Military Technology

Chapter 2182: Life is the most important thing, let’s talk about other things

When Lin Honghan heard Wu Hao's self-centered words, he couldn't help but patted him on the shoulder. He had heard Lin Wei talk about Wu Hao's childhood, but not in such detail, and he had never heard it from Wu Hao's mouth so deeply.

You can imagine how such a child must feel after encountering such a big change.

I'm fine. Wu Hao wiped his tears and then continued: "As the days go by, my life gradually becomes normal, and I have become accustomed to not having my mother.

After about a year or so, my father suddenly brought back another woman and told me how this woman would be my mother.

I looked at this woman who called my name affectionately, and the anger and grievance in my heart suddenly burst out, and then I slammed the door and walked out. This woman is Zhang Xiaoman, my current stepmother.

I couldn't accept it at the time. Although my father tried many times, this stepmother was also very good to me. But I still can't accept her, let alone such a father.

So I rejected this family very much, and it even started to get bad for a while. My mother is gone, so what's the point of studying well? I just indulge myself.

Then he was dragged back by his father and beaten violently. The more he beat me, the more rebellious I became. It wasn't until I entered junior high school that I moved directly into the dormitory from home.

Although my junior high school was not far from my home and could be a day school, I still moved into the dormitory because I wanted to get away from this home. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused for a moment, and then continued: "This should be a change for me, and it is also thanks to my father. He did not continue to let me indulge. Instead, when I was in junior high school, I spent money through connections. I was sent to our key junior high school.

The environment can change a person. Without that kind of environment, plus I was living in a dormitory and the management was strict, so I couldn't go out to school. Feeling bored, I had no choice but to study. Unexpectedly, my grades gradually improved. By the time I took the high school entrance examination, I was able to get into key classes in key high schools with very high scores.

After that, I became more independent. I was basically at school during the school day. During the holidays, I went to work-study, worked as a network administrator in an Internet cafe, and wiped the keyboard. I worked as a salesperson in the market and sold mobile phones. I went to the supermarket to do sales promotions and moved goods to the warehouse.

At that time, I probably couldn’t speak to my father for more than a year, because I tried to avoid direct contact with him as much as possible.

My stepmother is very good. She always takes care of me. Under her guidance, my sister also likes to pester me very much. This should be regarded as the white moonlight of my youth, because whenever I was insulted or wronged by my father, my sister would always come to comfort me, and my stepmother would always take care of me secretly.

That's how it went until college. When I was in college, I let myself go more freely. I didn't go home much, I was always outside, and I also did holiday work during holidays. When I was a freshman or sophomore in college, I even thought about breaking away from this family and severing ties.

During my junior and senior years, I never went home. But at this time, it was mainly because I was busy, and the resentment in my heart had long since turned into concern.

Although I have never known my stepmother for so many years, with everything she has done for me over the years, I have long regarded her as my mother. I also began to understand why my father found me a stepmother so quickly.

It's not because he is lonely, or because he can't bear it, but because he is worried about me, worried that no one will take care of me when I am young, and afraid that when I am young, I will not have a mother and will be bullied by others. As a young child overseas, I had no one to love me, and I had no one to tell me when I was wronged.

So he found a wife for himself and a stepmother for me. "

"What really made me reconcile with him was probably when I came home after graduating from college. When I saw his figure, all the previous hesitations disappeared. My father handed it over naturally without any stiffness. , the slightest estrangement.

Over the years, whether I believe it or not, I have actually accepted them in my heart and forgiven him a long time ago. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and then said to Lin Honghan: "I have said so much, not to make you feel miserable, nor to use this method to make you feel better. But. I want to tell you that no matter what the outcome is, no matter what Xiaolei will become in the future, he will not blame you.

In our memory, the deepest impression is always love, without a trace of resentment. "

Lin Honghan nodded, then patted Wu Hao's shoulder and said in a hoarse voice: "Thank you!"

Wu Hao shook his head slightly when he heard the words.

The two of them stopped talking, but continued to wait quietly. At this time, Dean Liao and Mr. Sun walked in front of Wu Hao and Lin Honghan. When the three of them saw this, they quickly stood up.

Mr. Wu, the patient’s condition is not very optimistic. Dean Liao preached to Wu Hao.

Hearing this, Lin Honghan's expression became solemn again, and then he said hoarsely with a trembling voice: "Doctor, what's going on? What's the problem?"

Dean Liao looked at Mr. Sun after hearing this, and Mr. Sun couldn't help but sigh, and then led the three of them to the big screen, and then asked the young doctor to demonstrate.

"After further investigation, we found that the patient's left eye had an intraocular rupture and the damage was relatively serious, and he may need eyeball removal surgery. In addition, we found during debridement the patient's left leg femur fracture, There is severe compression in this area, which has caused damage to some muscle tissue, and it is very likely that the leg will need to be amputated.

In addition, some of the patient’s organs and tissues are severely damaged, which may cause..."

After hearing Mr. Sun's introduction, Lin Honghan's face became more and more ugly, and in the end, his whole person collapsed.

Looking at Lin Honghan who was a little overwhelmed, Wu Hao said very calmly to Mr. Sun and Dean Liao: "Please do your best to treat him, save his life first, and let's talk about the rest.

If the left eyeball cannot be saved, it will be removed. We have a smart bionic electronic prosthetic eye. Once he recovers, we can transplant it to him and it will not affect his normal life.

As for the left leg, try to save it as much as possible. I have already brought the company’s bio-3D printing organ and tissue technology team over. You can communicate with them to see if it is possible to transplant and repair this artificial tissue to save this leg.

If it really can't be saved, then amputate the leg. I have also brought together our technical team for smart bionic artificial organs and smart bionic electronic prostheses. You can communicate with them at any time and choose the best and most reasonable treatment plan.

In terms of internal organs, we also have relevant laboratory intelligent bionic artificial samples. If you really can't keep it, then take these samples. "


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