Military Technology

Chapter 2174 The life in the Gobi Desert is endless

"But because of the explosions and gunshots just now, these animals are probably hiding now. Moreover, these animals are nocturnal, so they are basically invisible during the day."


After hearing Zhou Yonghui's words, Wu Hao smiled and nodded, looking at the endless desert and the dots of drought-tolerant plants in the distance, he couldn't help but sigh.

"I hope that through our efforts, this place will eventually become a fertile soil, an oasis, and a paradise for animals and plants. Instead of being a desert when we came and a ruin when we left."

Hearing his words, Zhang Jun and Zhou Yonghui couldn't help but nodded in agreement. Especially Zhou Yonghui, Lin Jiaming and the others, perhaps because they have stayed here for a long time, they really like it now, like the desolation here, the vastness here, and the little bits of life that are difficult to survive in this cruel environment.

When a person is in a very simple environment, he himself will also become very simple. They will be moved by a very simple thing, and they will also be sad by a very simple thing.

There is a public welfare animal protection and rescue team in the base, which was privately initiated by the employees. Originally, it was just a chat group established by a few little girls to rescue the small animals that strayed into the base, as well as those injured. Later, as more and more people joined the group, this small group gradually grew and grew. With the support of the company's relevant craft funds, such a non-profit animal rescue team has been established, and an animal rescue station has been set up in the base.

These people will use their spare time to regularly drive around the entire base and the surrounding desert and Gobi areas to rescue injured or stray animals. In addition, they will invite professionals from local animal rescue stations and forest police departments to give lectures. Some people have also learned animal rescue knowledge at their own expense and obtained relevant certificates.

It is said that once again, several little girls in the rescue team rescued a small bird. The bird should have been equipped with wires, and then fell directly with its wings in its hands. They found it when they were out patrolling, and brought it back to the rescue station for treatment. They took good care of it, but unfortunately, the little bird died due to disease.

This made these little girls so sad that some of them burst into tears. As if it was their fault for not saving the bird's life. This scene was also recorded by the team's teammates with cameras and posted to the company's internal community and some external platforms. It quickly attracted people's views, likes and comments, which also attracted the attention of these little girls and this public welfare company. The animal protection and rescue team became a little angry.

Let many people know that there is such a kind-hearted public welfare animal protection and rescue team deep in the desolate Gobi Desert.

After looking around for a while, Wu Hao turned to Zhang Jun and said, "Let's go, the test is over."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun nodded. Wu Hao, on the other hand, turned to Zhou Yonghui and Lin Jiaming and said, "Keep working hard. I hope to see your wonderful performance at the weapons and equipment technology promotion meeting."

You can rest assured that we will continue to work hard and strive for a more outstanding performance at the conference. Zhou Yonghui responded to Wu Hao.

Hearing Zhou Yonghui's words, Wu Hao smiled and nodded, then waved to Zhang Jun, and the two of them walked towards the motorcade in the distance, one after the other. As for Zhou Yonghui and Lin Jiaming, they were watching the two of them inside. There was still finishing work waiting for them. Moreover, the test has ended, so there is no point in them continuing with Wu Hao and the others.

Wu Hao and Zhang Jun came to the car one after another. Wu Hao, who was about to get in the car, suddenly stopped there. Seeing this, Zhang Jun couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong?"

Wu Hao heard this and turned to Zhang Jun with a smile and said, "Do you want to go for a ride in the desert?"

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun's eyes lit up, and then he showed a look of eagerness to try and said excitedly: "Let's go, who is afraid of who? I just want you to take a look at my driving skills.

It's you, you haven't driven by yourself for a long time, can you handle it on this road? "

Bibi? Wu Hao did not refute, but said in a provocative tone towards Zhang Jun.

Who is afraid of whom? With that said, Zhang Jun immediately got into an off-road vehicle, and Wu Hao also walked to an off-road vehicle and asked the driver to sit on it next time. Shen Ning immediately sat on the passenger seat after seeing this, while the two security personnel also quickly got into the back seat and sat down.

Wu Hao turned to Shen Ning and said, "If you change the car, I will be very upset in a while."

This is exciting. You can drive it as you like, I can bear it. Shen Ning's eyes also showed excitement and she said with a smile. Wu Hao shook his head helplessly when he heard this, and then stopped trying to persuade him. You know, when this girl just came to work, she drove a sports car. It has only been in the past two years that I have calmed down my temper and become more gentle and dignified.

Not to mention, I haven’t driven by myself for a long time, so I’m really not used to it. After getting familiar with the car, Wu Hao immediately started the vehicle.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Jun, who was behind, immediately drove up to Wu Hao's side, aligned with his car, then opened the car window and shouted at Wu Hao: "I'm leaving first!"

With that said, he refueled and the vehicle sped away, its tail bringing up bursts of sand and dust.

Upon seeing this, Wu Hao quickly closed the window, then put the car into gear slowly, released the handbrake, then released the brake and stepped on the accelerator, and the vehicle rushed forward quickly!

It's really fun to drive the car on this vast desert Gobi. Although it's a bit bumpy, it gives people a sense of pleasure, as if they want to release the long-suppressed stress and displeasure in racing.

You know, in normal times, they don't have such an opportunity to drive a vehicle so crazy. This may also be the reason why many people like off-road vehicles and off-road vehicles. Because it is unrestrained, because it is free enough!

However, there is one thing that makes Wu Hao slightly regretful, that is, this car is an automatic transmission instead of a manual transmission, which makes the whole driving less fun. There is no way, this is also the development trend of the automobile industry in recent years. There are fewer and fewer vehicles with manual transmission, and the vast majority of vehicles have automatic transmission. And more and more vehicles are equipped with assisted driving, and some vehicles even have high-level assisted driving functions.

Perhaps in the future, as relevant regulations are implemented, more and more vehicles should begin to have automatic driving functions. At that time, the vehicle will really not need a person to drive it, nor will it need a steering wheel, and the driver's profession will also disappear.

Wu Hao and Zhang Jun drove an off-road vehicle speeding across the vast Gobi desert, dragging two long "tails". Behind them were some accompanying vehicles. They followed closely behind the two vehicles and silently escorted them.


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