Military Technology

Chapter 2173 Bullet Case

Refusing to allow robots to have emotions and ideology is something Wu Hao and the others have been insisting on. Especially for this kind of weapons and equipment, this principle must be adhered to.

Only weapons and equipment without emotions and ideology, always remain rational. If you have emotions and ideology, then weapons and equipment may also rebel, which is absolutely not allowed.

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhou Yonghui and Lin Jiaming said yes again and again. Wu Hao had already emphasized this issue in an internal meeting. He would like to remind them this time to prevent them from making some seriously inappropriate actions.

Although the company's management of project research and development is relatively free, it does not mean that everything can be involved or studied. All research projects and topics must comply with relevant national laws, ethics, social conventions and company regulations.

Bang bang bang bang...

Amidst applause, the live-fire test came to an end. This medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicle has also stopped designing, completed mission entry and exit, and turned on the weapon system insurance.

Immediately, several engineers came forward with their suitcases to start inspection and maintenance. Wu Hao and the others originally planned to go forward, but they were stopped by security personnel and on-site staff. Only after ensuring that this medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicle is safe enough and that the heavy machine gun in the weapon station has no live ammunition can they go out from behind the bulletproof glass and get close to this medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicle.

It wasn't until the engineers gave them the OK gesture that Wu Hao and Zhang Jun walked out from behind the bulletproof glass and came to the medium-sized unmanned intelligent tank.

Weapons engineers have removed the bullet chain from the heavy machine gun in the weapons station to ensure that there are no bullets in the heavy machine gun and avoid the possibility of accidental triggering.

Therefore, a dispersible bullet chain is used, so again, there are many black bullet chain connectors scattered around, as well as large-caliber bullet casings.

Although the 12.7mm caliber heavy machine gun bullet is less than twice the size of the 7.62mm caliber rifle bullet, the cartridge case is several times larger, and each cartridge case is almost as big as the palm of your hand.

Because the shooting had just been completed, the high temperature generated by the deflagration of the ammunition on these cartridge cases had not yet receded. Two engineers were holding small brooms and carefully cleaning the bullet casings and bullet chain connectors.

Carefully clean each cartridge case and keep records. Zhou Yonghui gave instructions to the staff. After speaking, he smiled at Wu Hao and Zhang Jun and explained: "We applied for these ammunition from the relevant departments. The application is not difficult, but the procedures and processes are relatively strict, especially in terms of safety control. strict.

Every bullet and cartridge case we shoot must be recycled, and these cartridge cases can be replaced with new ones when applying next time. "

Speaking of this, Zhou Yonghui said with a wry smile: "Like today's fixed-position shooting test, it is easier to collect these things. But if it is a mobile shooting test, it will be more troublesome to collect these shells.

At the beginning, in order to collect bullet casings, we mobilized many people to go to the Gobi Desert to collect them. After struggling for a long time, the numbers just didn't match up. In the end, I had no choice but to bite the bullet and report the truth.

The leader was also reasonable and did not pursue the matter. He just asked us to make preparations in advance. After all this, we learned to be smart. If it was a mobile shooting test, we would hang a shell collection bag on the ejection window of the weapon station, which would save us a lot of trouble. "

So picky, they still have to take back these bullet casings. Zhang Jun couldn't help but smile and joked after hearing this.


Hearing Zhang Jun's teasing, everyone present chuckled. Zhou Xiangming smiled at him and explained: "It's not about deductions, it's mainly about safety management.

These bullet casings are scattered here, and it is very likely that some people will come to pick them up. In this case, on the one hand, it will increase the difficulty of our management of the test site and create safety risks.

In some places, pickers or children will do everything possible to avoid our security inspections, hoping to pick up more bullet casings. But this can easily bring great danger to them. If they appear on the shooting range during our live-fire test, the consequences will be disastrous.

In addition, of course there is no problem if these bullet casings fall into the hands of ordinary people, but if they fall into the hands of bad people, they are likely to be reloaded and then used to commit crimes.

You know, the most important craftsmanship of a bullet is on the cartridge case, and it is not easy to process. It is not easy for bad guys to make them. If they can easily obtain these bullet casings, they may modify them and use them to commit crimes. "

Hearing Zhou Yonghui's explanation, Zhang Jun gradually turned serious from his joking smile. He looked around, and then said to Zhou Yonghui and the others: "The safety management of the test site must be strengthened. There is no safety hazard." It’s a trivial matter. We cannot cause casualties among the people because of our insensitivity and negligence, let alone allow the bad guys to succeed in their conspiracy.”

yes! Zhou Yonghui and Lin Jiaming responded after hearing the sound. Zhou Yonghui smiled at them and said: "In fact, our safety management at the test site has been improved a lot.

To enter the test site from the outside, you need to go through three fences. We set up a smart sentry system at the fence to monitor everyone who approaches. In addition, there are aerial surveillance drones that continuously search the entire area every day to prevent anyone from evading the smart sentry system and sneaking in.

Before each live-fire test, we also conduct a search of the test site and broadcast warnings to ensure that no people or animals are staying there before we start the live-fire test.

Except for the working technicians and testers who are allowed to enter, other personnel cannot enter here without permission. Therefore, there is no problem with the security and confidentiality here. Please rest assured. "

Hearing this, Zhang Jun nodded and looked at the endless desert next door. He couldn't help but smile and asked in a relaxed tone: "In this barren land with no grass growing, what other animal is there, a camel?"

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Zhou Yonghui laughed and said: "We didn't believe it at first, but in fact, animals in nature are more powerful than we imagined.

In this desolate desert Gobi, it might take three days, no, one day to finish playing here. But the animals are able to survive here tenaciously.

There are not only wild camels here, but also dozens of animals such as gazelles, antelopes, wolves, lynxes, foxes, etc. In recent years, with the continuous improvement of our environment, especially the increasing area of ​​lakes formed by water diversion projects, many animals have migrated from distant places. Therefore, you can often see various animals around our base. "


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