Military Technology

Chapter 2176 Shortcut Program

"Notify the captain that I will return to Anxi immediately and ask them to prepare the plane immediately." Wu Hao said to Shen Ning who was coming.

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Shen Ning did not ask, but immediately nodded and started making arrangements.

Zhang Jun on the side heard this and immediately said to him: "Aren't you going to inspect the Mechanical Technology Research Institute in the afternoon? Are you not going?"

Wu Hao shook his head: "Lin Wei needs me now!'

After his patient questioning and calling his father-in-law, he finally figured out the whole story. His brother-in-law, Lin Lei, drove to the mountains with a few friends today. Maybe because he was young, he drove too fast and when he was trying to avoid oncoming traffic, the car suddenly ran off the road.

On a hillside of more than 200 meters, no, it should be said to be a cliff. The car rolled directly from the road halfway up the mountain to the stream below.

The girl sitting in the passenger seat was too seriously injured and died without waiting for rescue. But this kid was lucky enough to survive until the rescue team arrived.

However, his condition is also very pessimistic, with multiple fractures throughout his body, internal bleeding, and organ and tissue damage. If the rescue team had arrived a little later, the boy might have died directly.

The rescuers used tools to dismantle the already deformed car, rescued him from the car, and then put him on a stretcher. After the rescuers took turns, they finally carried him onto the road and into the ambulance. .

The ambulance didn't have a unit, so it rushed all the way to the local hospital. Although the emergency doctor managed to stabilize his condition, the boy's situation was still very dangerous. If he didn't have surgery as soon as possible, he could die at any time.

After receiving the news, the father-in-law and mother-in-law were extremely anxious. While driving to the local hospital, they called their daughter, Lin Wei. After receiving the news, Lin Wei was even more helpless and could only cry and call Wu Hao.

Mr. Wu, the captain said that they have gone through the shortcut procedure and the plane will take off in forty minutes. Shen Ning put down the phone and reported to Wu Hao.

Pack up and let's go to the airport. Wu Hao ordered to Shen Ning.

yes! Shen Ning responded and started to pack it up.

Wu Hao, on the other hand, turned to look at Zhang Jun and said, "What are your plans? Should you go back with me, or play for a few days before going back."

Nonsense, you're gone, what's the point of me staying here. Speaking of this, Zhang Jun said to Wu Hao: "Speak up if you need to!"

Wu Hao nodded when he heard this. At this time, the transparent folding device in his hand rang again.

Wu Hao glanced at the caller and then answered the call: "Uncle, how are you now?"

I just received a call. Why did they tell us that we don’t have to go? Lin Honghan's anxious voice came from the phone.

Hearing what his father-in-law said, Wu Hao smiled and consoled him: "Don't worry, it's like this.

Because Lin Lei's injuries were too severe, the local hospital had limited conditions and was unable to provide further treatment. So I contacted Anxi Hospital Affiliated to the Air Force Medical College and informed me of the relevant situation. Ask them to send the hospital's helicopter to the local area to take Lin Lei directly to the Linghu Medical Research Center of Anxi Hospital Affiliated to the Air Force Medical College for emergency surgery. The surgical expert team has already begun preparations, and Lin Lei will be able to perform the surgery when he arrives. "

Great, thank you, thank you! The phone call came from his father-in-law's repeated thanks, which made Wu Hao feel a little embarrassed while feeling emotional.

Don't worry, good people have their own destiny, Xiao Lei will be fine. Wu Hao comforted him, and then said: "You and your aunt should go directly to Linghu Medical Research Center. Xiaolei will probably be sent here soon.

I have the plane ready to take off and will be back soon. "

You're busy with your business, there's no need to rush back. When the father-in-law heard this, he quickly declined.

As for Wu Hao, he replied: "At this time, Xiaolei's safety is the most important. You and your aunt should take good care of yourself. I asked Weiwei to wait for you over there. She was very anxious, and when she called me Cry again if you are too excited."

This child... After hearing Wu Hao's words, the father-in-law sighed on the phone.

After a few words of comfort to his father-in-law, Wu Hao immediately hung up the phone.

Here, Shen Ning has finished cleaning up. Wu Hao waved his hand upon seeing this. Everyone immediately walked out of the hotel, got in the car, and went straight to the airport.

In the car, Wu Hao rubbed his temples slightly, and then said to Zhang Jun: "If we leave in such a hurry, it will definitely cause everyone's uneasiness. In this case, please make a few calls to explain to them."

Zhang Jun nodded when he heard this: "Don't worry, just leave these things to me. You can concentrate on handling family affairs."

Thanks for your hard work. Wu Hao nodded, then closed his eyes and began to think.

Relying on their close cooperative relationship with the Anxi Hospital Affiliated to the Air Force Medical College, when Wu Hao made the request, the other party did not refuse, but immediately agreed and began preparations.

Relevant experts have also arrived at the Linghu Medical Research Center by car. Together with experts from the research center, they will form a medical expert team specifically responsible for treating Lin Lei.

Not to mention other things, this kind of treatment is probably only available to some important people.

The vehicle parked directly next to the special plane. Wu Hao, who got out of the car, hurriedly walked onto the special plane. After they boarded the plane, the cabin door was closed and the business jet began to taxi slowly.

Generally speaking, airplanes cannot take off at will, especially business jets that need to take off and land at the airport, and the management is even stricter. Not to mention the domestic air congestion, all flights are strictly sequenced.

Even with the fast-track procedure, it is impossible to get approval to take off so quickly.

But, who makes Wu Hao and others special? Firstly, this airport is special. It is Wu Hao's private airport and is not open to the public, so naturally there is no need to line up to take off. Secondly, this is a business jet. Business jets or private jets have priority to take off and land at any airport.

The third thing is their close relationship with the Air Force and the Civil Aviation Administration. So when they knew that Wu Hao was going to rush back to Anxi to deal with an emergency, they naturally gave him the green light to go all the way.

Otherwise, not to mention other things, even if they jump in and want to land at a busy airport like Anxi, they will probably have to wait in line in the air for an hour or two.

After taxiing on the runway for a while, the special plane took off smoothly. As for Wu Hao, he couldn't help but sigh. To be honest, it doesn't make much sense for him to go back now. But he still had to rush back because it represented an attitude.

Especially when Lin Wei was so helpless and sad, he had to rush back to accompany her. This was the responsibility of a man, a boyfriend, and a partner.


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