Military Technology

Chapter 2195 Well, am I going to die?

Chapter 2196 Well, am I going to die?


After hearing what he said, the three people in front of them all nodded and looked better.

"Huh!" Lin Wei rolled her eyes at him with some dissatisfaction, obviously very dissatisfied with him for taking so long to give the answer.

At this time, the mother-in-law Lin Mu suddenly said: "Do you want to tell Xiao Lei about this decision?"

Wu Hao and Lin Wei were both stunned for a moment, and then looked at Father Lin. Father Lin couldn't help but sigh after hearing this, and then said slowly: "Tell me, Xiao Hao is right, his life should be his own decision. If he makes other decisions, we must respect him."

After hearing Lin Honghan's words, Wu Hao and Lin Wei also nodded. Indeed, it would be better to let Lin Lei know about such a life-threatening matter. And such an important decision must be made by him. After all, surgical treatment and postoperative recovery require the cooperation of the patient. If Lin Lei is unwilling or resists, it will have a serious impact on the surgical treatment.

As doctors, they cannot ignore the wishes of patients, not even family members.

Although I decided to tell Lin Lei, how to tell him and which way to tell him were also problems. So on this issue, they specifically consulted Director Tong and others. After discussing with them, they finally decided that it would be better for the four of them to inform them together. After all, in terms of blood relationship, the four of them should be regarded as the closest people to Lin Lei. Although Wu Hao is not related by blood to Lin Lei, he is still Lin Lei's brother-in-law. In addition, he is the boss of the teams working on these two technologies and is also an expert in new technologies, so he has to participate both emotionally and rationally. Go in.

In order to enter Lin Lei's intensive care unit, Wu Hao, Lin Wei, and their father-in-law and mother-in-law all put on protective suits and masks. In addition, the medical team outside is also waiting to prevent Lin Lei from getting emotional after hearing the news and to deal with any unexpected situations in time.

Seeing the four people coming in together, Lin Lei, who had been lying on the hospital bed for more than half a month, seemed a little happy and greeted the four people.

Seeing him trying to get up, Lin's father and Lin's mother hurriedly went to help him, while Wu Hao adjusted the hospital bed so that Lin Lei could sit up with his upper body.

"Sister, brother-in-law, why are you here together today?" Lin Lei said happily when he saw them raising their hands.

Why, are you unhappy that we are here together? Lin Wei raised her eyebrows and looked at him and asked.

When Lin Lei heard this, his head shrank and he shook his head quickly: "No, no, I will definitely be happy for you to come."

"Haha, we happen to be free today, so we came together." Wu Hao replied, and then asked: "Xiao Lei, how are you feeling now?"

Hearing Wu Hao's inquiry, Lin Lei said with a smile: "I'm already well, but they still won't let me move to the general ward. I can't move or do anything in here. I'm almost suffocated.

By the way, brother-in-law, when can I wear your smart bionic electronic prosthetic eyes and smart bionic electronic prosthetics? Did I call them by the wrong name? "

"That's right." Wu Hao shook his head and said with a smile: "It's all ready for you, our latest generation product. I took a back door and used the resources of the laboratory to tailor it specifically for you, and there are also It will add many functions that other devices do not have.

For example, we have implanted the functions of our smart AR and VR glasses into this smart bionic electronic prosthetic eye customized for you. In this way, you can use these two devices anytime, anywhere without outsiders noticing.

In addition, we have also added many other features, which you need to explore on your own. "

"Really, that's great." When Lin Lei heard his words, he immediately wanted to do it excitedly, but just as he was about to get up, he lay back down again, with a look of discomfort on his face.

"Lie down quickly, don't get excited, don't get excited." Mother Lin quickly persuaded from the side.

"Don't worry, these things are specially customized for you and cannot be taken away by others. Once your body recovers, you can wear them. I believe you have seen the relevant information, whether it is wearing smart bionic electronics Both prosthetic eyes and smart bionic electronic prostheses require a learning and adaptation process, which will be relatively long. You must persist in this aspect and have confidence in yourself."

Lin Lei promised him again and again: "Brother-in-law, don't worry, I won't give up."

"Well, I believe you." Wu Hao nodded and said with a smile.

Lin Lei looked at the four people on the hospital bed with a smile, but when he noticed the sadness on the faces of his father, mother and sister, he couldn't help but smile and said seriously: "Mom, dad, sister, brother-in-law, If you have anything, just tell me directly, there is no need to hide it from me. Come together and see what must have happened to me, that, me, am I going to die? "

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Mother Lin's face tightened when she heard this and she immediately organized.

"What nonsense are you talking about? You are living well." Lin Wei also said quickly.

"Then why are you hesitating? Tell me, I am already twenty-three and not a child anymore. I can bear it no matter what." At this point, Lin Lei looked at his empty eyes with his only remaining right eye. The left leg showed a hint of loneliness and said: "Is there any outcome worse than what I am doing now?"

After hearing Lin Lei's words, the faces of the father-in-law, mother-in-law and Lin Wei who were standing beside the hospital bed also darkened.

Father Lin put his hand on his son's shoulder, patted him twice and comforted him: "Who said that, my son is always the best, he is my pride, and the pride of our whole family. "


Hearing Lin Honghan's words, Lin Lei trembled, tears fell down involuntarily, and cried: "I'm sorry!"

"It's all over, it's over!"

Lin Honghan comforted softly.

Lin Lei wiped the tears on his only remaining right eye with his right hand, and then summoned up the courage to say to the four people: "Just tell me what is going on, and I will fully cooperate."

After hearing Lin Lei's words, the four of them were silent for a moment. Father Lin said to Wu Hao: "Xiao Hao, it's up to you to speak. Your words are the most accurate and intuitive."

Hearing Father Lin's words, Lin Wei and Mother Lin also nodded and looked at him. Lin Lei looked at him and smiled expectantly: "Brother-in-law, just tell me, I believe you."

Wu Hao showed a helpless smile when he heard this, then nodded and could only bite the bullet and said: "Actually, this is a good thing. Currently, our technical team has proposed a new treatment plan for your heart problem. This set of The plan will use a new technology that, if successfully used, will completely solve your heart problems.


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