Military Technology

Chapter 2183 Choice determines life and death

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin Honghan trembled and then looked at Wu Hao. After staring at Wu Hao for a while, he seemed to have made some important decision, then nodded and said: "No matter what method you use, please save my son's life first."

Dean Liao and Mr. Sun were stunned for a moment when they heard this, then looked at each other and shook their heads.

Mr. Sun said: "To be honest, I have heard about your smart bionic artificial organs, and I have also seen your related clinical trial cases. But those smart bionic electronic organ transplants are all carried out after sufficient preparation, and they are still Transplantation of a single smart bionic artificial organ.

This time, in an emergency situation, the patient's vital signs were extremely unstable. If you do it under such circumstances, you will undoubtedly be trying to rob people from the ghost gate and ghost messengers.

The risk of doing this..."

Mr. Sun had not finished what he said. Wu Hao and Lin Honghan naturally understood the implication of his words.

But this time Wu Hao didn't speak, but looked at Lin Honghan. He is Lin Lei's father, a family member and a parent in the legal sense. Only he has the right to make this decision.

Seeing Wu Hao's glance, Lin Honghan did not answer directly. This was related to his son's life, so every decision he made was crucial and determined life and death.

He lowered his head and was silent for a while, then he raised his head and looked at Wu Hao, Mr. Sun, and Dean Liao with firm eyes and said: "Please save my son's life first. No matter what method is used, as long as he keeps his As long as we live, we will be responsible for all other consequences."

Lin Honghan's ability to say such words also showed great trust in Wu Hao. Otherwise, he would not have made such a decision.

After hearing Lin Honghan's words, Wu Hao couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. If Lin Honghan hesitates or is worried about eventually rejecting, then there is nothing he can do. Although he agreed to Lin Wei, he couldn't argue or fight with Lin Honghan just for this. This was very irrational behavior.

As for Dean Liao and Mr. Sun, they looked at each other with a look of helplessness and solemnity.

Dean Liao said directly to Wu Hao: "We have limited experience in the technology of intelligent bionic artificial organs and 3D bio-printed organ tissues. I am afraid that this aspect still requires the participation of your company's expert team, and then work with our treatment team Let’s discuss research on treatment options.”

Wu Hao nodded and said, "No problem, my team of technical experts is on standby outside. They can join in at any time."

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Dean Liao nodded and said to Mr. Sun: "Mr. Sun, why don't we suspend the operation first, and let's discuss and study with them before deciding on the subsequent treatment plan."

Speaking of this, Director Liao said to Wu Hao and Lin Honghan: "The difficulty of treating the patient this time is very high. Let me tell you something you don't want to hear. If it were other patients, or in other hospitals, the patient's current condition In such a situation, we should probably place our hope on the patient’s own tenacious life.”

Dean Liao's words were very tactful, but both of them, including Lin Wei's uncle, understood it clearly. If it were other patients, they would certainly not enjoy such treatment. I'm afraid that no one was there long ago in that county hospital, or during the long-distance transfer process. Even if he is sent to a big hospital in time, the rescue doctors may be overwhelmed when faced with such a serious injury.

Wu Hao and Lin Honghan nodded after hearing this, while Mr. Sun glanced at a few people, nodded slightly and said, "I'll go to the operating room first, communicate with Director Tong and the others, and finish the rest of the surgery. First maintain the patient's vital signs, and then we will study the next treatment plan.

But no matter what, a decision must be made as soon as possible. Every second of delay increases the patient's risk, so follow-up treatment plans must be come up as soon as possible. "

After speaking, Mr. Sun walked out with his two young students. Dean Liao, on the other hand, said to Wu Hao: "Mr. Wu, no matter what happens, please rest assured that our hospital will do its best."

Thanks. Wu Hao nodded and thanked him.

Over in the operating room, Mr. Sun, who was neatly dressed, and two assistants entered the operating room. They first observed the progress of the operation, and then communicated with the leading director Tong and other experts.

However, because the microphones were turned off, Wu Hao and the others were not sure what they were communicating. It's just that some experts looked here frequently, and Wu Hao could roughly judge their reactions from their expressions.

Mr. Sun stayed in the operating room for more than thirty minutes. During that time, Director Tong came down from the operating table and gave up his position to other doctors nearby. While wiping his sweat, he and several experts glanced at the glass, and then walked out of the operating room with Mr. Sun and the others.

Soon several people appeared in the observation and study room. When Dean Liao saw this, he smiled at Wu Hao and the others and introduced: "Mr. Wu, Mr. Lin, let me introduce to you. This is Director Tong, the chief surgeon. This is Director Zhao, this is Director Liu..."

After the introduction, Director Tong was the first to speak: "Mr. Wu, we have been longing for your intelligent bionic artificial organs and 3D bio-printed organ tissue technology for a long time, and we did not expect to have such a cooperation opportunity.

You can rest assured that we will do our best to treat this patient. This is our bounden duty. "

Thanks. Wu Hao and Lin Honghan quickly thanked them.

"The patient's condition is very unstable now. Let's stop talking and get to the point." Director Tong said directly.

Upon seeing this, President Liao greeted everyone: "Let's go to the small conference room next to it. That's what we prepared for the surgical consultation experts."

Everyone nodded and walked out. Wu Hao greeted the others and then walked out of the operating room accompanied by Wu Jiuzhi. Everyone waiting outside stood up immediately after seeing Wu Hao.

Lin Wei and Mother Lin excitedly rushed to Wu Hao and asked anxiously: "Xiao Hao, how is Xiao Lei doing now?"

"Auntie, don't worry. Xiao Hao's condition is relatively stable now. Next, we need to conduct a condition consultation. I came out to call them technical experts." Wu Hao pointed to a few people wearing laboratory white clothes over there. Technical experts in lab coats.

Wu Hao looked at the leader, a balding young man in his thirties, and asked, "Zhixin, have you brought everything?"

The young man named Zhixin gestured to the stainless steel boxes placed on the two carts behind him and nodded: "We have all called, and the laboratory is also ready to deal with other situations at any time. If necessary If so, we can make modifications in the laboratory at any time so that it can be applied to patients faster.”


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