As the two flames lit up, the other two target drones were also hit in the air and turned into fragments, scattered.


Upon seeing this, Zhang Jun immediately cheered and applauded, and everyone at the scene also applauded. As for Wu Hao, he nodded slightly and slowly clapped his hands.

Da da da!

After dealing with the air threat, this medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicle immediately lowered its gun barrel and continued to attack other targets left behind on the battlefield.

Seeing this, Wu Hao immediately asked Zhou Yonghui who was accompanying him: "It seems that this system regards air targets as the biggest threat and then prioritizes them, right?"

Zhou Yonghui heard his question, then nodded with a smile and said: "To be precise, this system prioritizes attacking the most threatening targets. This includes not only air targets, but also ground targets.

Thinking about the situation just now, the system judged that the three targets attacking from the air were the greatest threat, so it prioritized the response. It will continue its mission only after the danger has been dealt with.

To put it simply, this system prioritizes targets that pose a threat to itself, and then other targets.

To sum up, the active defense system takes priority over the intelligent combat system and performs tasks while preserving itself. Of course, the order of the two can also be adjusted. For example, if the task requires it, it will give priority to completing the task. "

Speaking of this, Zhou Yonghui took a breath, and then changed his tone and said: "Of course, this mode is not eternal. During the combat process, when the system determines that the target must be eliminated, or the target it detects If the target value or weight is higher than itself, then the system will automatically switch to focusing on destroying the target, at the expense of itself.

The intelligent control system of our medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicle is open and editable. Users can freely edit relevant instructions and logic programs according to their own needs and combat needs. "

"In addition, with the intelligent control system of this medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicle, it can continuously adapt to the combat style of the troops in cooperation with the troops, thereby constantly learning and adapting to its troops and soldiers. fighting style.

In this way, during the execution of tasks and operations, the cooperation between the two parties will be more tacit. To put it simply, there is a clear understanding and clear division of labor.

To give a simple example, when a combat team is equipped with this medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicle and is groping forward in a town, the intelligent control system of this medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicle can be responsible for some tasks according to the commander's instructions. Targeted alert and defense tasks. And can decisively launch attacks in emergencies to attack hidden enemy personnel who attempt to launch a surprise attack on them.

In addition to active attacks, it can also undertake some battlefield surveillance and reconnaissance tasks. When a dangerous target is discovered, it will track, identify and monitor the target while quickly reporting to the commander. And it can dispose of relevant targets by itself, or it can dispose of targets under the command of the commander.

Our goal is to create a loyal partner who can truly understand commands and perfectly cooperate with the soldiers in combat, rather than a cold machine that can only execute some control instructions. "

Hearing Zhou Yonghui's introduction, Zhang Jun nodded and showed great appreciation. As for Wu Hao, he shook his head slightly.

Looking at the puzzled expressions of Zhou Yonghui and Zhang Jun, Wu Hao said with a smile: "I think too much. Sometimes the grassroots soldiers don't need such a partner who understands emotions, they just need a cold machine that can execute orders." .

For these soldiers, having feelings will affect their judgment in emergencies. Originally, this was a machine, a machine that could replace soldiers in performing dangerous missions, and a machine that could block guns.

Instead of letting soldiers treat it as comrades and brothers, this is irrational. It's about brotherhood and comradeship, but it also has to be divided. I hope that all the weapons and equipment of our company in the future will not be equipped with emotions. They are just weapons and equipment, not a "person" with some emotion. In many cases, humans are the most unreliable animals. "


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