Military Technology

Chapter 2175 Something happened!

Wu Hao and Zhang Jun, who returned to the base, did not rush to the restaurant to eat. Instead, they went directly back to the base hotel and asked the hotel to prepare a few simple meals, and they ate a little together.

The reason why they came directly to the hotel was that they received news on the way that Zhang Tao and others had launched an operation and captured Qiu Nansheng, Huang Haitao and the others.

The reason why Zhang Tao and the others were able to act so quickly was mainly due to the smooth progress of the investigation of this case. After considering many factors, Zhang Tao and the others decided to arrest them. They would first control these people and then slowly conduct interrogation and investigation.

Another reason that prompted Zhang Tao and the others to arrest him so quickly was because they had reliable information that Qiu Nansheng and the others might want to use the Internet to send some of the stolen information overseas. If it is not stopped immediately, once this information is sent overseas, it will bring serious losses to Haoyu Technology, the entire society, and the country, and may even threaten national security and other serious consequences.

In view of the urgent situation, that's why they arrested all this group of people so quickly. Next, the matter will be handed over directly to them, regardless of what Wu Hao and the others have to do.

Zhang Tao and the others were busy detecting the virus, so they did not come to say goodbye to Wu Hao and the others. They just said something on the phone. Wu Hao understood this and he didn't care about these things anyway.

In the room, looking at the disappointed expressions of Zhao Jiaping and Wang Xi, Wu Hao smiled and comforted: "Okay, let others handle this matter, they are the professionals.

As for us, we can’t relax just because everyone has been caught. We also need to do the aftermath work that needs to be done. In addition, we must learn from the lessons of this incident and check for loopholes to avoid this happening again. "

Yes, I promise it won't happen again. Upon hearing this, Zhao Jiaping immediately spoke out and assured.

When Wu Hao heard what the other party said, he shook his head slightly and said: "As long as our company is still open, this kind of thing is unavoidable. Just be moderate and don't make the whole company panic.

You two should work together. You can decide the specific scale yourself. I only look at the effect. "

yes! After hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhao Jiaping and Wang Xi immediately responded.

Wu Hao waved his hand and motioned for the two of them to get down. He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief after the two left. He couldn't let go if the group didn't catch them.

As for Zhang Jun, who had been silent, he couldn't help but sigh after the two left, then stood up and said to him: "I'm going back to the room."

Take the time to rest, we are going to the Institute of Automation Machinery Technology in the afternoon. Wu Hao told Zhang Jun.

knew. Zhang Jun waved his hand and left the room.

Wu Hao, who felt a little sleepy, didn't think about anything else and went straight back to the bedroom to lie down on the bed and rest.

But this sleep didn't last long, and he was woken up by the ringing of the bell. Logically speaking, he would not hear the bell during a nap. In order not to disturb his rest, all incoming calls should have been answered by Coco.

You can still hear the ringtone, which means that it is either urgent or the call is from someone you know, enough for Coco to give up intercepting the person.

Sensing that Wu Hao had woken up, Coco's voice came from its transparent folding device.

Sir, I'm sorry to disturb your rest. Please answer the call from Miss Lin.

Lin Wei's, Wu Hao was stunned for a moment, then picked up the transparent folding device on the bedside table and unfolded it, and Lin Wei's figure was immediately displayed inside. Lin Wei in the video is wearing a white suit with a light blue women's shirt underneath.

However, Wu Hao was soon attracted by Lin Wei's red and swollen eyes and sobbing voice, and he woke up instantly.

Wu Hao, who sat up on the bed, looked at Lin Wei, who had red eyes in the drawer in the video, and asked quickly: "What's wrong? What happened?"

Wu Hao, woo woo woo...

Hearing Wu Hao's inquiry, Lin Wei, who was holding back, could no longer control it and broke down and cried bitterly.

Don't cry, don't cry, what happened, tell me, I am responsible for everything.

Wu Hao, where are you? Come back quickly! In the video, Lin Wei cried and complained to Wu Hao.

Seeing this, Wu Hao quickly comforted him: "Be good, don't cry. I'm still in the northwest, and I'll be back today. Tell me what happened, and we'll find a solution together."

Wu Hao tried to ask Lin Wei while comforting her. After letting Lin Wei calm down for a while, seeing that her mood had stabilized, Wu Hao asked again.

But this time, Lin Wei finally controlled her emotions, and then cried to Wu Hao: "My brother, he, he, he..."

Speaking of this, Lin Wei started to cry again.

Lin Lei, what happened to him? Wu Hao felt inexplicably relieved, but he still asked quickly.

Seeing that Lin Wei was still crying, Wu Hao said to Shen Ning in the video: "Hey, stop crying. What's wrong? Tell me quickly and let's find a solution together. If you don't say anything, I can only follow and worry. But it was of no use at all.

The more you are at this juncture, the more you have to be strong, you know, everyone is watching you. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin Wei wiped her tears with her hands, then took a deep breath and said to him: "Lin Lei went out to play with friends today and got into a car accident."

"There was a car accident. How was he? Did he escape the danger? Was he sent to the hospital?" Wu Hao, who heard about the car accident, hurriedly asked.

Hearing Wu Hao's inquiry, Lin Wei started crying again. This gave Wu Hao a headache. How could such a strong, confident, and resolute woman become so fragile at this juncture?

After thinking about it, Wu Hao calmed down, and then said to Lin Wei on the phone: "Okay, you can't solve any problems by crying now. Tell me quickly, what's wrong with Lin Lei? Has he been sent to the hospital? What do you need me to do?" "

Hearing Wu Haona's tough words, Lin Wei was stunned for a moment, then adjusted her breathing, and then said to him: "It was the local police who called us. The person has been rushed to the local hospital for treatment by the local 120.

But Lin Lei, Lin Lei's situation is not optimistic. The entire car rolled directly down the mountain road to the foot of your mountain more than 200 meters away. The entire car has been severely deformed. "

Speaking of this, Lin Wei wanted to cry again, but after taking a look at Wu Hao's expression, she held back and continued: "Because the car and people rolled down the mountain, the rescue road was not smooth. By the time the rescuers arrived, they had already It's a few hours later.

The girl who was sitting in the passenger seat of his car has passed away directly, and Lin Lei, Lin Lei..."

Speaking of this, Lin Weiru couldn't continue talking. This made Wu Hao anxious and very helpless.

Of course, he could understand Lin Wei's reaction. Anyone who encountered such a thing would become as panicked as Lin Wei.


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