Military Technology

Chapter 2177 The brother-in-law seeking death

In the past, after getting on the plane, Wu Hao would choose to rest for a while, or if he had work, he would immerse himself in the work for a while. But this time, Wu Hao, who got on the plane, did not do anything else, but kept in touch with Lin Wei in a timely manner to learn about the latest situation of his brother-in-law.

Judging from what he has learned, the medical helicopter from Anxi Hospital Affiliated to the Air Force Medical College has flown to the county hospital where the accident occurred. Lin Lei was also escorted by doctors to a helicopter and then urgently transported to Linghu Medical Research Center.

The specific extent of the injury is unclear as no further diagnosis and treatment has been carried out. However, it is very serious. There was a danger in the process. Fortunately, he got emergency treatment from the doctors at the hospital and was finally out of danger.

Although his condition is relatively stable, Lin Lei is still not out of danger. It can be said that his condition may worsen at any time and lead to his death.

Lin Wei, Lin's father and Lin's mother also became very helpless. Although they are all so-called successful people with huge wealth, they are high-ranking social elites. But in this critical moment of life, they seem to be as helpless as ordinary people. But the difference is that they don't have to think about money, money is not a problem for them.

But sometimes money is not everything. Even if you have money, you may not be able to keep your life.

After learning about Lin Lei's accident, many people rushed to the hospital, including Yang Fan who was in the company and Lin Wei's best friend Zhou Xi. Zhou Xilai naturally cared about her best friend and came to accompany her. As for Yang Fan, on the one hand, it is of course due to personal relationships. Lin Wei is his good friend and his soon-to-be sister-in-law. When such a big thing happened, he naturally had to be there to care, especially when Wu Hao was not around.

On the other hand, he also received a call from Wu Hao, asking him to come to the hospital to help coordinate and see if there was anything he could do to help.

In fact, this also shows an attitude. Yang Fan couldn't change anything when he came to the hospital, because there were already too many people here. Friends and relatives of Lin's father, Lin's mother, Lin Wei's friends, Wu Hao's friends, the entire reception hall was packed with people. That's it, under strict control of the number of people.

So even if Wu Hao doesn't come forward, these people can arrange all aspects of things properly.

Of course, these people don't need to worry at all, because Wu Hao has already made arrangements over the phone. A team of top medical experts in Anxi has arrived from various hospitals and has begun to study treatment plans based on the preliminary diagnosis cases made by the county hospital.

And here, Linghu Medical Research Center is itself a relatively advanced medical institution in the entire northwest, even the entire country, and even the world. If there is nothing we can do here, then there may not be anything we can do elsewhere.

So now Lin Wei, Lin's father and Lin's mother have placed their hopes on this team of medical experts. However, from the look on Lin's father's face after he went in to communicate with the expert team, it can be seen that the situation is not optimistic. This is also Mother Lin and Lin Wei were even more devastated.

"Brother Hao, I'm at the hospital. The helicopter has taken off from there. It will arrive here in about half an hour." Yang Fan said to the screen in the video.

Wu Hao nodded when he heard this, but when he saw the moving crowd behind him and the noisy voices, he couldn't help but frowned: "Where are you? Why are there so many people?"

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Yang Fan showed a wry smile: "They all came here after hearing the news. There are friends, relatives and business partners of Mr. Lin and Sister Wei, as well as your friends."

It's like there are so many people crowded here. Let's all go. Tell them that I understand. This is a hospital and it cannot affect the normal order of the hospital. Having said this, Wu Hao paused for a moment, and then continued: "Go and tell my father-in-law to come forward. We can't go on like this, otherwise the impact will be too great."

OK Yang Fan nodded and responded after hearing his words.

After ending the call, Wu Hao couldn't help but shook his head: "These people are really like flies. They swarm here with a little smell."

"Haha, it's normal, it's human nature."

Zhang Jun smiled and asked, "How is your brother-in-law doing?"

Wu Hao shook his head and sighed: "The situation is not very optimistic. It's hard to say whether we can survive it."

Speaking of this, Wu Hao showed a helpless expression and said: "This kid deserves it. He goes out with his gang of gangster friends and races on the mountain road. It will be strange if nothing happens.

The accident investigation results of the traffic police over there have been preliminary. The driver of the oncoming car did not have much responsibility. He took the main responsibility. The traffic police conducted blood tests on several of his friends and found that their blood contained alcohol. Preliminary judgment is that the accident should be caused by drunk driving. "

This is really seeking death, and you are really unlucky to have such a brother-in-law. Zhang Jun smiled and joked.

Okay, stop gloating. This kid usually looks okay, and he doesn't look like the kind of incompetent gangster. I didn't expect that this time he would actually cause such an accident and risk his own life. Wu Hao glanced at Zhang Jun and then said.

This is often the easiest time for things to happen. Zhang Jun said something, and then said to him: "I'm afraid this matter will get out soon. You have to imagine how to deal with it."

It's not a glorious matter, let the public relations department handle it, suppress the matter as much as possible, and don't spread it randomly. Wu Hao turned to Shen Ning and said.

Okay, after hearing this, Shen Ning was about to deal with it when she heard Wu Hao's voice and thought about it again.

Wait, it's not easy for our company to get involved in this matter. In this way, you contact Wei Media and ask their public relations department to come forward to handle this matter, just say it is what I mean. They are also in the media anyway, so they should handle this matter more professionally than us. Wu Hao thought for a while and then added to Shen Ning.

That's right, it's really hard for us to come forward in this matter. Zhang Jun also nodded in agreement.

That's why you have to keep a low profile. Wu Hao said to Zhang Jun: "We will get off the plane in a while and we will go separately. You go back to the company directly, and I will go to the hospital."

Don't you need me to go? I should go and take a look at such a big thing. Zhang Jun spoke up.

We don’t need this little time. Our goal is too big. If we are caught by those reporters, it will be even more troublesome. Wu Hao explained to Zhang Jun.

Okay, I'll go there another day. Anyway, they're all in Linghu, so it's relatively close and convenient. Zhang Jun nodded, then thought about it and said to Wu Hao: "No matter how calm this matter is, someone will still spread it. So our attitude is particularly critical, especially when it involves the second generation of rich people, wine racks, And the death of a female companion must be handled with more caution."

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao waved his hands and said: "You can handle it as you want, we will never interfere. But the most important thing now is to save this kid's life first, and we will talk about the rest later."


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