Military Technology

Chapter 2184 Joint consultation

Wu Hao nodded, and then called to several people: "Time is urgent, come in, we will have a consultation immediately to discuss the next treatment plan."

After saying that, Wu Hao gave Lin Wei and Mother Lin a reassuring look, then turned and walked out. The group of experts at the back also pushed two carts in under Wu Hao's greeting.

Everyone came to this small conference room. Dean Liao, Mr. Sun, Director Tong, several expert doctors, and Lin Honghan all stood up.

Upon seeing this, Wu Hao introduced to everyone: "This is Huang Zhixin, he is the deputy chief engineer of the intelligent bionic electronic organ technology team. This is Qin Ziheng, he is the person in charge of biological 3D printing technology. The following few Everyone is a member of their team.”

After the introduction, Wu Hao introduced the expert doctors present to Huang Zhixin and Qin Ziheng. After a few pleasantries, Wu Hao went directly to the topic: "Time is urgent, let's start now. You will discuss it next, and I will listen as a family member. Don't worry about us. Just tell us what we need to do."

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin Honghan, who was sitting next to him, nodded and expressed the same attitude and determination.

However, his words were not recognized by everyone. Dean Liao smiled at Wu Hao and said: "Mr. Wu, who doesn't know that you are also a technical master in this field? It would be inappropriate for you not to participate."

Hearing what Dean Liao said, Director Tong, who was sitting opposite them, also nodded and said: "Although you are a family member, you should avoid suspicion. But at this time, it doesn't matter anymore. As an authoritative expert and technical master in this field, no matter what You should get involved no matter what.”

When Wu Hao was about to speak, Lin Honghan on the side also said to him: "Xiao Hao, there is no need to have any worries, let alone any taboos. Say whatever you want, we believe you."

Wu Hao heard this and looked at Lin Honghan. Seeing the determination in his expression, Wu Hao nodded slightly and said, "Don't worry, I will try my best."

Okay, let's start the meeting. First of all, let's ask Director Tong to introduce you to the latest condition. The meeting was chaired by Dean Liao. Everyone knew the general situation of Lin Lei, so we stopped wasting time on this and went directly to the topic.

Director Tong nodded and walked to the big screen to introduce to everyone: "I believe you all know the patient's general condition, so I won't talk nonsense here.

Next, I will focus on several traumas that need attention on patients, which are also the most dangerous places.

The first was a craniocerebral injury. The patient's head was hit, resulting in a skull fracture and a head epidermal hemorrhage. In addition, through the 3D digital human body model generated by MRI, we detected bleeding points in the parietal and occipital lobes of the patient's brain. Fortunately, the amount of bleeding was not large, so it did not cause serious life danger, but the situation was very serious. not optimistic.

We have already performed antihypertensive treatment on the patient's brain, but there is currently no good treatment for these two bleeding points. Because of general cerebral vascular bleeding, we will use interventional surgery for interventional treatment, which has good results, low risk, and less trauma. However, the bleeding point in the patient's brain cannot be treated with interventional surgery, so craniotomy can only be performed to remove it.

This surgery is not particularly urgent, but should be scheduled as soon as possible. Because we still don't know whether these two bleeding points compressed the patient's nerve tissue. If the pressure is applied for a long time, it is likely to cause some functional impairment to the patient, which will cause great trouble to his recovery and subsequent life.

There is no way to repair brain damage, so this damage is irreversible. "

At this point, Director Tong signaled to change a picture, and then continued: "Next is the patient's left eye. It was not obvious at first, but after our exploration, we found that the eyeball had been ruptured, the fundus was bleeding severely, and the intraocular pressure was It has reached thirty-five, and there is basically no possibility of saving it. Therefore, in order to avoid the pressure on the brain caused by the continued increase in intraocular pressure, as well as the possible infection and discomfort, we need to perform eyeball removal surgery on the patient in time.

In the future, if the intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eye developed by Mr. Wu and others can be used, it can also replace the basic vision of the left eye, and life will basically not be affected. "

Speaking of this, Director Tong glanced at Wu Hao, and then continued: "Next, the left leg is more troublesome. At first we thought it was just a fracture of the femur, but after we debrided it, we found that the fracture in the left leg There was a relatively serious crush injury. In other words, this femoral fracture was not caused by impact, but by crushing.

The extruded tissue is already necrotic. If there is no good treatment plan, then we can only perform amputation. If the limb is not amputated in time, once the condition worsens, it is likely to have a serious impact on the patient's already fragile vital signs. "

Speaking of this, Director Tong glanced at Qin Ziheng, who was sitting there and remained serious and calm. After Qin Ziheng noticed Director Tong's gaze, he nodded slightly to indicate that he had heard clearly.

Upon seeing this, Director Tong continued: "Although the previous injuries are more urgent, they are not the most urgent. Next, I will introduce the most important part of the torso.

The first is the lungs. Because several ribs were fractured, the patient's lungs were also squeezed and impacted to varying degrees, resulting in internal bleeding, lacerations, and trauma.

We have used ECMO to replace the patient's lung and heart functions. While replacing the original cardiopulmonary function and maintaining the patient's vital signs, we can also relieve the pressure on the patient's lungs and heart, allowing them to rest and recover.

At present, the treatment of lung trauma is relatively ideal. If serious infection does not break out, the prognosis should be good. But it's only good. I'm afraid it won't be possible to restore the original lung function.

Of course, it is definitely okay to maintain a normal life, but distance exercise is definitely not allowed. "

At this point, Director Tong continued: "The next thing is the patient's heart. The trauma is very serious. When the patient rolled down the cliff in the car, the patient was greatly frightened, and the heart also suffered many injuries during the impact. The big shock caused multiple tissue tears. We have performed surgery on the heart, but..."

Speaking of this, Director Tong paused for a moment, and then said: "We need to observe its recovery. If the recovery is not ideal, then the only way is to perform heart transplant surgery."


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